Peter Jackson Writes Legolas Into The Hobbit


Brain Freeze...yay!
Jan 14, 2011
It's deephelm all over again! I seriously don't understand why he doesn't just write his own Fantasy instead of just completely re-writing the freaking orginals XD

Tom Phoenix

New member
Mar 28, 2009
In terms of "changing" the original story, this is actually quite mild. As numerous others have mentioned before me, Legolas is the Prince of Mirkwood and some of the events in The Hobbit take place in Mirkwood. Plus, as far as I know, Tolkien never mentioned what Legolas was doing during this time. As such, it is entirely plausible that Legolas was in Mirkwood. So his appearance wouldn't necessarilly constitute a violation of the canon.

That said, however, it does depend on how much Legolas will actually be involved in the movie. If he just makes an extended cameo appearance, that would be completely fine and quite fitting. But if he actually interacts with the protagonists, then that would be a problem.

But to be honest, I think Jackson has been handling these "non-canon" appearances quite well so far. Frodo is being included in a way that it doesn't conflict with the canon, so I am sure Legolas will be included in the same way.


An apt captcha if I ever saw one. XD


Jan 5, 2010
As long as he's a minor cameo.

If he journeys with the dwarves and goes and pulls out the black arrow I might be a little peeved.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Tom Phoenix said:
That said, however, it does depend on how much Legolas will actually be involved in the movie. If he just makes an extended cameo appearance, that would be completely fine and quite fitting. But if he actually interacts with the protagonists, then that would be a problem.
oh, I don't know, the dwarves were kept captive for quite some time and we didn't know wether they had "visitors" because the story is told by Bilbo. There are quite a few ways to give Legolas some spotlight without violating canon.


New member
Feb 9, 2010
Well just I hope it's done well.

Also, does anyone else get the idea of a female vigilante when they hear Legolas?


New member
Aug 2, 2009
Tiger Sora said:
Stick to whats already written you moron. Tolkien is turning in his grave.
Step 1) Read the above posts.

Step 2) Read the novels.

Step 3) place your fingers together in an open palm position and apply it to your face.

@Tom Phoenix - you're right and I didn't even know they were including Frodo. That's more of a canon-violating risk than Legolas, by far; and yet still entirely plausable. Why oh why are people complaining so much about this.

chaos order

New member
Jan 27, 2010
the three movies were FANTASTIC, I LOVED THEM, BRILLIANT, so i will definitely give him the benefit of the doubt


New member
Jan 21, 2010
You know, I'm tired of trying to protect the lore by going over the plot with a fine-toothed comb and nit-picking everything. I say screw it, let's go for it! I'm all for reasonable artistic license, just watch how your characterization on Bard, Smaug, Beorn and so on goes. Also I expect, no, demand that
the goblins do a musical number while dragging the dwarves down to Goblin-Town and while lighting the trees on fire after they escape.
If you do not concede to my demands, terrible things will happen, Mr. Jackson, terrible things.

Purple Shrimp

New member
Oct 7, 2008
Tom Phoenix said:
But to be honest, I think Jackson has been handling these "non-canon" appearances quite well so far. Frodo is being included in a way that it doesn't conflict with the canon, so I am sure Legolas will be included in the same way.
Legolas' appearance is fine, but I'm pretty sure it's impossible for Frodo to appear in The Hobbit. He's 33 at the start of Fellowship and by my reckoning the Hobbit takes place about 80 years beforehand


New member
Feb 23, 2010
Well, Legolas is a Mirkwood elf, and we haven't been told that he was anywhere else at that time, so as long as he's only a minor character, I'll be fine with it. Yeah, I know why they're putting him in it. I just save up my rage for things that truly deserve it, so that it can be all the more potent at that point.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
People who complain about this seriously need to go back and actually.. u know.. read The Hobbit, as it makes every bit of sense that legolas would be included in Mirkwood.

On top of that, we dont know how exactly the movie will play out in terms of relating & connecting back to the LOTR trilogy. Frodo is also in The Hobbit movie, which makes no sense whatsoever in terms of that book alone, but there is obviously something going on that will connect The Hobbit movies and the LOTR trilogy together that we dont yet understand - of which also could be where legolas is featured.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Purple Shrimp said:
Legolas' appearance is fine, but I'm pretty sure it's impossible for Frodo to appear in The Hobbit. He's 33 at the start of Fellowship and by my reckoning the Hobbit takes place about 80 years beforehand
It's all about framing. "The Hobbit" is a book by Bilbo Baggins and the whole story of the movie will be Bilbo reading the book to Frodo, if I recall correctly.


New member
Aug 2, 2009
Purple Shrimp said:
Tom Phoenix said:
But to be honest, I think Jackson has been handling these "non-canon" appearances quite well so far. Frodo is being included in a way that it doesn't conflict with the canon, so I am sure Legolas will be included in the same way.
Legolas' appearance is fine, but I'm pretty sure it's impossible for Frodo to appear in The Hobbit. He's 33 at the start of Fellowship and by my reckoning the Hobbit takes place about 80 years beforehand
This is true, though the film makers have admitted that they'll be showing a number of events which occurred between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, which is why The Hobbit will span two films.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
Purple Shrimp said:
Tom Phoenix said:
But to be honest, I think Jackson has been handling these "non-canon" appearances quite well so far. Frodo is being included in a way that it doesn't conflict with the canon, so I am sure Legolas will be included in the same way.
Legolas' appearance is fine, but I'm pretty sure it's impossible for Frodo to appear in The Hobbit. He's 33 at the start of Fellowship and by my reckoning the Hobbit takes place about 80 years beforehand
Someone else has already brought up how a cameo of him could actually make some sense.
mikozero said:
not if its through Bilbo telling the story to Frodo and simply used to frame the story.

remember "The Hobbit" or "There and Back Again" is written by Blibo inside the larger story itself.
If thats all they do with Frodo I wouldn't really mind, it doesn't bother the real story and lets them have their precious tie-ins.