PC Gaming is Cool And All... But...

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
JackWestJr said:
Yeah, because walking in a combination of 4 directions is precision and controlable
Do you lack the ability to press more than one key at once?

Technically, it's just as good as a D-pad.

Although, that being said, I'd never play a racing game with a D-pad.

Fortunate that PCs support additional control options.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
Eggsnham said:
Also, and this is where I'll probably lose most people, I think controllers are more natural feeling than a mouse an keyboard.

It's probably because I grew up with controllers as opposed to mouse and keyboard, but still.
I'll say two things about this:

1). Depends on the game, RTS's attempts at the console market are flawed due to it basically being a genre made for a mouse based control scheme.

2). I grew up with the controller as well and I hate the cramps I get using the WASD movement controls. That being said, for games like Left 4 Dead on PC, my preferred control scheme is half a controller(I wish I had the PC equivalent of the Wii's nun-chuck) and a mouse.

It gives me the most comfort with an analogue stick for movement with no loss to precision due to using a mouse. I had a slight loss of function in L4D though, limited buttons made me lose the ability to map a convenient key for using a scope with the rifle but that's a small loss.

If I didn't have a mouse with so many extra buttons, this setup might not have worked though.

Jazoni89 said:
Do you know, what I find funny about PC gamers.

Is that they spend a godly amount of money on their Rig's, and all they play on it is Minecraft, and Teraria.

Their's nothing wrong with these games, however if you spend so much, then why aren't you using that extra power to good use like playing Crysis, or Metro 2033 for instance.
Well, just because a gamer who play's on the PC upgrades their computer, doesn't mean they upgraded it to play games, there are other reasons to upgrade as well.

Your comment caught my eye because I just upgraded my computer and I'm playing quite a bit of Terraria...
However, I didn't upgrade for any gaming reason(though it's a good bonus), I use programs like Autodesk Maya(a 3D Modeling/Animation program) that can get very resource heavy depending on what you're making and I need to upgrade in order to be efficient and less limited in my work.

side note: was never interested in Crysis or Metro 2033 and most other games that sit high on the PC maximum requirements list just don't interest me. I think my most recent with a high max requirement was Starcraft 2, I've never taken it below its max settings but maybe that's not considered very high/intensive anymore...


New member
Sep 8, 2009
It does come down to preference however in my experience I have found that while the PC community isn't the most friendliest place, it's a much more comfortable environment than console gaming. I had a Xbox 360 a while back (I have a PS3 but noone uses the microphone so its alright) and it was constant screaming and whinging from 12 year old americans. On PC, I always get put in a game in my own country and most of the time people only talk to congratulate on a win or to strategise.

Let's just say I dont own an xbox 360 anymore...

EDIT: Oh and it is good being able to upgrade your rig without having to buy a brand new one.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Jazoni89 said:
Computing technology is increasing much faster than it did in the past.

That means upgrades are more frequent, rather than say every three or four years nowadays.
Assuming you want to continue to run at "Highest" sure.

But, seriously, why is that necessary?


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Matthew94 said:
Richardplex said:
Matthew94 said:
Richardplex said:
Matthew94 said:
Richardplex said:
Despite how much superior PCs are to consoles, consoles still do good for PCs. It stops developers making games only playable by the top 1% of computers for example. And for the record, I grew up on consoles, but after a couple of PC games their superiority is blatant.

The tech savvyness is also pretty significant. There's a reason I don't have mods on any of my games, it may or may not have something to do with the fact that when I come to technology, I am a moron. And when it comes to arguing too, depending on your view.
When it comes to mods it is 99% just copying a file to a folder and there is always a readme telling you what to do. It is very simple, you should try it out.
You say that, but you're telling this to a man who took a year and a half to learn how to install addons to wow. Also, I don't have winRAR or anything like that.
Winrar is free anyway.

Anyway, it's not like you need to mod so it's fine of you don't but it can really add to some games like STALKER or the Elder Scrolls games.
*attempts to cock eyebrow, but then realises he can't and feels sad* From my googling, it seems to be heavily implied that it is not free. And acceptance into the PC master race requires modding. Games like Minecraft I can't play any more without mods.
Get the free trial, it NEVER runs out. At least the uncompressing utility never runs out.
...But the guilt of the popup man. THE GUILT!


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Xzi said:
Jazoni89 said:
Computing technology is increasing much faster than it did in the past.

That means upgrades are more frequent, rather than say every five years nowadays.
Only if you want to continually increase the amount by which your PC's capabilities exceed those of consoles. Which, in general, is pointless because most games are ported over from consoles and therefore don't support the more advanced stuff like DirectX 11.
Then that defeats the whole point of the graphical superiority that pc gamers have over console gamers.

Surely you can't dismiss that.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
teh_gunslinger said:
Waaghpowa said:
teh_gunslinger said:
When talking prices I must ask this: why do noone count the price of the tv? It seems to me that it is an important thing for a console.

And seeing as everybody makes up the claim that a pc needs to cost 1500$ I submit that the tv must be 70 inches so both arguments can be silly.

And I don't think that it makes sense to say that we all have a tv in any case. If not because my PS3 and 360 needed it I'd not have a tv, whereas I need a pc for any number of things.
The cost of a TV is usually not taken into account since most people already have one and don't buy them just for consoles. Though the same thing can apply for PC's since most televisions have the appropriate connections to be used as a monitor.
While anecdotal data is proof of nothing I know far more people without tvs than pcs.

My point was just that if people insist, crazy though it is, that a pc cost 1500 it ought to be included.
Depends on the circle of friends you have. It was the same for me when I was going through University, but before and after it reversed. Almost anyone who's settled down has a TV, and because HDTVs now take up less space than CRT SDTVs, almost everyone is upgrading anyway. Price is getting more manageable each year too. If you don't have an HDTV yet, then a PS3 is horrendously expensive, while the 360 can at least work with a PC monitor using the VGA HD adaptor. Buying a PC monitor ends up being quite a bit cheaper and ends up not using nearly as much power. I noticed a $30-$40 spike in electricity bills after getting an HDTV, so that should be factored in too.

All that is moot though if you already have the HDTV for other purposes, then the console is a pretty cheap addition.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
Jazoni89 said:
Xzi said:
Jazoni89 said:
Computing technology is increasing much faster than it did in the past.

That means upgrades are more frequent, rather than say every five years nowadays.
Only if you want to continually increase the amount by which your PC's capabilities exceed those of consoles. Which, in general, is pointless because most games are ported over from consoles and therefore don't support the more advanced stuff like DirectX 11.
Then that defeats the whole point of the graphical superiority that pc gamers have over console gamers.

Surely you can't dismiss that.
Yeah, to get graphical superiority you're either comparing against a system that's several years older than the PC, or you're paying a ton for it.

The Lawn

New member
Apr 11, 2008
Consoles are not cheaper.
I've spent probably... $1200 total on PC parts for my setup near the beginning of this console generation, including my monitors, all 3 of them. It's not amazing, but it far exceeds the recommended specs for new games today even though the hardware that matters is a couple years old now.

My console gamer friend has purchased a Wii, when it was new. $250.
Purchased an extra Wiimote and nunchuck thing. About 40 bucks.
Purchased an Xbox 360 at launch. $400.
Purchased extra controllers. 50 bucks at the time I believe, so 100 bucks total.
Purchased a PS3, the 60gig backwards compatable one, at launch. $600.
Purchased extra controller. Again, about 50 bucks.

A couple years later, due to the power supply on the ps3 failing and it no longer being under warranty.
New Ps3, 40 gig version. $400.

That's already a total of 1840 dollars, over the course of the last generation alone.

I've bought for my PC: A new Motherboard, a quad core processor, and 16 gigs of ram, and a 750 watt powersuppy.
Cost of all those, about 350 dollars.
Bringing my total to about $1550.

If I include the TVs he had to purchase over the generation as well the cost would be nearing $2500 for the consoles.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
If I had the technical know-how to build a cheap, yet efficient gaming computer of my own or deep enough pockets to simply buy one outright I'd probably play on PC too. The promise of mods and smoother gameplay has always appealed to me, but I'd probably still end up using a controller even if I did get a gaming rig. You play to you strenghts, right?


batlh bIHeghjaj.
Dec 19, 2010
My preference is the PC and always has been, I prefer the mouse+KB combo plus my PC does other things besides gaming . Plus steam sales are awesome.

And PC technology is better than consoles, most games now on PC can have far more people in one map than consoles as PCs tech is better. PCs even pre built ones have better processors and more RAM than a console does.
It shows more so now than ever as the current console cycle has been on going for a long time now and console hardware doesn't change but new PCs always have something far newer than whats in a console.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
hmm, another one of these...

Just as an aside, how many folks posted in this thread from a game console, how many from a phone, and how many from a PC?
I'm going to assume that most people are going to have a PC anyway, as an office tool, media player, et cetera... and a PC that does all of that good stuff (minus gaming) generally costs about as much as as a gaming console (unless you're talking about a laptop, but then you might as well just get a netbook. All the required functionality for a mobile PC at about a quarter the price of a gaming laptop... and gaming laptops are a joke anyway).
Bear with me here, almost done.
Assuming you use a cheap desktop computer to use the internet, word processors and such, what would the difference in price be to build a basic gaming system instead (about 25% more expensive, really)? So even in the short run, gaming is less expensive on a PC, so long as you're not stupid about it.

JacobShaftoe said:
I want the fuck out of this hellhole. If mods won't fucking delete my fucking cunted account, then maybe gunning for a ban by acting like a complete **** for days and weeks and making this site even less enjoyable than it already is MIGHT JUST CLUE THEM IN TO WHY MY REQUEST IS FUCKING REASONABLE. I HAVE A SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS THAT DOES NOT COPE WELL WITH FUCKHEADED MODS, AND THIS PLACE HAS FUCKHEADS FOR MODS. SO FUCKING DELETE MY ACCOUNT ALREADY YOU STUPID CUNTS!!!
wow... why not just delete any bookmarks you have to this site and simply stop visiting, then?

Arina Love

Apr 8, 2010
i don't play pc because it don't have j-RPGs on it. that's my reason, simple. i don't care about graphics or mods. I just go where the most of my favourite game genres and games live. Now they live on consoles if some miraculous change will happen and j-RPGs will be on PC i will switch to pc in a jiffy.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
The Lawn said:
Consoles are not cheaper.
I've spent probably... $1200 total on PC parts for my setup near the beginning of this console generation, including my monitors, all 3 of them. It's not amazing, but it far exceeds the recommended specs for new games today even though the hardware that matters is a couple years old now.

My console gamer friend has purchased a Wii, when it was new. $250.
Purchased an extra Wiimote and nunchuck thing. About 40 bucks.
Purchased an Xbox 360 at launch. $400.
Purchased extra controllers. 50 bucks at the time I believe, so 100 bucks total.
Purchased a PS3, the 60gig backwards compatable one, at launch. $600.
Purchased extra controller. Again, about 50 bucks.

A couple years later, due to the power supply on the ps3 failing and it no longer being under warranty.
New Ps3, 40 gig version. $400.

That's already a total of 1840 dollars, over the course of the last generation alone.

I've bought for my PC: A new Motherboard, a quad core processor, and 16 gigs of ram, and a 750 watt powersuppy.
Cost of all those, about 350 dollars.
Bringing my total to about $1550.

If I include the TVs he had to purchase over the generation as well the cost would be nearing $2500 for the consoles.
That's in America, in England, Computer parts are so expensive, most people have to buy them overseas.

I know someone who went on a holiday to Canada, mainly to get a new processor, because it ended up cheaper to go on a holiday, and get the processor, then buying the processor in the UK.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
lol I'm not missing out on anything without playing J-RPGs. All the latest ones suck anyways (cough FF).

1 word why PC > Consoles: Minecraft.

GG sir. GG.