Well, I think this is going pretty well. Aside from all the mortal danger obviously.
I can't believe nobody is asking what happend to Erin's mom.
Moonlight Butterfly said:
I love this storyline and the word 'chode' xD I want to see what happens the 'meanwhiles' are getting frustrating lol.
I liked your disclaimer. It was nice of you to add that. It can very much contribute to depression when people tell you to get over it.
I have struggled with clinical depression for a long time and it turns out I have actually got something seriously physically wrong with me too (that can worsen mental symptoms) that I have had from when I was teen. So people who told me I was faker and lazy and to get over it feel a bit stupid now I'll bet...
The last time I saw my inner child I was in a dream chasing her around a high tech skyscraper in which various experiments were being conducted. Not entirely sure what that means...
Two things. 1. What is a "chode"? It sounds familiar...
2. Your dream is interesting. I guess you could say that it may reflect you trying (subconsciously or consciously) to remain in contact with your inner child (generally a time of happiness and innocence) in a world where technology is overtaking much of the world, including your own life....... Or maybe you ate something weird/had to much pizza/candy/something before bed. There really is no way to know (at least right now), with 100% certainty, what that could all mean. So take that interpretation for what it is. Just an interpretation.
Also, the people telling you to just get over your depression were ignorant. The terrible thing about mental illness treatment is that, while we have come a LONG way from just putting a hole in the head of the patient (Trepanning), most of the time when the illness is bad enough that medication/psychological treatment exercises arn't showing any progress, there is very little that can be done, and that is very disheartening for the doctor&especially the patient.
Sometimes we just don't have the means to effectively treat an illness, and nothing can be done by the doctors or patients. This is true in both physical and mental health. However, I like to think that we get more victories than defeats, and with technology advancing we may soon be able to do so much more than we are currently able to help people with illnesses. I mean can you imagine going back just 100 or 50 years, and saying that some people with certain illnesses could gain an improved quality of life if we removed half their brain? Anyone that would ever do that would probably get laughed out of all medical fields.