Over Hyped game that you played and didn't like it


New member
May 28, 2008
Oblivion. Mind you, I played it a few years after it came out, and it felt like it just aged so poorly. Even if I had played it on launch though, I found it somewhat boring. I didn't like the conversation system, it took me like eight hours just to find a house to put my crap in, everyone looked and sounded the same to me, minus their races.... It goes on.

Borderlands too. If it wasn't co-op, I wouldn't even have bothered finishing it. The enemies were repetitive, the world felt bland to me, and the selling point of having thousands of gun variants was lost on me because three or four hours into the game I found ones that I never really found anything better than.

I mean, I don't think they were BAD games. They just weren't for me and didn't meet my expectations at all.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
fallout 3: i usually try and finish games even if i dont like them but after the 15th fucking time i get killed by bikers because i was walking from the vault to the city i just said screw it. add to that lack luster combat and a needlessly complex skill system yeah very over hyped.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
AlphaEcho said:
Ryotknife said:
AlphaEcho said:
TehCookie said:
Halo. Not only did I find it to be a terrible game, it influenced the years to come and made most mainstream games suck.
Halo = Interesting story, colorful environments, does not try to be realistic.
CoD = Pulled-out-of-ass-think-as-we-go-along story, brown and grey, tries to be realistic and falls flat on face.
Mainstream = Pulled-out-of-ass-think-as-we-go-along story, brown and grey, tries to be realistic and falls flat on face.

meh, i found halo environments to be rather bland (metalic cubes mostly)

story in Halo1 was alright (actually I'll say that for the timeperiod halo 1 story was actually very good.....for a shooter), goes downhill from there. It was better when the Covenant and Flood were these seemingly invincible factions and all of your struggles are laughable until you found the one ***** in their armor that they care about. At which point their invincible mask comes off and replaced with desparation.
That tells me you never actually looked into the plot for more than half a second. Good day.
okay, so i embellished a bit.

sue me.

and yes, i played halo 1 quite a bit. even beat it on legendary (last time ive done that though). But halo 2 and Halo 3 storyline were worse.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Half life 2. I played an hour or two and I hated it so much, and I wondered why anyone would even consider it good, much less the best game ever. 4 months later I tried it again, started having a lot of fun and played through it, and both episodes in 1 day.


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
Mimsofthedawg said:
ung... I just stopped reading after the first two sentences.

Listen people, there are certain factors inherent to gaming that can be determined with a basic understanding of the development process, as well as looking at previous entries into a franchise. From those things, it's quite easy to conclude whether or not a game will be better than another. PARTICULARLY when the game the unreleased game's being compared to is so horrible.
Quite frankly, I'm getting really tired of people worshiping Skyrim like it's the second coming of Christ, and proclaiming it game of the year when it isn't even out yet. I hated Oblivion... it was boring, and it was just something I couldn't get into at all. But I'm not going to run around like some smarmy jerk with a superiority complex, telling people that it "doesn't deserve to be uttered in the same breath" as other games I love. There isn't a universal law saying that everyone has to like what you do. And just because you don't like it, that doesn't make the game "horrible".


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
Street Hacker. A text-based hacking game that was all the rage in my personal gaming circle (comprised of five other RPG and simulation fiends), but that required an INSANE typing speed to nail even the slowest, easiest mission.

Add to that anything by eXosyphen Studios (BS Hacker and the like). They're nigh-unplayable.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. What a piece of rubbish that was.
Also, Resistance 2.
Also, Black ops.
Also, your mother's potato salad.


New member
May 20, 2009
Warhammer Age of Reckoning: I was so let down by this game... I will never forgive Paul Barnett.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
(though the game just came out) Battlefield 3

Pick it up at midnight expecting Bad Company 2 with a graphical upgrade and different story. What I got was a bunch of campers, crapy hit detection and physics that make a shotgun blast to the face less lethal than falling 20 feet out of a window.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Bioshock 2
MGS series
Battlefield 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Resident Evil 4
Dead Island
Dark Souls
Dragon Age


New member
Aug 27, 2011
GTA4 was overhyped...most games are better then GTA4....it wasnt bad but did not nearly live up to the hype


New member
Nov 2, 2009
I really tried to get into Oblivion, but I had been spoiled by the Gothic series (yes, even the third one) by the time I got to play it, so it was impossible.

I must be one of three or four people around the world who are not losing sleep while waiting for Skyrim. I am much more excited by Risen 2 coming out next year. In the meantime, I'll just keep playing New Vegas (and yes, I can see the irony).


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
AlphaEcho said:
TehCookie said:
Halo. Not only did I find it to be a terrible game, it influenced the years to come and made most mainstream games suck.
Halo = Interesting story, colorful environments, does not try to be realistic.
CoD = Pulled-out-of-ass-think-as-we-go-along story, brown and grey, tries to be realistic and falls flat on face.
Mainstream = Pulled-out-of-ass-think-as-we-go-along story, brown and grey, tries to be realistic and falls flat on face.

Absolutely terrible characters (In both design and personality) and boring level design, and a few things that wouldn't be bad in one game but became popular because of it: regenerating health, linear levels, space marines, and the worst offense, shooters on consoles. Those controls are just terrible compared to a mouse and keyboard. It's like people who enjoy it never played a good shooter on a PC. I can't even say anything about the story besides the intro wasn't good enough to make me want to deal with the shitty gameplay. TBH I only played it for an hour before I dropped it and avoided it like the plague, but if I drop it in an hour it has to be a really bad game because I can stand a lot of crap in games for a good story.

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
octafish said:
Kieran Villoth said:
All the CoD games except 4, all the Halo games except Reach, all the Gears of War games, all the God of War games except the first, Bioshock 2, Oblivion, Doom 3, World of Warcraft, Dead Space...I can go on forever.
I can see why you may have liked CoD4, it is enjoyable enough, but what was wrong with CoD and CoD2? I thought those were better than Four. Then again I didn't burn out on WW2 like some others, I only played Brothers in Arms for that Ghost Recon Lite experience. EDIT: I'm thinking single player here because I was late to the party with the COD games so maybe CoD and CoD2 had super sucky multi?
No, they both had amazing multiplayer and single player in their prime. United Offensive had the best multiplayer in the entire franchise, bar none, as far as I'm concerned. People praising MW as the only good Call of Duty don't know shit about Base Assault on Foy and probably think China Town was a new map in MW.

I'd be willing to bet that a large number of people condemning the entire franchise either never played the 1-3, or they only did at such a later time that they were extremely dated. And if they say that Call of Duty has always been "Hurp durp Amerikkka saves the world." You know they're a lying bastard.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
believer258 said:
EDIT: And The Ocarina of Time.





OT: I was honestly disappointed with Oblivion. I only really played it to completion because I'm an achievement whore and OCD when it comes to completing games.

Also, the Gears of War series. Very bland. Typical "Oh noes! Big bugs attacking mankind and only WWE rejects with chainsaw guns can beat them down."

And Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I liked Assassin's Creed 1 and 2, but Brotherhood was boring as all hell...And those Desmond parts? Ugh...

Edit: Oh. And Halo. God I hated Halo...