PC Gaming is Cool And All... But...


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Matthew94 said:
Richardplex said:
Matthew94 said:
Richardplex said:
Despite how much superior PCs are to consoles, consoles still do good for PCs. It stops developers making games only playable by the top 1% of computers for example. And for the record, I grew up on consoles, but after a couple of PC games their superiority is blatant.

The tech savvyness is also pretty significant. There's a reason I don't have mods on any of my games, it may or may not have something to do with the fact that when I come to technology, I am a moron. And when it comes to arguing too, depending on your view.
When it comes to mods it is 99% just copying a file to a folder and there is always a readme telling you what to do. It is very simple, you should try it out.
You say that, but you're telling this to a man who took a year and a half to learn how to install addons to wow. Also, I don't have winRAR or anything like that.
Winrar is free anyway.

Anyway, it's not like you need to mod so it's fine of you don't but it can really add to some games like STALKER or the Elder Scrolls games.
*attempts to cock eyebrow, but then realises he can't and feels sad* From my googling, it seems to be heavily implied that it is not free. And acceptance into the PC master race requires modding. Games like Minecraft I can't play any more without mods.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Jove said:
Ah the glorious PC Gaming Master Race.


Honestly I could care less about PC Gaming. IMO, it's much harder to play a game on a keyboard and mouse then it is on a controller. It's also feels a lot more tense (not the good kind) to stand up straight (unless your playing WoW) playing on the PC when you can just sit and relax and still be competitive on a console.

PC has an edge on graphical capability (if your rich enough to buy the hardware and make it), mods (could care less about USER content unless it's missing content mods that were cut from the orignal game at launch like KOTOR 2 or graphic patches, otherwise, every other mod is pretty useless.), and...well I'm not sure what else but someone who is a heavy pc gamer will probably comment on this post and say something else.

Otherwise, consoles are just a lot more user friendly and a lot more people have always played games on consoles then they did on PCs.

As for me, the only time I ever play games on my PC is for MMOs or games only to the PC like the recent Witcher 2. Everything else is all console and I like it that way a lot better.
I should easily dismiss your argument because you used "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less". There's a massive difference and I shall refer you to David Mitchell for that.

I'd say that PCs have the advantage of mods of all kinds. I've easily spent more time on a lot of games thanks to the great modding communities that you find on most games. Even if it is just something silly like adding a small mission to a game like Oblivion, taking loads of small missions can easily give you an extra 10 to 20 hours of gameplay. Hell, I think the best example of a modding community is the GTA IV fans who made a San Andreas mod. To me, that's dedication.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
I actually grew up with a controller in my hands and I'm a PC gamer now,so I've been on both sides and as far as I can tell,using a mouse and keyboard DRASTICALLY improves your experience.Let's imagine,say,if someone with a controller plays against someone with a mouse and keyboard in a game of TF2.They'd get their ass handed to them.Or let's talk about something else,like GTA IV.Moving the camera,walking IN THE DIRECTION you want to,it's all better on a mouse and keyboard.Although console versions try to make up for this stuff by having auto-aim,etc.Today's consoles DO have trouble running today's games(as opposed to GOOD PC's),with their long loading times and graphics not as good as they would be on PC,and it's only been 4 years since the next generation(note that newer consoles like the PlayStation 4 are already being developed and scheduled for release in 2012).


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Macrobstar said:
First off I've had a long day so my level of concentration is pretty low, so if i misread anything I apologize.

Now, just so we're clear, many, if not all, of the arguments in favour of PC gaming are strictly objective. Hardware, costs etc. You can't use subjective arguments against that. We're not trying to tell you that your preference is wrong, simply that PC gaming is objectively better. Of course personal preference can't change that, or vice versa.

The big issue here is misinformation, which is incredibly common in these kinds of arguments. Tech savvy people such as myself will immediately quash any kind of tech related claim made in favour of console games that has anything to do with hardware or software.

Once again, if it's your preference, fine. The issue is trying to make your subjective opinion fact, which a lot of people commonly do. You can imagine how frustrating it gets constantly explaining that, by the numbers, X is better than Y.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
In my experience, I find the experience of playing a game on a PC to be superior to that of playing it a console.

Better controls, visuals, often physics additions from Physx and the like, then there's the gaming communities which bring Mods, the ability to Multi-task and the list goes on and on.

And for what it's worth, I'd had more or less the same computer for the past 4-5 years, not had to upgrade, still runs everything on high to highest.

Perhaps fading a bit in the light of new releases like Rage and Skyrim, but, I think I'll probably be able to get at least "High" on those games.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Do you know, what I find funny about PC gamers.

Is that they spend a godly amount of money on their Rig's, and all they play on it is Minecraft, and Teraria.

Their's nothing wrong with these games, however if you spend so much, then why aren't you using that extra power to good use like playing Crysis, or Metro 2033 for instance.

I wouldn't mind being a PC Gamer myself (mainly for the modding scenes, and the great indie titles available), but the sheer amount of money you have to invest just to make the graphics look a tad better isn't worth it to me. Also, holding a controller for most of my life has made me sloppy with a keyboard, and mouse. Who knows though, i might change my mind when skyrim comes out, as that game can potentially make me a PC only gamer with it's better graphics (compared to it's console counterparts), and mods.

What i don't like about consoles however, is that they are dragging this gen on, and on, and that's not helping matters for the tech savvy consumer (such as myself). I just wish they can pull out new consoles as soon as they possibly can, then PC, and console gamers can stop going at each others throats for a while, until the consoles become graphically outdated yet again.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Eggsnham said:
Also, and this is where I'll probably lose most people, I think controllers are more natural feeling than a mouse an keyboard.

It's probably because I grew up with controllers as opposed to mouse and keyboard, but still.
Fine then. Just connect the controller to the PC.

PC gaming feels more natural to me. It's a machine that does everything I need it to do. Consoles don't allow such liberties. That's why I prefer PC. But I have no quarrel with gamers who play on consoles. Ironically, my favorite game of all time is Metal Gear Solid 3. Not even a PC title. Go figure :/


New member
Jan 14, 2010
The reason why I pick PC over console (although I do play console exclusive on PS3) is because as a platform, PC is better. It can do anything a console can do, and it does it better.

As to the "debate", I seriously don't care one bit what platform people prefer. I do not see why some people get their panties in a knot over this.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Well, that topic certainly hasn't been done to death, no sir. But in all seriousness, for me it's the fact that you can play a console game while relaxing on a couch that makes consoles preferable. You certainly can't do that with a PC (I tried, the only games where that can kinda work are quests).

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Jazoni89 said:
Do you know, what I find funny about PC gamers.

Is that they spend a godly amount of money on their Rig's, and all they play on it is Minecraft, and Teraria.

Their's nothing wrong with these games, however if you spend so much, then why aren't you using that extra power to good use like playing Crysis, or Metro 2033 for instance.
A lot of cases it's really a case of paying for the capability.

You're buying hardware that will last you a good few years, allowing you to play all the games that come out in those years.

I don't think the games you're allow to spend a lot of time on should be based on how good your computer is.

There's plenty of good releases coming out and that have came out that look brilliant and lend themselves well to high-end hardware.

Plus you have to keep the multi-tasking element in mind, that CPU isn't just for gaming calculations.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
I spend more time chatting and socializing on my PC while gaming, I can't do that with consoles. That is one of the main reasons I prefer it, as well as the other stuff.


New member
Apr 9, 2011
Radeonx said:
Just to point out, cross platform gaming will never be truly balanced because the precision of mouse and keyboard is too far ahead of controllers to keep it balanced.
Yeah, because walking in a combination of 4 directions is precision and controlable


New member
May 24, 2011
I'd like to point out a something. In the country in which I live, PCs are actually less expensive for people to afford than consoles. Of course not everyone games at high framerates or highest settings... but just wanted to point that fact. There are a lot of inequalities in the world ranging from hardware costs in different regions of the world to game copy costs. For example games in my country (brand new ones) are about 100 bucks as opposed to 60 bucks in other places.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
The Lunatic said:
Jazoni89 said:
Do you know, what I find funny about PC gamers.

Is that they spend a godly amount of money on their Rig's, and all they play on it is Minecraft, and Teraria.

Their's nothing wrong with these games, however if you spend so much, then why aren't you using that extra power to good use like playing Crysis, or Metro 2033 for instance.
A lot of cases it's really a case of paying for the capability.

You're buying hardware that will last you a good few years, allowing you to play all the games that come out in those years.

I don't think the games you're allow to spend a lot of time on should be based on how good your computer is.

There's plenty of good releases coming out and that have came out that look brilliant and lend themselves well to high-end hardware.

Plus you have to keep the multi-tasking element in mind, that CPU isn't just for gaming calculations.
Computing technology is increasing much faster than it did in the past.

That means upgrades are more frequent, rather than say every three or four years nowadays.

My CPU is a I5, and that's a pre built machine, which is good enough for modern games, and non gaming tasks.

Hell, it's only been a short while since games have supported dual core processing, let alone more than that.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
JackWestJr said:
Radeonx said:
Just to point out, cross platform gaming will never be truly balanced because the precision of mouse and keyboard is too far ahead of controllers to keep it balanced.
Yeah, because walking in a combination of 4 directions is precision and controlable
You.... Thats not how it works, W and S are merely for propulsion while mouse movements provide direction, A and D are for strafing.