Pachter: "Nintendo Is Doomed"


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Nintendo is doomed until Iwata changes his mindset. Nah, I lie. They occupy a niche market that seems to be almost as large as the other ones, and somebody will always want pokémons brown and rainbow. However, I think I know what Iwata is getting at. This stream of low-cost high-attention means that someday the entire escapist community may be considered snobs. In our time snobs are in a position of dominance. Someday, we won't be.

Logic 0

New member
Aug 28, 2009

Nintendo's power will only increased with the release of the 3DS and besides their highly popular.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
If Nintendo is doomed, the worst that could happen is that they go third-party like Sega did.

Making predictions is easy. :)


Professional Amateur
Jul 20, 2010
Doomed 'long-term'? Can he be any more ambiguous? *Everyone* is doomed if the term is long enough...


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Meanwhile, Brian Reynolds of Zynga was a bit more vocal with his disapproval. "I expected better from Nintendo," he said. "They are missing the point of what we are doing, We are making games that everyone can play and socialize on while playing."

I thought the point was to make money, not provide a service to introduce gaming to every one. Other wise you wouldn't of had to apologize for Zwinky spam. Plus games that every one can play and socialize while playing has been available since pong.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
jawakiller said:
Wait. Nintendo is criticizing casual games?! Nintendo is one to talk. Hell what was the Wii? A console created to play casual games. I have yet to play one game on the Wii that I can take seriously. Have you played Modern Warfare on the Wii? Absolute shit. Don't like being the devil's advocate but Wii needs to step up their consoles or stop trash-talking Farmville (which I think sucks but thats beyond the point).
And the "bashing a console while knowing nothing about it" award of the day goes to...


New member
Jan 24, 2010
I'm sure Nintendo is now sitting up in his chair listening to Pachter...or at least it would, you know, if it could hear him from on top of the massive mountain of money they're sitting on.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
When Guitar Hero was still going strong I remember reading an article somewhere about how the portable music players were doomed. People would no longer be interested in buying music to listen to it, they would instead be playing music games. After the whole music game fad wore out Guitar Hero and Rock Band have been discontinued.

Social networks and gaming are a fad now because mobile computing is a fad. The games are easy to get into, and easy to get out of. They're only meant to be played for a few minutes at a time and then forgotten. They're something you can enjoy on your phone while waiting at the DMV but the experience is shallow. The actual amount of time an individual plays one is just a tiny fraction of what someone might spend playing a traditional game. Almost all social gaming revenue is from advertising. It's not the type of experience normal people are willing to pay for.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
[/quote] And the "bashing a console while knowing nothing about it" award of the day goes to...[/quote]

Yea! I win!... Um and what exactly do you have to say in the defense of such a pitiful piece of machinery? Can you actually point out what is good about a Wii? Will you sing the praises of this technical marvel or will you fail in your quest to enlightened (well, enlightening)... Tune in next time folks to see if he can back his jokes with intelligence!


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Hehehe, thats funny. Nintendo being doomed. Do you know how much Pokemon Black and White are going to bring in? Nintendo is far from debt, because if they even get close, they can just start licensing their songs and public figures out.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Worgen said:
patcher is an idiot, we all know this
I agree with this statement.

Seriously, in no way will phones and Apple beat Nintendo in the handheld market. Let's see, do I want to buy a handheld like the 3DS coming out, which will be a one time cost, and then I can buy games one at a time when I have the money, and then not pay anything after I have the games I want and keep on playing them until by some freak accident that they get broken, or do I buy some overly expensive phone that happens to play games that I have to pay a monthly plan to keep the phone active which in the long run considering the possible life of the phone, will cost 10 or more times than what I would end up paying for my experience with the 3DS.

I'll stick with Nintendo on this one.

Though I do agree with Iwata about all the crap that social games are bringing to the industry.

And on that, Brian Reynolds is a complete moron. Well Brian, I expect better things from a person that considers himself a game maker. He apparently knows nothing about the so called "games" that he makes. Out of all the people that play Zynga's games, I would say about 0.000001% actually socialize with the people that are also playing the games.

Spamming your "stranger" friends in Farmville with gifts and gift requests doesn't count as socializing. Even if you say "ty" or "please" in the message box, it doesn't count.

More socializing goes on in one day of a game like WoW than in an entire year or more of those Facebook money sinks.

Sadly, my Mom plays Farmville. And from what I have seen, it is like some kind of popularity contest. Having a better looking farm with all the carp that Zynga makes people pay money for, gets players more "stranger" friends that think that they will get good things from people that have better looking farms. It turns out that some of the players look down on others if they don't have the latest crap that Zynga puts out. You are just a nobody if you don't have that 20 dollar 7 spotted cow or whatever it may be. I am not kidding. One stupid little graphic of a cow or whatever to put on your farm will cost $20 worth of whatever that game currency that it uses.

You know that kid awhile back that spent over a thousand dollars of his parent's money on that game, he probably only got like 30 animals, a special house that does nothing but look like a house, a couple different lawn gnomes, and a different colored tractor.(basically stuff the player can just look at and go, "Oooo, pretty".)

With that money, he could of bought a console and a decent library of 10 or more games, or a nice gaming computer and 3 or 4 games. (Stuff that a person can actually use and accomplish things with.)

If there is one thing in the industry that I could remove from existence, it would be Zynga along with everything that it spawned.


The Noble
Jan 6, 2010
What will happen is they start making better games that require more time that real casual player do not have. When those games stop selling, big companies will stop catering to casual markets and the independents will take that place.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
I think someone forgot about Japan... existing.

So, yeah, what the hell?

As much as I dislike Nintendo, there's no way they're collapsing so soon, especially not under Apple's assault.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
Nintendo isn't doomed. If they say that the Iphone crushed the competition, they're wrong. Nintendo has complete stranglehold of the handheld market since Gameboy and continues to be strong with the DS.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Iwata's totally right, the others just seem totally short sighted.

Some people like Zynga capitalized on the dearth of casual friendly games accessible to non-gamers. But is that sustainable? Of course not. As more and more game companies realize that there's a market for those games, competition will rise, to gain market share you will need better products. To make better products, well... you'll have to invest more in the design of those games, wont you?

Iwata's not wrong, he's just way ahead of all these "me too" Johnny-come-latelies who are betting on pumping out crap to make money off casual gamers.

Why would anyone pay these people any credence? These are the people who totally missed out on the casual market for the past twenty years, completely ignored its existence, were way late to the show when Nintendo and a few other companies showed it's a huge untapped market, and whose answer was, unlike Nintendo, to pump out fast, crap products made by the worst of their worst designers.

The only thing their loud disagreements show is that they STILL haven't learned anything and are still pathetically trying to superficially copy the success of better managed or more fortunate companies.