Pair rape and Murder a girl. Then confess in WoW.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
This was the first thing I read this morning... great.

Now I feel really sick all over again. ;_;


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Hank Wants Pie said:
When the title said "The WoW Murder" I was thinking that this thread was about Blizzards' awful design mistakes made in "Cataclysm" and the poorly chosen theme of "Mists of Pandaria".
Ha! That's actually what I thought too. Little did I know I was going to be re-exposed to the whole terrible Kimberly Proctor story, which I'd already had a bellyful of given that it happened where I live.

Jeers to the OP for the deliberately misleading post title. Double jeers for this being placed in the gaming forum.


New member
May 26, 2009
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
I'm telling you, prisoner isolation is the worst form of punishment. No human contact for years, it really does destroy whatever is left in these animals.
Wasting money on things like them is just pointless. Kill them as no after life will be an improvement to isolation, but it will drain on us less.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Catie Caraco said:
tmande2nd said:
Sadly in Canada we will get bleeding heart lawyers, judges, and juries who will say that its not their fault and give em maybe 10 years in prison.

Because we dont have life sentences either, that is right those bastards could come out of jail any day really. Because in Canada no matter the crime you commit someone on CBC will cry for you and then you get slapped on the wrist.

I dont support the death sentence but those bastards should be stuffed into the deepest darkest cell and left there alone till the end of their days.

Again sadly in Canada we dont act mean to people, even murderous rapists. However just watch as the tragic sob story of their lives come to light as they get sent home. Some days I wish Canada had some American laws in place.
As an American, I can say I wish we had some Canadian policies in place.. like health care... but I digress. I agree, these guys should be thrown into the deepest, dankest cells and left there to rot. I didn't know Canada doesn't allow life sentences, though the no death penalty makes sense. I don't know the laws of my state well enough to know if this would meet the statute for the death penalty.. but some people are just broken, and no amount of therapy or chemical castration can fix that. Not to mention chemical castration can be overcome with other chemicals (testosterone, for one). Bah.. sometimes the world just doesn't need to keep these bad people in it.

Well, Canada does have the life sentence, it's just that we'd have to pay through taxes to keep them there. The thing it, I'd gladly pay if I knew these bastards would stay in prison for the rest of their lives.

Sam Eskenazi

New member
Dec 26, 2008
What a terrible crime... I pity her family.

One thing that really irritates me, though? It's that she's good-looking. She was an attractive girl. She spent her life lonely and feeling like noone understood her, but it was only the ridicule she recieved on account of being a little weird that made everyone shun her.

Makes you kind of wish you'd been around to ask her on a date several months before and take away from weird, terrible people.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Those in the UK will now watch with trepidation as the Daily Mail jumps on the "BAN VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES/PORN/THE INTERNET/EVERYTHING EVER" bandwagon.

If they had confesed on facebook the result would be the same, that poor girl would still be dead and somthing other than the parents of those two little shits gets the blame.

Oh, and calling it "The WoW Murder" does not help matters OP.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Was there any reason to bring this up again other than horrify everyone :/

Those two are sick though, and the details only make it worse. I hope they have no chance at parole. But... one of em was the son of a killer? And he got abused? I wonder how much is nature and how much is nurture with these things...


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
Sick f**ks. It's a great shame Canada doesn't have the death penalty.

Videogames don't cause this, motherf**king evil scum do. No feeble excuses, and most importantly, no misplaced mercy.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
If prison in Canada is the same as the ones here in the UK, they'll be asking for death. We regularly get news articles about how child killers/rapists and murderers of women get tortured/killed inside by the criminals of lesser crimes.


New member
Dec 27, 2010
Hawgh said:
Well, that's just entirely too horrible. I don't entirely agree with killing them over it, though. Have they found a way to do it that don't mess up the organs yet?
Yeah, its called firing squad or if you bring the little bastards to New York, i'll have them fitted for some concrete shoes at the bottom of the Hudson River


New member
Mar 5, 2011
I find it pretty disturbing how the thirst for blood is cooking up in this thread.

Comando96 said:
I like to imagine we've culturally a mentally evolved in the past 6000 years.
All the escapees screaming for blood and especially you wanting to torture them to death show that we didn't.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Tbh, if I were the girls parents I'd bide my anger until the day they are released and murder them myself.

Well, I'd spend the time they were locked up learning how to cause the most pain possible whilst keeping the victim alive as long as possible and then just go to town on them.

Sick little shits like that deserve the worst, and what better person to deliver judgement than the parents of the victim?


New member
Nov 12, 2009
tmande2nd said:
Because we dont have life sentences either, that is right those bastards could come out of jail any day really. Because in Canada no matter the crime you commit someone on CBC will cry for you and then you get slapped on the wrist.
Yeah we do. What are you talking about? We've given the life sentence to many people.

These guys wouldn't go to jail though, more likely a mental hospital.