Peter Jackson Writes Legolas Into The Hobbit

Tehlanna TPX

New member
Mar 23, 2010
BabyRaptor said:
Tehlanna TPX said:
I didn't take his statement as meaning that Legolas himself will be in the film so much as that we'll be seeing Orlando Bloom. But okay. I'm sure the elitists will freak out no matter what is done, so might as well go big or go home in this case?
Yeah, because it's totally elitist and stupid to expect that a book you love not be totally rewritten for an obvious cash-in. How dare we?

Really, this is going a bit far. I get that he thinks Lord of the Rings was good. And it was. I'll be the first to admit that. But do we really have to totally rewrite the damn book?

Mmmm. I should've used sarcastic smilies. There is nothing wrong at all with elitism. I apologize if it came across that way; that wasn't my intent. I just don't see the point in getting up in arms, as of yet, since it wasn't precisely stated that he will be reprising (or is this... wait... its not a sequel.. oh whatever) the role of Legolas. And I can understand the argument for a pure product. I hated Legend of the Seeker for the exact same reason as alot of people hated the LotR movies. But I didn't let myself hate the show until after I watched it. /shrug.

To each their own, I guess?

Deadman Walkin

New member
Jul 17, 2008
I really hope that he gets a small off-to-the-side-that-you-see-for-three-minutes roll. He WASN'T in the Hobbit as mentioned, and I really don't think he belongs in the Hobbit.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
The quote doesn't say that Bloom will play Legolas - just that he will be part of the cast...


New member
Sep 8, 2010
I'm not going to pass any big verdicts until I see the movie. We will just have to see how it plays out.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Come on by now we can safely say that Jackson knows what he's doing and wont ruin the story with this.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Crimony. Alright, this movie's on my "must avoid" list. Legolas I don't mind. They can put him in a dozen movies for all I care. Orlando Bloom, on the other hand? Nuh-uh. I can't stand watching him attempt to act. Somehow he reads mild-mannered and soft-spoken but still comes off to me as giving a forced performance. I know it sounds snotty, I know he has a lot of fans, but it's irritating for me to watch and really takes me out of a movie whenever he's onscreen.


New member
Oct 1, 2008
Hmm.. Yeah it's weird because Legolas wasn't in The Hobbit...

But hey, it's Peter Jackson.. I'd pretty much let him put mario in there.

Rolling 20

New member
Jan 1, 2009
It's all really not as bad as some are making it out to be. I think it'll be fine and Bilbo DOES go to Mirkwood. Seeing a difference between the LOTR Nerds here. Some are saying "It's in Mirkwood, so it's feasible as long as he doesn't go over board with it" and you get some who are immediately writing-off the inclusion, which I don't quite understand.

For all involved all we can do is wait. Jackson did well with the LOTR considering the massive amount of content and he'll be fine again.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009

In all seriousness, the liberties Jackson has taken haven't been that bad, although that whole Arwen thing still rings to be kind of annoying. Legolas' appearance isn't even that impossible from the adventure. It's not like Jackson is fool enough to put Legolas into the party, or to give him a lead. We're talking cameo/few screen shots here, with a few lines of dialogue. Here's hoping for an damn good movie anyway.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Yay a completely unnecessary cameo from an actor I don't care for playing the most forgettable character in the books and movies! woot.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
Probably just a cameo of him getting drunk at the awesome underground elf party! WOOOO!!


New member
Nov 3, 2010
Canid117 said:
Johnnyallstar said:
Hopefully it's only a cameo style shot in Rivendell, with maybe a line or two. I just don't want him through the entire thing giving Thorin Oakenshield the Gimli role.
As I recall Bilbo and the Dwarves traveled through the forest that Legolas dad owns. This means he could show up in background or possibly even speak a few lines and still be very faithful to the book.
Exactly this. Also, i'm pretty sure it was mentioned that Legolas fought in the Battle of Five Armies.

BehattedWanderer said:
In all seriousness, the liberties Jackson has taken haven't been that bad, although that whole Arwen thing still rings to be kind of annoying.
Ughh... It amazes me people have a problem with the Arwen thing. It was such an obvious necessity for the movie. Why? Because as written, she was a relatively important character, but one with very little page-time. That low page time would equate to low screen-time, and low screen-time usually means unimportant. Also, it's harder to have a lot of minor named characters in movies, because people can't flip back a few pages to remind themselves why they should care about this elf guy. So, Peter Jackson combined Arwen's character with several (relatively) minor elves, thus making her importance more apparent while simultaneously simplifying the log of minor characters for the casual viewer. And ultimately, it didn't truly change anything.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Monkfish Acc. said:
Tom Goldman said:
"Ten years ago, Orlando Bloom created an iconic character with his portrayal of Legolas"
Yeah pretty much every woman I know is going to drag me to see this movie now.
Subtle bragging FTW

On another note.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
.[B@lL15T1C said:
keideki said:
This confirms my fears that the whole Hobbit movie will be a sad sad sham. Damn you Peter Jackson, DAMN YOU STRAIT TO HELL!

On the other side of the coin, it might not be too bad, but I have a serious problem when movie makers take big liberties with the source materials like this. What they did with LoTR was acceptable but I really can't get behind this kind of change.
Its not reall a big liberty, it makes huge sense that legolas was in mirkwood at the same time as bilbo. His dad ruled there, it was only 60 years before and he's an elf.
Assuming they keep it to a cameo. If he just appears on screen, maybe says a few lines or something then I guess no problem. My problem comes in the likely idea that Legolas will play a much larger role than that due to the idea that Orlando Bloom 'sells well'.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Johnnyallstar said:
Ah yes, you guys are right. I forgot about that since I haven't read The Hobbit in about 12 years... the way things slip right?
If there's one thing people on The Escapist are guaranteed to do is make corrections, that and correcting someone on Page 1 even though the thread is past 5 pages and the material has (most likely) already been fixed/informed/discussed


New member
May 13, 2011
Solstrana91 said:
To be honest, I love Legolas, I'm more than happy to let artistic licence rear it's head this time round. Having said that, I do know several people who are gonna be mighty pissed off at this.
Screw them, I love Legolas and Orlando Bloom.

Besides, he was most certainly in the book. He just wasn't mentioned by name.