PewDiePie Addresses Recent Media Coverage Amidst Controversy


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Saelune said:
*sigh* It has occurred to me that I bet we have a whole new generation of "anti-SJW's" due to all the kids who worship him who will now continue to assume all media "except those that agree with them" are false and bad.

He did better than Trump by actually saying hate groups are bad, but he really is just echoing Trump's ignorant childish personality here. A spoiled rich guy bitching about "evil media" for calling out the terrible shit they say.
To be clear, Pewdiepie didn't do it, the WSJ did it to themselves followed by the media dog pile. He didn't tell them to take his jokes and commentary out of context, he just defended himself.

It is like Trump though. Every time the media publishes a lie, (golden shower, ext) it hurts them, every time they go hyperbolic it hurts them. It's actually providing Trump cover because the real issues are getting lost in the noise.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Ukomba said:
Saelune said:
*sigh* It has occurred to me that I bet we have a whole new generation of "anti-SJW's" due to all the kids who worship him who will now continue to assume all media "except those that agree with them" are false and bad.

He did better than Trump by actually saying hate groups are bad, but he really is just echoing Trump's ignorant childish personality here. A spoiled rich guy bitching about "evil media" for calling out the terrible shit they say.
To be clear, Pewdiepie didn't do it, the WSJ did it to themselves followed by the media dog pile. He didn't tell them to take his jokes and commentary out of context, he just defended himself.

It is like Trump though. Every time the media publishes a lie, (golden shower, ext) it hurts them, every time they go hyperbolic it hurts them. It's actually providing Trump cover because the real issues are getting lost in the noise.
Lets be clear, people are responsible for their own actions. Whether people admit it or not, PewDiePie made his own choices, as does Trump, as does people who support or defy Trump. If people want to not think for themselves, they are still responsible for their actions even if they dont want to actually take responsibility for it.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Adam Jensen said:
The guy is not funny. Go figure, what a surprising fuckin' twist. But he's also not an anti-Semite. He's actually a very decent guy with a shitty sense of humor. The stupidity of SJW's is what amazes me in all of this.
That last sentence is the same mistake that this sub group of SJWs (and Felixstowe for that matter) did - use one sentence or person to degrade a whole group


New member
May 5, 2010
bladestorm91 said:
It appears that some people in this thread are completely missing the point. It doesn't matter if you don't like him and/or don't like some or all of the humor in his shows, that's NOT the point here.

The point is that the mainstream media has done a smear job against him, because they didn't like his humor. They wanted to damage his reputation and cost him millions just because they didn't like something about him. THAT, is fucked up.

To try and ruin a guy when he has done nothing to deserve it, and doing so under the guise of journalism is completely disgusting and despicable.
See, I disagree insofar as I don't think it was a smear job by the media, but rather they are just that incompetent. Or lazy, if I'm being generous. "A swastika?! *drops monocle into snifter* By George, get me my inkwell pen! The magistrates shall hear of this! No need to look at this further than my knee jerk."

On a related note to the media and really the public in general, I've learned that one's vocabulary or skill at structuring an argument is not necessarily correlated to one's ability to think critically. There are far more people than I anticipated that are very eloquent and are as sharp as a tack made of silly putty.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Saelune said:
Ukomba said:
Saelune said:
*sigh* It has occurred to me that I bet we have a whole new generation of "anti-SJW's" due to all the kids who worship him who will now continue to assume all media "except those that agree with them" are false and bad.

He did better than Trump by actually saying hate groups are bad, but he really is just echoing Trump's ignorant childish personality here. A spoiled rich guy bitching about "evil media" for calling out the terrible shit they say.
To be clear, Pewdiepie didn't do it, the WSJ did it to themselves followed by the media dog pile. He didn't tell them to take his jokes and commentary out of context, he just defended himself.

It is like Trump though. Every time the media publishes a lie, (golden shower, ext) it hurts them, every time they go hyperbolic it hurts them. It's actually providing Trump cover because the real issues are getting lost in the noise.
Lets be clear, people are responsible for their own actions. Whether people admit it or not, PewDiePie made his own choices, as does Trump, as does people who support or defy Trump. If people want to not think for themselves, they are still responsible for their actions even if they dont want to actually take responsibility for it.
Not sure what you're going on about. Never said people weren't responsible for their actions. IN FACT, that is EXACTLY what I'm saying in regards to the media. They are responsible for hurting themselves by taking him out of context and he has every right to respond to the smear. If you don't like what the outcome of this story is likely to be, blame them for going full Macintosh.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Ukomba said:
Saelune said:
Ukomba said:
Saelune said:
*sigh* It has occurred to me that I bet we have a whole new generation of "anti-SJW's" due to all the kids who worship him who will now continue to assume all media "except those that agree with them" are false and bad.

He did better than Trump by actually saying hate groups are bad, but he really is just echoing Trump's ignorant childish personality here. A spoiled rich guy bitching about "evil media" for calling out the terrible shit they say.
To be clear, Pewdiepie didn't do it, the WSJ did it to themselves followed by the media dog pile. He didn't tell them to take his jokes and commentary out of context, he just defended himself.

It is like Trump though. Every time the media publishes a lie, (golden shower, ext) it hurts them, every time they go hyperbolic it hurts them. It's actually providing Trump cover because the real issues are getting lost in the noise.
Lets be clear, people are responsible for their own actions. Whether people admit it or not, PewDiePie made his own choices, as does Trump, as does people who support or defy Trump. If people want to not think for themselves, they are still responsible for their actions even if they dont want to actually take responsibility for it.
Not sure what you're going on about. Never said people weren't responsible for their actions. IN FACT, that is EXACTLY what I'm saying in regards to the media. They are responsible for hurting themselves by taking him out of context and he has every right to respond to the smear. If you don't like what the outcome of this story is likely to be, blame them for going full Macintosh.
No, PewDiePie is guilty of being an idiot and is getting punished for it. That some people will use this as an excuse to be jerks is not the fault of those who will call them out on it.

People listen to this dumbass (PewDiePie to be clear), which is kind of my point.


New member
Dec 8, 2015
trunkage said:
Adam Jensen said:
The guy is not funny. Go figure, what a surprising fuckin' twist. But he's also not an anti-Semite. He's actually a very decent guy with a shitty sense of humor. The stupidity of SJW's is what amazes me in all of this.
That last sentence is the same mistake that this sub group of SJWs (and Felixstowe for that matter) did - use one sentence or person to degrade a whole group
I don't know about Jensen, but I'd say referring to SJWs as a whole is appropriate. People who fight for equality and civil rights without resorting to this kind of smear tactic behavior I would refer to as progressive. "Social justice" is the radical form of that. After all, if it's simply justice, then why add "social" to it? It's either justice or it's not.

LetalisK said:
See, I disagree insofar as I don't think it was a smear job by the media, but rather they are just that incompetent. Or lazy, if I'm being generous. "A swastika?! *drops monocle into snifter* By George, get me my inkwell pen! The magistrates shall hear of this! No need to look at this further than my knee jerk."
This actually was proven to be a smear job. The writers took his jokes out of context deliberately, going through several of his past videos to specifically find jokes they could paint as "anti-Semitic" and directly sent their "investigation" to Disney to ruin his sponsorship. And now the writers have privatized their Twitters. This was a hit-piece in every way.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Saelune said:
... all media "except those that agree with them" are false and bad. ... "evil media" ...
*gasp* I'm shocked. Not all media are false and bad, and they certainly aren't evil. What a terrible statement. :O

Because, context, who needs that.

If you actually bothered to look, his jokes and commentary all revolve around the fact that Nazi's are bad and genocide is terrible. It falls apart if you don't believe that. Sure, maybe there are some extremely unaware Nazi's out there who take it at face value, but then the same could be said about Stephen Colberts old show. The right reaction to those people is just to point and laugh that they don't get they are the butt of the joke.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Ukomba said:
Saelune said:
... all media "except those that agree with them" are false and bad. ... "evil media" ...
*gasp* I'm shocked. Not all media are false and bad, and they certainly aren't evil. What a terrible statement. :O

Because, context, who needs that.

If you actually bothered to look, his jokes and commentary all revolve around the fact that Nazi's are bad and genocide is terrible. It falls apart if you don't believe that. Sure, maybe there are some extremely unaware Nazi's out there who take it at face value, but then the same could be said about Stephen Colberts old show. The right reaction to those people is just to point and laugh that they don't get they are the butt of the joke.
But thats the problem. Too many people take the joke seriously, and Im not talking about those offended by it, I mean those who now feel encouraged or supported by PewDiePie.

"Its just a joke" really loses itself at that point. Too many people get enwrapped in these so called jokes, but can only say something ironically for so long before you start saying it unironically.

Edit: And my point of evil media and the use of quotes is how widely people criticize media as evil, yet uh...where do they get their own news from? Fox and CNN and Breitbart are not all unified, but arent they all consdered media? What about the media saying all media is bad?

Its like if you read a book telling you the evils of book reading.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Saelune said:
Ukomba said:
Saelune said:
... all media "except those that agree with them" are false and bad. ... "evil media" ...
*gasp* I'm shocked. Not all media are false and bad, and they certainly aren't evil. What a terrible statement. :O

Because, context, who needs that.

If you actually bothered to look, his jokes and commentary all revolve around the fact that Nazi's are bad and genocide is terrible. It falls apart if you don't believe that. Sure, maybe there are some extremely unaware Nazi's out there who take it at face value, but then the same could be said about Stephen Colberts old show. The right reaction to those people is just to point and laugh that they don't get they are the butt of the joke.
But thats the problem. Too many people take the joke seriously, and Im not talking about those offended by it, I mean those who now feel encouraged or supported by PewDiePie.

"Its just a joke" really loses itself at that point. Too many people get enwrapped in these so called jokes, but can only say something ironically for so long before you start saying it unironically.
-_- who cares about those people? Stop letting Nazi's effect how you think. I mean, do you hate the Wall Street Journal now because they say they are big fans? You're giving them way more power than they deserve.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Ukomba said:
Saelune said:
Ukomba said:
Saelune said:
... all media "except those that agree with them" are false and bad. ... "evil media" ...
*gasp* I'm shocked. Not all media are false and bad, and they certainly aren't evil. What a terrible statement. :O

Because, context, who needs that.

If you actually bothered to look, his jokes and commentary all revolve around the fact that Nazi's are bad and genocide is terrible. It falls apart if you don't believe that. Sure, maybe there are some extremely unaware Nazi's out there who take it at face value, but then the same could be said about Stephen Colberts old show. The right reaction to those people is just to point and laugh that they don't get they are the butt of the joke.
But thats the problem. Too many people take the joke seriously, and Im not talking about those offended by it, I mean those who now feel encouraged or supported by PewDiePie.

"Its just a joke" really loses itself at that point. Too many people get enwrapped in these so called jokes, but can only say something ironically for so long before you start saying it unironically.
-_- who cares about those people? Stop letting Nazi's effect how you think. I mean, do you hate the Wall Street Journal now because they say they are big fans? You're giving them way more power than they deserve.
Considering that such people have a President in power they find acceptable, I care because I live in this country and dont want my rights taken from me.

Bigotry is a big deal and it has only gotten worse since this election. You may not care but I do because if people dont care things only get worse.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Jesus, enough. I can't stand pewdiepie, but.... enough is enough. The dude doesn't deserve to be shat on.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I'm not a fan... I don't think I've even seen a PewDiePie video, just the occasional reference to same in other people's work.

But quite frankly, the sense I'm getting here is that continuing to harp on him after he's suffered a significant financial hit is vindictiveness well over and above anything that could be considered proportional retribution.

You know... What social media is good at.

Expressed his sense of humor in an unfortunate manner; did not actually have malevolent intent, annnnnd, scene! File under, "think less of people who want to continually exert their energies on this."


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Saelune said:
Ukomba said:
Saelune said:
Ukomba said:
Saelune said:
... all media "except those that agree with them" are false and bad. ... "evil media" ...
*gasp* I'm shocked. Not all media are false and bad, and they certainly aren't evil. What a terrible statement. :O

Because, context, who needs that.

If you actually bothered to look, his jokes and commentary all revolve around the fact that Nazi's are bad and genocide is terrible. It falls apart if you don't believe that. Sure, maybe there are some extremely unaware Nazi's out there who take it at face value, but then the same could be said about Stephen Colberts old show. The right reaction to those people is just to point and laugh that they don't get they are the butt of the joke.
But thats the problem. Too many people take the joke seriously, and Im not talking about those offended by it, I mean those who now feel encouraged or supported by PewDiePie.

"Its just a joke" really loses itself at that point. Too many people get enwrapped in these so called jokes, but can only say something ironically for so long before you start saying it unironically.
-_- who cares about those people? Stop letting Nazi's effect how you think. I mean, do you hate the Wall Street Journal now because they say they are big fans? You're giving them way more power than they deserve.
Considering that such people have a President in power they find acceptable, I care because I live in this country and dont want my rights taken from me.

Bigotry is a big deal and it has only gotten worse since this election. You may not care but I do because if people dont care things only get worse.
Wow, you reeeeeally want to make this about Trump.

Want to know something really funny though? Conservative radio talk show hosts are on your side.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Ukomba said:
Saelune said:
Ukomba said:
Saelune said:
Ukomba said:
Saelune said:
... all media "except those that agree with them" are false and bad. ... "evil media" ...
*gasp* I'm shocked. Not all media are false and bad, and they certainly aren't evil. What a terrible statement. :O

Because, context, who needs that.

If you actually bothered to look, his jokes and commentary all revolve around the fact that Nazi's are bad and genocide is terrible. It falls apart if you don't believe that. Sure, maybe there are some extremely unaware Nazi's out there who take it at face value, but then the same could be said about Stephen Colberts old show. The right reaction to those people is just to point and laugh that they don't get they are the butt of the joke.
But thats the problem. Too many people take the joke seriously, and Im not talking about those offended by it, I mean those who now feel encouraged or supported by PewDiePie.

"Its just a joke" really loses itself at that point. Too many people get enwrapped in these so called jokes, but can only say something ironically for so long before you start saying it unironically.
-_- who cares about those people? Stop letting Nazi's effect how you think. I mean, do you hate the Wall Street Journal now because they say they are big fans? You're giving them way more power than they deserve.
Considering that such people have a President in power they find acceptable, I care because I live in this country and dont want my rights taken from me.

Bigotry is a big deal and it has only gotten worse since this election. You may not care but I do because if people dont care things only get worse.
Wow, you reeeeeally want to make this about Trump.

Want to know something really funny though? Conservative radio talk show hosts are on your side.
Considering that people are using this as another excuse to take issue with "SJW's" and "Evil Media", the same type people who support Trump, well.

And you're gonna have to site sources and elaborate on that last bit. Cause "On my side" in the general sense they are not. Occasionally agreeing on something doesnt invalidate everything else either.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
gigastar said:
Also this stream, its easily the best thing ive had the pleasure of tuning into all week so far;

Holy shit, I missed this.

It's glorious.

So many big guns.


Seeker of Ancient Knowledge
Aug 3, 2011
Zydrate said:
This just in; Actions have consequences. Who knew?

I briefly viewed his Amnesia playthrough but got so tired of it three episodes in while he just screamed about barrels and some statuette he named Stefan. Seemed to be his only two jokes the entire time. Does he 'push boundaries'? Is that his thing?
Why is there so much talk of boundaries anyway? They're there for a reason.
Thats years old and doesn't at all reflect current pewdiepie

Deathfish15 said:
90sgamer said:
It is a shame he felt the need to apologize to placate idiots. A joke--even a bad one--is not an endorsement. Anyone who does not understand that is a person not worth listening to.
There are just somethings you don't joke about. I guarantee a white guy that says the "n word" in a joke would lose their job; some straight guy making a gay joke with the "f word" would also have their severance package handed to them. There are a million other ways to push the envelope of making a point without making at the expense of another group of people. That is what this is. His PUNCHLINE was at an expense. And he paid the price for that. End of story. Move on and stop defending him.

Your defense of this attitude is the same kind of sickening defense of now President Trump's anti-homosexual VP, his ignorant cabinet picks, and his constant action without forethought. It is everything that is wrong with society because it speaks that intolerance can be tolerated because "we don't take it seriously!". Well wake the fuck up and take it seriously, because it seriously is damaging this country. It seriously is an undertone for members like those of the KKK. It seriously is uneducated, backwards thinking that needs to be called out and not tolerated.
I guess Idubbs doesn't exist. You should watch this


New member
May 5, 2010
Gibbagobba said:
This actually was proven to be a smear job. The writers took his jokes out of context deliberately, going through several of his past videos to specifically find jokes they could paint as "anti-Semitic" and directly sent their "investigation" to Disney to ruin his sponsorship. And now the writers have privatized their Twitters. This was a hit-piece in every way.
Yeah, now that I think about it, it would have to be a series of strange coincidences for it to be a matter of incompetence.


New member
Jul 5, 2015
id never heard of him till a few days ago but yeah hes a gigantic tool and ill happily roast marshmallows over the smoldering embers of his lost money


New member
Feb 25, 2012
It is a little comical how foolish and naive people talk about the "mainstream" media. It's ALL media, you idiotas. Alternative media is just as quick to lie, mischaracterize, smear, and sent giant harassment mobs towards anything or anyone they don't like.

Media by design is sensationalist, when people start supporting and consuming bland, boring, non-sensationalist, just-the-facts reporting, then maybe we'll get somewhere. But that's not actually what most of these people trying to heroically tear down "the MSM" actually want, they just want to sell you their own safe space echo chamber where everything they feed are comfortable lies and political fabrications. You're being played no matter what media outlet you choose, and the only way to win is not to play.