PETA Responds to World at War Dog Killing Controversy


New member
Jan 21, 2009
And after that you can invite the SS Panzer Division Totenkopf out for lunch and maybe see if they'd like to join your book club.
I already asked them, but they turned me down


New member
Jan 10, 2009
Some moron said:
"With a little Nintendogs influence, perhaps the next Call of Duty game will have you unlock achievements for petting the dogs you encounter and going on walks or playing Frisbee with them,"
Oh yeah, remember that part in Saving Private Ryan where Tom Hanks calls a time out so he could groom his labradore and tell it how special it is? Me neither, thats the worst idea ever.

HobbesMkii said:
Here's an alternative headline: "Activision to PETA over Dog-Killing Controversy: Bite Me"


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Honestly, if a dog was trying to rip me to shreds I would probably wound it to the point of it stopping.

I don't understand if thats supposed to be cruelty? I think its more like self defence, and I'm not going to just let dogs attack me because some organization cares more about them than me.

Then again I don't get attacked by dogs that oft.... ever


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I guess there is no stopping PETA until all Animals get the right to vote and there finally is an animal president in the whitehouse.



New member
Jun 24, 2008
Malygris said:
With attention drawn to the admittedly minor furor by numerous gaming sites, it was only a matter of time before PETA weighed in on the matter.
We did this internet, without the fuss we kicked up about that girls little petition PETA would never have gotten involved! Nobody cared, except us! And now the ridiculous saga continues.

Hang your heads in shame Escapists.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Malygris said:
"With a little Nintendogs influence, perhaps the next Call of Duty game will have you unlock achievements for petting the dogs you encounter and going on walks or playing Frisbee with them,"
Lol gotta love 'em.


Jan 23, 2008
ckeymel said:
Malygris said:
"With a little Nintendogs influence, perhaps the next Call of Duty game will have you unlock achievements for petting the dogs you encounter and going on walks or playing Frisbee with them," the group said.
I want the job of being PETA's official spokesperson. It seems like they get to sit around all day thinking up the most ridiculous things they possibly can.
I don't. You need to work HARD to come up with things this stupid... That or have brain damage...


Elite Member
Jan 10, 2009
zoozilla said:
"With a little Nintendogs influence, perhaps the next Call of Duty game will have you unlock achievements for petting the dogs you encounter and going on walks or playing Frisbee with them," the group said.

"In a post-Michael Vick world, you'd think that Activision Blizzard, which publishes the popular game, would take abusing dogs for entertainment purposes more seriously."
I don't even know if PETA takes themselves seriously.
It sounds like they're making a joke

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
ckeymel said:
Malygris said:
"With a little Nintendogs influence, perhaps the next Call of Duty game will have you unlock achievements for petting the dogs you encounter and going on walks or playing Frisbee with them," the group said.
I want the job of being PETA's official spokesperson. It seems like they get to sit around all day thinking up the most ridiculous things they possibly can.
PETA Spokesperson 1: I hear in Resident Evil 5, there are some worms. Think we can kick up a storm about that?
PETA Spokesperson 2: Hmm... write this down. Perhaps you can train the worms. Maybe teach them knitting or sewing. NO! Try to force Capcom to allow the player to tickle the stomachs of the worms, call them cutesy names and let them ride around on their shoulder.
PETA Spokesperson 1: Ok, sir, I've got it. Shall I put it in the post?
PETA Spokesperson 2: No. Let our messenger walrus take it. [sup]*waves letter at walrus*[/sup] Go on, Sally. Take the letter and fly to Japan. I said fly!


Impractically practical
Feb 6, 2009
The thing I don't get...

These people know this game came out five months ago, right? Why all the up-in-arms now?


<Insert Avatar Here>
Jul 3, 2008
Malygris said:
Activision responded..."...Activision in no way endorses or condones cruelty to animals, and we don't believe the game will encourage cruelty in any way."
A voice of reason. :)

Link Kadeshi

New member
Oct 17, 2008
Malygris said:
"With a little Nintendogs influence, perhaps the next Call of Duty game will have you unlock achievements for petting the dogs you encounter and going on walks or playing Frisbee with them,"
"Hello! Think McFly!"

So... We should go to a war-torn country side, kill as many living human beings as possible to get a reward of playing frisbee along the bombed out beach of Normandy? Will I still need to duck and cover? Should I order in combat drops of supplies, cause I doubt the Nazi's would give me back the frisbee if I threw it over the barbed wire again... They are such fascists. Can I get my grenades replaced with squeeky toys? Man now that would be good training for next time I go to the dog park with my puppy... You know, kill everyone there so I can pet all the dogs.... Thanks PETA, you've made the world a better place.... And I'd like the think that you've caused a temporal anomoly where WWII was a Dog Show, I mean, 'cause when was the last time a German Shepard won that contest... Though this means the French would be able to finally have a shot at not surrendering, Viva La French Poodles (Author in no way Endorses France or it's breeds of dog. For more fun facts on WWII, see PETA's new games: "Farmland Bomber: Save the Cows, Kill the Rest", and "Russia's New Puppy Needs a Nail Trimming")!

Next you should tackle movies/TV shows that showed mine workers using canarys. It's time our pure idealism and the power of belief changed the cold hard facts of history. I feel so liberated from my life of inteligence and thinking.
Feb 13, 2008
meatloaf231 said:
lasherman said:
So killing humans is perfectly fine, but shooting a couple of vicious attack dogs that will tear your throat out is cruel? ok...
Remember, PETA couldn't care less about humans.
Or pets, given they slaughtered nearly 3000 in 2006 [].


New member
Mar 19, 2009
People Eating Tasty Animals!!!!!
I live in Northeast Missouri. So far PETA hasn't shown up here to get laughed out of the county. Might make life more exciting to have some morons show up at the annual coon hunt contest.