Over Hyped game that you played and didn't like it

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
Starcraft 2. I gave the game an honest shot after being a gigantic fan of Brood War and the original Starcraft but it just wasn't happening. I also didn't care for WoW.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
Bioshock, Arkham Asylum (Spelling?) Modern Warfares, Battlefields, The Hitman Series, Team Fortress 2 (Post-Free-to-play), World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, The Witcher (1, havent played 2) and finally, Final Fantasy 13.

Gmans uncle

New member
Oct 17, 2011
I'm gonna have to say Oblivion as well, that stupid leveling up system, most towns all being accessible from the start, defeating the purpose of a big world, the psychic law enforcement making it impossible for me to go about ma' usual thievin' ways, to me it was nothing more than a not-as-good version of Fallout 3

on the plus side, it looks like Bethesda's ditching all that crap in Skyim! HUZZAH!


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
Halo Y gears of war... utterly boring and uninteresting... I can't recall a single characters name, a single plot point, a single set piece... it all blends together onto one disappointing stew of boredom...

Elder Scrolls 4... there maybe be a whole lot of interesting quests and the story and characters maybe deep but the road to get to them is arduous, frustrating and unbalanced...

Call of duty... boring and predictable single player, unbalanced and annoying multiplayer...

Uncharted... its everything i hate about "cinematic" games... just utterly unforgettable...

Fear... they just fail at horror in every sense of the word...

Jimmy Sylvers

New member
Aug 30, 2011
It's really interesting to see all of the games that people don't like. Some of my fav. games are the most hated here, it seems. I'd like to see what games some of the people here actually like based on the length and breadth of their dislikes.

I couldn't finish the Witcher

Spore was utterly disappointing

The two newest Prince of Persia games weren't great either

Mass effect took a while to get into but it turned out to be good enough.

I'm also unsure about fallout 3 which I have finally got around to playing.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
Pokemon Black and White. Quite possibly the first installment in the franchise that didn't out do its previous (or a remake, for that matter). I get that there are people who enjoy the franchise and will swallow any scrap of meat that Gamefreak throws at them, but you still need to demand better.

I'm waiting for the Ruby and Sapphire remakes.


New member
Oct 25, 2011
Both Doom3 and Rage were totally overhyped and delivered nothing but old 90ies trigger-and-spawn enemies that just go mad at you when they see you.


We dont need megatextures, we need megaGAMEPLAY


Echappe, retire, sous sus PANIC!
Apr 24, 2008
Oblivion, Bioshock, Fallout 3 would probably be the top 3. I don't think any of the other games I didn't like were as hyped as those ones.

Even then, I didn't dislike them utterly. They just didn't really float my boat.


New member
Dec 6, 2009

Post apocalyptic (well, not really, but you get the vibe of it) survival action RPG where looting and sniping is very much required? How could I not love it? I still have no idea why, but I ended up stopping an hour and a half in with a bitter taste in my mouth. Played Call of Jaurez 2 after that, freaking loved it, but tell that to people after CoJ3.

(Captcha: tiffex of Melanie. Gonna name a weapon this in my next DnD game, confuse the hell out of everyone)


New member
Mar 1, 2011
frankly i was very disappointed with Portal 2. Sure the characters were entertaining, but the puzzles were just ridiculous. I don't think there was a single room that took me more than 2 or 3 minutes to complete. Its a prime example of how excessive focus testing ruins a game. It is obvious that they had players who walked in starting throwing portals at random never progressed and got frustrated. So they started getting rid of places to screw up, until it became totally impossible to fail. There isn't a single space of portal-able wall in the entire game that doesn't have a specific purpose. The game isn't about figuring out a solution, but putting the blocks back in the correct order. Its essentially a maze with no dead ends, how is that fun?


New member
Aug 1, 2011
Gears of War 3

I could only play an hour of this game. With all of the bitching that the so called "gaming journalists" have done because of the lack of innovation, there is no way this game should be swimming in 9/10 and 10/10's as well as boasting a 92% on Metacritic. THERE IS NOTHING NEW IN THIS GAME! It is the exact same thing that Gears of War 2 was.

Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Some of the worst controls I have ever dealt with...nuff said.


New member
Oct 26, 2011
Rage. Sucks shit. Bioshock. More of a chore then fun. Gears of War 2-3. Deus Ex. Uhhh, Mass Effect 1-2, just didn't hold my attention. Dragon Age 1-2, same thing with Mass Effect. Left 4 Dead two. They ruined the fuck out of that game. Left 4 Dead didn't win all those awards after they changed it, pffft, catering to the noobs. Thats all I can think of right now.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
CrimsonBlaze said:
Pokemon Black and White. Quite possibly the first installment in the franchise that didn't out do its previous (or a remake, for that matter). I get that there are people who enjoy the franchise and will swallow any scrap of meat that Gamefreak throws at them, but you still need to demand better.

I'm waiting for the Ruby and Sapphire remakes.
thats the most hilariously ironic thing i've read in a while.

'b&w were shit, didn't out do the previous games cause they were unoriginal pandering! I can't wait for the remake of the pokemon game that came out three years ago.'

seriously? your brain didn't convulse the slightest bit when you typed that out?


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Gears of War. So boring and I wanted to like it but its just too much of a snoozefest.

The Dutchess

New member
Feb 24, 2011
Oblivion. I have no idea if it was pre-hyped but it's sure as hell over-hyped now. How I loathe that game for stealing hours I could've spent playing something else. Why did I try to like it? Why??! Why did I grit my teeth and stare into the inhuman faces of those horrendous NPCs, listen to their inane voice acting again and again and force myself to go into yet another damn Oblivion Gate? Because I wanted the hype to be right so badly and it wasn't.


New member
May 3, 2010
An over-hyped game that I played and didn't like...? Hmm let me make up a list:

1. Dwarf Fortress. - I'm well aware how complex the game is and I respect it for that... It just did not entertain me for more than 5 minutes. Not sure why I don't like it, It just drove me into a deep boredom that only about 10 minutes of trying to find out how to exit the damned thing properly or correctly could relieve.

2. MW2(mp), BlackOps (mp) - I played MW2 and didn't care much for the multiplayer. I loved the HELL out of Blops story & multiplayer until I bought World at War. When I find a server that is cheater-free(not as rare as you might think), the game-play blows the other two out of the water. So sad treyarch isnt doing anything about all of the cheaters though. Had I the power I'd have banned ~4 people today XD

3. Fallout 3 - I got a little ways into Fallout 3 and honestly just stopped caring. The story was spread so thin... and having to navigate the down town maze 3000 times killed it for me. New Vegas just made me not wanna play any of them anymore.

4. Brutal Legend - While this game might not have gotten OVER-hyped... I was pretty damned hyped about it myself back during pre-launch. Biggest. Letdown. Ever. Hello RTS/tower-defense!

Anyways... Those are my opinions.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
Portal 2, and no, it's not because I think the first one was better (In fact I think the first one was still shit), but I was hoping for maybe more story and character....there wasn't....


New member
Jul 10, 2011
The Halo series
that stuff can just go away and find a filthy corner to rot in while it chokes on it's own filth and dies....
Okay..that's harsh...but I can't play them without wanting to puke.