Over Hyped game that you played and didn't like it


New member
Jul 10, 2011
Nabohs said:
Team Fortress 2/Orange box on the 360, not the same as on PC
this one is funny...
I was about to virtually slap you, but then I read the rest of what you said and saw that you're a good person.
It Definitely is not the same on a 360!


New member
Aug 20, 2009
COD BLOPS I feel ripped of I didn't like the SP (i felt too short) and the MP is a clusterfuck if you are used to TF2,s carefully balanced weapons.

I wish there was some way to return it for steam cash.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Rhymer said:
For me, it's definately Spore. That game was so incredibly over-hyped and I thought it would be every little bit as amazing as they said it would be. And then dissapointment.

How many years hype?

How many awesome trailers explaining how it all fits together how your design is the over all affect.

What do we get - a lame flash game-esk cell phase, a Mr Potato head creature stage with everything numbered nicely for you - tribe and civ stages being so meh, poor RTS at best then the final stage....yeh

To say clearly I am disappoint, I think they wanted to make something awesome - but needed more funding and more time and I'm guessing they were rushed and had to botch it all together.

Such a waste of such potential.

Last game I pre-order


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Call of Duty World at War, Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops, and soon-to-be Modern Warfare 3. Seriously, CoD4 was the last good CoD game.

Gears of War. Had it when I had an Xbox a few years ago, tried it once, beat first two missions, utterly and completely lost interest. Thought it was just me, tried it again 3 months later, hated it more. Friend brought over Gears 3 the other day, and I still absolutely hated it.

Halo 3. I beat Halo 1 and 2 and loved them, but Halo 3 was such a snore-fest, I only got half way through. ODST was also lame as hell, and Wars is a total waste of time. I think I'd really like Reach, but I don't have an Xbox anymore, so. . .

Oblivion. Snore.

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Goodness gracious, more of Assassin's Creed II, which I was totally done playing when I got around 91% trophy completion (I was going for plat, but just couldn't bring myself to keep playing)


New member
May 13, 2011
I'm kind of astounded that no one has mentioned it yet, but Age Of Conan was supposed to be a mix of "The MMO that would beat WoW" and "The Second and Third coming of Christ".

I may have got the wrong box though, because what I got was horrendously, pre-beta-like, near-unplayably buggy, with a poorly optimised graphics engine that brought my (at the time) mid range PC chugging to one frame every 10 seconds (no kidding) in towns, with every graphics setting at minimum.

Got to around lvl 34, got jumped on by 2 guys at around lvl 22, died due to my 1 frame every 2-3 seconds in combat (amusingly after the first "Graphics Engine optimisation" patch), respawned without my arms or legs. Then uninstalled.

Also Borderlands. Holy hell did that get tedious. I got suckered in with promises of "Infinity minus one different possible guns!". I felt like all the promises were going to be paid off when I got a fricking SHOTGUN THAT SHOT ROCKETS!! Then I realised that the SHOTGUN THAT SHOT ROCKETS!!, the ROCKETLAUNCHER THAT SHOT ROCKETS MADE OF ACID!!! and the ALIEN LASER GUN!!!! were a pile of wank compared to headshots with a succesion of slightly more damaging sniper rifles and gave up half way through.

And the Bioshock games, I guess. I did enjoy the first one, but the combat never really felt much fun to me. Given that the combat from the 2nd one was barely different, I gave up on it about 2/3s through.

Halo too. I did enjoy it the first time through. Then I figured I'd give it a shot on the harder difficulty. Got about 2 hours in and thought "Wait a minute. I'm fighting in the same damn room over and over. What the hell am I doing?" And that was the last time I ever willingly played a Halo game.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Time to get down and dirty. Shadow of the Colossus. The environments, though huge were drab and boring. The fights weren't satisfying enough to make up for the huge travel time between and the horse controlled... well, like a horse. I respect it as a gaming icon, but I did not like it.


Nov 9, 2010
I generally don't buy super hyped games, cept for Dante's Inferno, but I liked that more than God of War so...God of War? Basically just 'Kratos SMASH' and he proceeded to never have any plot ever again (More any reason to do what he does).
Oh, and Halo; friends hyped the crap out of it and used to insult me for not playing Halo, that and I just find it boring.
Call of Duty is kind of up there; Modern Warfare (the first one) was fun purely for the modded LANS, and the other ones just crumpled and died.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Modern Warfare 2 - Incredibly boring single player campaign. Feels like it was designed by a kid whose Ritalin ran out two weeks before. Granted, people play it for the multiplayer, but the few matches I did try were filled with a suprising level of hate, anger and foul language that killed all the fun. And I play League of Legends on a regular basis, so it's not like I've got thin skin...

Borderlands - Empty, repetitive, lacks variety. Never made it more than half way through before I got fed up. The fact that I know the story ends up totoally shit isn't helping. The gun "variety" is an overstatement. It has roughly the same number of actual guns as the average FPS, only the numbers get bigger. And no, I don't care you found a Shotgun that fires rockets. That's just a rocket launcher with a different skin...

Oblivion - Some of the worst leveling mechanics ever, atrocioulsy outdated gameplay, copy/pasted everything (seriously every ayelid ruin is exactly the same), a bad excuse for a multipayer, an open world with nothing interesting to see... I could go on like this for a while. Recently I made the effort and modded the SHIT out of the game in an effort to remove most of the stuff I hated. I got it barely playable and got through most of the major questlines and the main quest. I "love" how you don't get a final boss fight, but you get to take another dude there so he can fight it...


New member
Sep 18, 2011
Oblivion. I still try to this day and I can't enjoy it's bland characters that make the whole mystical world seem bland as well, not to mention that it's excessively Lord of the Rings-y which makes it a pretty damn standard fantasy, Sauron tower and all... I liked concepts from the system like the leveling and expansiveness of the world (thankfully I got the latter in Fallout with a better setting and plot... and guns... and a way better plot in New Vegas with some pretty damn cool characters... oh did I mention super mutants?), but they were all just fancy dressings on an ugly, stupid, lifeless woman, with not a thing to be enjoyed about it, rather just a damn shame that it's even there being dressed up and sold to you.

Wow, that metaphor ran away with it's self right quick didn't it?

Jesus Phish

New member
Jan 28, 2010
I try not to ever listen to the internet, or even many other people, when it comes to games or movies anymore.

All of Halo. It was ok and it did manage to change fps (for the worse I think) but that doesnt make it good.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Well, I said Starcraft 2 before and someone reported it (lol @ retard fans). The story is pathetic, a copy of every other game blizzard has made to date. Required internet is an annoying game feature and doesn't add anything to the experience.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
I'm not sure how hyped it actually was when it came out but Crackdown 2 is honestly the only game I've bought since getting my 360 that I regret. My biggest problem is that there's almost no direction as to what to do. I know freedom to tackle the objectives is supposed to be a big part of it but i just end up lost.

Oblivion has been a bit of a disappointment too. I don't hate it but I definitely don't see it as the godsend that so many do. Whoever came up with that leveling system needs some sense knocked into them. Has it always been like that? I've honestly never played the others. They went completely under my radar.

Titan Buttons

New member
Apr 13, 2011
I almost always ignore hype but I'd have to say one game that I was let down by hype for was Boaderlands, I mean I found it fun in parts but playing it by myself was shit. Also I do acknowledge that it is more fun with multiplayer.

Black Ops and Reach could have let me down but I thought the hype was worng and they would be shit and I was saddly not disapointed


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Fallout 3 for me. I really couldn't get into it. All of my friends and co-workers raved and gushed over it for days.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
deus ex (the last one), they said very good and all, i didn't like it that much, though i loved the scenery. i didn't really like the gameplay. i liked the first one more


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Halo 3.
left for dead (both)
dead rising (both)
MAG. I loved the crap out of the beta build, hated the final result
Not DNF. I love that game. It's almost unplayable, but I got just what i wanted from it. And a nifty little statue i use as a bookend!
Darkwatch. I will never let this piece of shit go. The pre-release demo was so good! it was hyped to hell and back (mostly because of a sex scene that ended up NOT REALLY BEING IN THE GAME) and I was excited as fuck to play it... then it came out. And i found out that everything I liked about the game had been changed (ruined) or thrown out entirely. I played it on the hardest setting, failed miserably at it, thought i was doing SO terribly, and then i find out i've beaten it in less than two hours. much less. 30 minutes of that was spent flailing helplessly at a boss because I didnt realize the game had glitched and he wasn't losing any more health. Which is a constant bug. thankfully, by the time the game DID come out, it was shuffled under other news and most gamers forgot it existed, and were spared the humiliating disappointment of having payed full price for such a shitty game. That said, the multiplayer is balls-out hilariously fun. purely because of how broken it is. seriously. It is the shittiest multiplayer ever and you will sit and play it for HOURS because of how fucked up it is. starting off with a base pistol? you win. have a rifle? you win. have the explosive crossbow? you win. have the magical pointless twin pistols of fail? you win. have the retardedly over-the-top quad-barrel shotgun? you win. have the sniper rifle? you win. have the rocket launcher? what the fucks wrong with you, throw that away and grab something else. unless you wanna just use it as a melee stick. in that case YOU WIN. and the spwan points, oh dear god the spawn points. I once played a match with a friend where all we did was hold down the fire button, because we kept respawning DIRECTLY BEHIND EACHOTHER with nigh-perfect headshots. this batshit inept multiplayer is like one of those glorious direct-to-dvd abortions you can't help but enjoy. it's the only reason i didnt just snap the disk and murder someone with it.
oh, and i did not like portal 2