PC Gaming is Cool And All... But...


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
This is why I hate steam (yeah, I'm an idiot for saying that on this forum). It resurrected PC Gaming...

My main problem with PC gaming is the money cost, I can afford to upgrade my PC, but why bother when I can use that same money to buy games for my Xbox or PS?

Also, I still can't believe anyone is supporting the mouse and keyboard for gaming, PCs can use controllers, get on board while you still can. Sitting is extremely unhealthy, so for me the only way to properly game is lying on a couch with a controller in my hands, and I can't imagine any other way. To be fair, PC gamers can play like this too, but not if they use a keyboard+mouse.

The Lawn

New member
Apr 11, 2008
Jazoni89 said:
The Lawn said:
Consoles are not cheaper.
I've spent probably... $1200 total on PC parts for my setup near the beginning of this console generation, including my monitors, all 3 of them. It's not amazing, but it far exceeds the recommended specs for new games today even though the hardware that matters is a couple years old now.

My console gamer friend has purchased a Wii, when it was new. $250.
Purchased an extra Wiimote and nunchuck thing. About 40 bucks.
Purchased an Xbox 360 at launch. $400.
Purchased extra controllers. 50 bucks at the time I believe, so 100 bucks total.
Purchased a PS3, the 60gig backwards compatable one, at launch. $600.
Purchased extra controller. Again, about 50 bucks.

A couple years later, due to the power supply on the ps3 failing and it no longer being under warranty.
New Ps3, 40 gig version. $400.

That's already a total of 1840 dollars, over the course of the last generation alone.

I've bought for my PC: A new Motherboard, a quad core processor, and 16 gigs of ram, and a 750 watt powersuppy.
Cost of all those, about 350 dollars.
Bringing my total to about $1550.

If I include the TVs he had to purchase over the generation as well the cost would be nearing $2500 for the consoles.
That's in America, in England, Computer parts are so expensive, most people have to buy them overseas.

I know someone who went on a holiday to Canada, mainly to get a new processor, because it ended up cheaper to go on a holiday, and get the processor, then buying the processor in the UK.
I forgot about that. I remember the last time I was over there the hardware seemed to be the same price but with a pound sign instead of a dollar one.
The games were cheaper though, I picked up 2 DS games for the same price as one over here.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Twilight_guy said:
zehydra said:
Twilight_guy said:
It's my opinion that creating an argument based on the arbitrary differences between the two is like starting an augment on whither Superman or Batman is better. Why does there need to be an argument? Why can't we just be happy with it. What drives such a silly feud? I don't understand this at all. On a side note, I appreciate your opinions and idea but starting any thread that attempts to discuss the issue always ends in tears, unfortunately.
What drives the feud now, is the issue of developers making the majority of their games for consoles, and leaving the PC gamers behind with a Console-port version of the game.
No. That's not true. I can guarantee its not true because there are arguments over the subject that revolve around other topics. I think the reason is more psychological and harder to grasp then a single issue. (This also only explains PC gamers hate, not console gamer hate).
an example?


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Simeon Ivanov said:
Just so you know - Consoles are cheaper than upgrading your computer, yes. But when you upgrade your computer, it lasts for 4-5 years maybe. A console lasts 6 (as you said). And a console game is much cheaper than a PC one (plus you can pirate games as well) so by my calculations, the console is more expensive.

But as to the PC vs Consoles - It's all a matter of choice. Each system has it's up and downs, but I personally prefer the PC, although I grew up with a PS1.
I feel like something went wrong with your first paragraph, did you mean to say that a PC game is much cheaper than a console one (plus pirating)? It doesn't make sense otherwise.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I completely agree with you except...

Radeonx said:
Just to point out, cross platform gaming will never be truly balanced because the precision of mouse and keyboard is too far ahead of controllers to keep it balanced.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking ninja's are good today.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
I love when my Xbox playing friends quote "you never need to upgrade, it lasts half a decade". One, my PC has remained the same for two years and still plays the newest games maxed out. Two, one of the guys who says this has gone through FIVE xbox's since their release due to RROD problems. He treats them like they're made of eggshells, yet they still break down almost yearly. Yeah, you don't need to upgrade, just buy a new replacement every year and you're good!


batlh bIHeghjaj.
Dec 19, 2010
Alade said:
This is why I hate steam (yeah, I'm an idiot for saying that on this forum). It resurrected PC Gaming...

My main problem with PC gaming is the money cost, I can afford to upgrade my PC, but why bother when I can use that same money to buy games for my Xbox or PS?

Also, I still can't believe anyone is supporting the mouse and keyboard for gaming, PCs can use controllers, get on board while you still can. Sitting is extremely unhealthy, so for me the only way to properly game is lying on a couch with a controller in my hands, and I can't imagine any other way. To be fair, PC gamers can play like this too, but not if they use a keyboard+mouse.
A lot of people still prefer the mouse and KB combo, especially for things like FPSs RTSs and MMOs. The level of accuracy and control and the amount of custom keys just can't be replicated with the controller. Remember most FPS games on console have to have some form of aim assist to compensate for the more difficult and less accurate aiming of a controller.

Each to their own though, use what you are comfortable with that really is the best thing to do.

Gorilla Gunk

New member
May 21, 2011
The things that bug me about PC gamers the most is that:

1) A lot of them don't seem to understand that some people just can't afford a good gaming PC. "But you can BUILD a decent one for $500!" Yeah, that's $500 more then I can afford right now. Then they say I paid that much for my console and I point out that I bought mine used for less than $200 and pretty much live off of discount games but they rarely listen to that part.

2) Claim that somehow they're experience of a game is "purer" because it's on PC. I don't even know how to really respond to that. It's like those hipster types telling you they enjoy the same music you listen to more because they listen to it on a record-player or a vegan saying he's more intelligent then you because he eats nothing but soy.

3) Say FPS's DO NOT belong on consoles and that all developers should CEASE making console FPS's. Another popular saying that I have absolutely no idea how to respond to because it's so retarded sounding. I guess this has something to do with the whole mouse/keyboard thing, an issue I care nothing about. I really don't care that I can't shoot they eye out of a bumble bee from three cities away. I play to have fun.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
The Lawn said:
Jazoni89 said:
The Lawn said:
Consoles are not cheaper.
I've spent probably... $1200 total on PC parts for my setup near the beginning of this console generation, including my monitors, all 3 of them. It's not amazing, but it far exceeds the recommended specs for new games today even though the hardware that matters is a couple years old now.

My console gamer friend has purchased a Wii, when it was new. $250.
Purchased an extra Wiimote and nunchuck thing. About 40 bucks.
Purchased an Xbox 360 at launch. $400.
Purchased extra controllers. 50 bucks at the time I believe, so 100 bucks total.
Purchased a PS3, the 60gig backwards compatable one, at launch. $600.
Purchased extra controller. Again, about 50 bucks.

A couple years later, due to the power supply on the ps3 failing and it no longer being under warranty.
New Ps3, 40 gig version. $400.

That's already a total of 1840 dollars, over the course of the last generation alone.

I've bought for my PC: A new Motherboard, a quad core processor, and 16 gigs of ram, and a 750 watt powersuppy.
Cost of all those, about 350 dollars.
Bringing my total to about $1550.

If I include the TVs he had to purchase over the generation as well the cost would be nearing $2500 for the consoles.
That's in America, in England, Computer parts are so expensive, most people have to buy them overseas.

I know someone who went on a holiday to Canada, mainly to get a new processor, because it ended up cheaper to go on a holiday, and get the processor, then buying the processor in the UK.
I forgot about that. I remember the last time I was over there the hardware seemed to be the same price but with a pound sign instead of a dollar one.
The games were cheaper though, I picked up 2 DS games for the same price as one over here.
Yeah, we pay nearly double what you pay.

jason27131 said:
lol I'm not missing out on anything without playing J-RPGs. All the latest ones suck anyways (cough FF).

1 word why PC > Consoles: Minecraft.

GG sir. GG.
Oh, did you know...

Minecraft is coming out for the Xbox 360!

... I've always wanted to use this pic. :p


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Fujor said:
Radeonx said:
Just to point out, cross platform gaming will never be truly balanced because the precision of mouse and keyboard is too far ahead of controllers to keep it balanced.
only really applies to FPS and RTS

and i suppose some MMOs
Also third person shooters. Past that, what kind of games do you play online? Sports games? Those are admittedly better on consoles.

Also, not some, all. DCU Online's targeting system on console was absolute garbage.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
It all depends on one's personal preferences. I prefer shooters and third-person games on the console as the controller just feels more suited to that sort of game play. However, RPGs and RTS games, in my opinion are far superior on the PC. Plus, as the OP already mentioned, PC has the benefits of a modding community/toolsets.

I'm sure it's been said multiple times, but in the end it really does boil down to personal choice.


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
ash-brewster said:
Alade said:
This is why I hate steam (yeah, I'm an idiot for saying that on this forum). It resurrected PC Gaming...

My main problem with PC gaming is the money cost, I can afford to upgrade my PC, but why bother when I can use that same money to buy games for my Xbox or PS?

Also, I still can't believe anyone is supporting the mouse and keyboard for gaming, PCs can use controllers, get on board while you still can. Sitting is extremely unhealthy, so for me the only way to properly game is lying on a couch with a controller in my hands, and I can't imagine any other way. To be fair, PC gamers can play like this too, but not if they use a keyboard+mouse.
A lot of people still prefer the mouse and KB combo, especially for things like FPSs RTSs and MMOs. The level of accuracy and control and the amount of custom keys just can't be replicated with the controller. Remember most FPS games on console have to have some form of aim assist to compensate for the more difficult and less accurate aiming of a controller.

Each to their own though, use what you are comfortable with that really is the best thing to do.
I'll accept that for some people sitting is more comfortable than lying down (this is hard to believe for me). But that doesn't change the fact that sitting is a very unhealthy activity.

Is the small advantage that the keyboard+mouse provide worth diabetees, heart disease, spinal problems and even cancer?

At the risk of sounding like a mom, that health risk isn't worth it when the alternative is a bit less precision.

Bryshard Jackson

New member
May 18, 2011
On one side of my brain, "PC gamers Rulez!" is resounding quite loudly, simply because I have controllers (and a little program called XPADDER, along with a plethora of emulators that allow me to actually play PS1/2 games without having to switch systems) and love playing on my desktop.

However, I also realize companies like EA exist that love to low-ball PC gamers that aren't Alienware or use Nvidia graphics cards. Plus I don't want to haul my desktop everytime I want to play something over a friends house, and picking up my PS3 or Wii is just easier...

Arina Love

Apr 8, 2010
jason27131 said:
lol I'm not missing out on anything without playing J-RPGs. All the latest ones suck anyways (cough FF).

1 word why PC > Consoles: Minecraft.

GG sir. GG.
well it's your opinion, in mine, all latest FF(my favourite will be XIII) are good.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
I know poeple say it's expensive to buy PC's but I paida bout 300$ for mine and it's on par with current day consoles at the very least. *shrug* I've saved tons of money by buying games cheap too, I love GoG and Steam sales. Controller arguements are pointless, considering you can use whatever input you want on PC. Personally, gamepad is better for certain games (Platformers specifically) and Mouse + Keyboard are better for others.

Anyway, the whole PC vs. console gamer debate is stupid. A high end PC is objectively better than a console but:

A) They cost more

B) You have to maintain them yourelf

And that doesn't meant the people who play it are any better. I've met just as many assholes on PC Counter Strike and Team Fortress 2 than console Call of Duty, perhaps more. And honestly, it's just preference. No one can tell you what platform you play on is the wrong one.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
I enjoy both.
Theres no reason to believe either is better. Speed and precision of a mouse and keyboard is nice, but i prefer the feel of a controller.
And yes, i can use a controller with my PC. But that defeats the point of Speed and precision.

I own a great gaming PC, but i still enjoy the feel of a console. The spinning of the disc, the feel of the dashboard ((the 360 one anyway, i think the PC3 one is kinda bland)), the spam of invites from friends who want me to hang, and the hate mail of the "noobs i iz hardcore pwnzorz". Consoles are designed almost 100% for gaming, and theyre features dictate that.

Sure, my games arnt as pretty as they would be on PC, but im 100% fine with that.
Gameplay>Story>Graphics. And most of the time, its a console game being ported to PC, so the controls take a bit of a hit.

But i like both. Neither are better. Neither are worse. They are Apples and Oranges. Gummy and hard candy. Paper plates and cups. They both serve a purpose, and that purpose is to being people together in the chaos we call "friendly competition".

Gorilla Gunk

New member
May 21, 2011
The Lawn said:
Consoles are not cheaper.
I've spent probably... $1200 total on PC parts for my setup near the beginning of this console generation, including my monitors, all 3 of them. It's not amazing, but it far exceeds the recommended specs for new games today even though the hardware that matters is a couple years old now.

My console gamer friend has purchased a Wii, when it was new. $250.
Purchased an extra Wiimote and nunchuck thing. About 40 bucks.
Purchased an Xbox 360 at launch. $400.
Purchased extra controllers. 50 bucks at the time I believe, so 100 bucks total.
Purchased a PS3, the 60gig backwards compatable one, at launch. $600.
Purchased extra controller. Again, about 50 bucks.

A couple years later, due to the power supply on the ps3 failing and it no longer being under warranty.
New Ps3, 40 gig version. $400.

That's already a total of 1840 dollars, over the course of the last generation alone.
Wow, I have just about everything you have and didn't spend near that much. I probably spent LESS then you did for your PC.

Well I guess that's what you get for being impulsive and buying shit the day it comes out instead of waiting and shopping around for the best prices. A lot of wasted money there.


Aug 5, 2009
Alade said:
Is the small advantage that the keyboard+mouse provide worth diabetees, heart disease, spinal problems and even cancer?
Are you suggesting that if I was lying my fat ass down instead of sitting on it I'd be at less risk from diabetes, heart disease and cancer? Science please?