gardian06 said:
who taught PETA flash? who? whoever did you have some explaining to do.
when do the copywrite charges start dropping I mean like hardcore. Pokemon is a registered trade mark so is their likenesses. I mean Nintendo could probably crush PETA financially without even sweating. unless Nintendo is afraid that their Redmond office will get firebombed or something.
If they did not do it for Mario, they wont do it here.
Sadly, the media, for the most part lies. I know, I just "shocked" everyone with that "water-is-wet" idea. Anyway here is how it would go.
Nintendo sues, PETA goes too court, media sides with PETA because that is what liberals will do (Fox will side with no one, but will point out some of the PETA-killing), Nintendo gets bad press, liberals will pay PETA's court costs lawyer fees and however much Nintendo won (because they would win), Nintendo loses all the winning trying to recover from bad pres, and PETA will still be getting more and more donations.
In the end PETA wins because the F***ing wind bags in Hollywood (Paris Hilton, Gorge Clunny, ect) will keep giving too PETA because they never bothered too find out what PETA believes. And when Fox News tells them, well we all know Fox news lies. FYI, no other media outlet will say a D** thing.
And crap like this is why I am losing more and more hope that Americans will wake up and start DEMANDING honesty. Not just from the media, but politicians (ALL politicians), their employers, Banks, Police, Hospitals, Scientists, Everyone in the WORLD.
*steps off soap-box*