Peter Jackson Writes Legolas Into The Hobbit


New member
Aug 13, 2009
As long as it is still a good movie, and that his appearence is not plot destroying, I couldn't care less!


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I understand the decision, making sure that people get the connection between the two- and by that it means making sure even the thickest movie-goers understand. For the people that are concerned about preserving the Book, I doubt that Legolas would be shoehorned into the entire film or show up in The Shire with the rest of the Dwarves, setting off with Bilbo from the beginning.

Most likely, would just throw him into some part in the Woodland Realm when the Woodelves capture the group after escaping the spiders. Kind of a smaller part, but when I heard that Dr. Who David Tennant was playing the King of the Woodelves, made me think that the scene would be a bit more significant if they would cast someone well known as him.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009

Seriously? No. No.

Just no. Not a big "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" just no.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Will Fran and Phillipa be doing the adaptation again? If so, I have faith that they can insert the character in a way that works. On the other hand hand if they can't make it work, I think they'd tell Peter so and convince him to change his mind.

Vault Citizen

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May 8, 2008
Herman Zindler said:
I am a pretty hardcore fan of Tolkien's original works - and I have to say - writing Legolas in isn't that huge of a departure or that infeasible in the continuity of the events of the Hobbit. Bilbo goes to the halls of Thranduil for goodness sake.

Several of Peter Jackson's alterations to The Lord of the Rings (e.g. Arwen, Osgiliath, Gandalf's confrontation with the Witch King, the ridiculousness that Treebeard wouldn't know what Saruman was up to in his own forest, etc., etc.) were much more inflammatory than this and, even so, I'll be the first to argue that Mr. Jackson has handled enough of the content from the books with deference and respect to warrant a few liberties like this here and there.

Still, all will be forgiven if he includes Beorn :D
Wait, Gandalf had a confrontation with the Witch King and it was written out? Thats upsetting.

As for this change I don't see the point myself but I hope he doesn't have a big role in the film, the movies should spend time focussing on making sure the characters that were in the book without wasting time worrying about the ones that weren't


New member
Feb 6, 2010
peter Jackson created three beautiful movies out three beautiful books, I trust him and I think he will create another two beautiful movies


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Legolas was the best role Bloom has ever had, and yes, he did make it his own. I for one will be glad to see him return, whatever the form.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2009
Sure, why not? Jackson has heavily altered parts of the story before and it made for brilliant films while still keeping true to most of the source lore.

Go initiative!

Alon Shechter

New member
Apr 8, 2010
I can already see your idea, Peter.
Legolas will emerge riding Smaug and stick arrows in his weak spot and then start rocking a guitar solo mid flight as he plays the piano with his feet and the violin with his abs and keep punching Smaug with his eyebrows BECAUSE HE CAN DO MOTHERF-ING EVERYTHING

I want to see Figwit...


New member
Apr 15, 2009
keideki said:
This confirms my fears that the whole Hobbit movie will be a sad sad sham. Damn you Peter Jackson, DAMN YOU STRAIT TO HELL!

On the other side of the coin, it might not be too bad, but I have a serious problem when movie makers take big liberties with the source materials like this. What they did with LoTR was acceptable but I really can't get behind this kind of change.
Its not reall a big liberty, it makes huge sense that legolas was in mirkwood at the same time as bilbo. His dad ruled there, it was only 60 years before and he's an elf.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
I'm so indifferent about Legolas at this point, it's unreal. He used to be my squealy fangirl dream, until I realized I like men who look like men and commended drooling all the fuck over Aragorn.

And yeah, so he wasn't in the Hobbit, but he is an elf and he was alive and in Mirkwood at the time of the Hobbit. So yeah, that could work. But then the only problem I have is that their time spent in Mirkwood wasn't one of joy and happiness. So shouldn't it end up making it either a)awkward for Legolas to help Frodo in LotR, or b)Legolas have one of those "I know who your uncle/cousin/whatever is" moment in LotR.

My captcha has the word "Testicular" in it. That is all.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
That's fair. At least if he doesn't become one of the main cast. If I remember correctly, they go through Mirkwood and Legolas is from Mirkwood, so it's hardly a big stretch. Adding in a little nod to the fans is perfectly acceptable. I actually prefer it when a movie adds its own slight twist to the book so the movie isn't completely redundant.


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Apr 7, 2011
Johnnyallstar said:
Hopefully it's only a cameo style shot in Rivendell, with maybe a line or two. I just don't want him through the entire thing giving Thorin Oakenshield the Gimli role.
Why would it be in Rivendel? Legolas is from Mirkwood and his father was Thranduil who interogated the dwarves in his hall. before the battle of 5 armies Thranduil kept his kingdom in secrecy and had only trade with the men of the lake. In the fellowship of the ring Legolas was an ambasador to seek Elrond's council as was everyone else in the meeting.

And i always wondered where legolas was during that part of the Hobbit, and what part he took in the battle of 5 armies. and in the fellowship of the ring he was somewhat familiar with Gimli's father as well as Gandalf seemed to know him from that time. so If done right they can add him in during that time, maybe in Thranduils halls and doing his part in the battle of 5 armies, just hopefully a little less ninja bs like he did in the trilogy.

Detective Prince

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Feb 6, 2011
As much as I love Legolas...I find it kinda weird he'll be in The Hobbit. I read the books when I was young, and re-read them since, and I don't see why/how he'll fit in at all...Oh well just have to wait and see


New member
May 2, 2011
Wait... if Frodo is being put in the Hobbit... and Frodo was in his 30s during LOTR... and the Hobbit take place 60 years before LOTR... does this mean we get a Frodo in his -20s?