...dammit, website ate my post. In short - Dudes a dumbass for making a shitty joke while buddy-buddy with Disney, took the consequences of that right to the face, let's not belabor the point and just call him a dumbass and move on.
Because they already hate the man just by face value. The ones that will dance and celebrate the downfall of a another man Without context, the ones that will read fake news and actually believe it.Drejer43 said:Why is everyone blowing this way out of proportion, and saying he deserves the backlash, it's a joke people. wtf man.
and you just proved you haven't actually watched the video in question. the joke wasn't about killing jews it was about what bizzare things people are willing to do for 5 dollars. the video in which he's dressed as a soldier and smiling at a Hitler speech? that was literal about how the press likes taking his things out of context to prove an agenda. and whats weird about being upset that most major news outlets start calling you a anti-semite? if i made a stupid joke and the news started calling me a nazi i would probably get upset as well.Vigormortis said:Aaaand, fuck this hypocritical douche bag.Kjellberg appeared emotional towards the end of the video, at one point appearing to tear up while thanking everyone who has supported him.
"I made a joke about killing all Jews! Lololololol, why you offended, bros?! It's just a joke! Lawl!"
"People criticized me about my joke and I lost my sponsors? Oh woe is me! I'm gonna cry now! Feel sorry for me!!"
What a piece of shit. Fuck this guy. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and just chalk it up to him being really shitty at making a 'social commentary joke' while having his content taken out of context, but this response video says it all.
Or, to put it another way:
Precisely.Vern said:So, he's basically saying he's sorry that people were offended. Not sorry for what he did, but sorry that people were offended. The inability to feel empathy is a hallmark trait of a sociopath. "I'm sorry that you can't see that what I did was great. I'm sorry that you lack the ability to see my intelligence."
Which demonstrates just how unprofessional the man is, and further explains his sense of 'humor'.Makabriel said:Dude.. if you have Disney backing you, you don't use stuff like that. No matter how much context you have in the video. Professional suicide.
This. I'm surprised that Felix is surprised- if you sign a contract with the most white-bread, family-friendly company on the planet, then you should expect that they'll take umbrage with anything you do that could smear that reputation, even by proxy.Makabriel said:Dude.. if you have Disney backing you, you don't use stuff like that. No matter how much context you have in the video. Professional suicide.
no. man complains that several news outlets are intentionally misrepresenting him to hurt his reputation and finances.Aiddon said:So to recap: strangely rich manchild whines about how everyone is being mean to him and cries about how people are offended. Welcome to taking responsibility for your actions. You knew what you were doing and now you're suffering the consequences. Though considering Mr. Pie is getting defensive instead of introspective, it's clear it's going to be awhile before he grows up
Except in the video he openly accepts why he lost the endorsements. He sees the chain of actions, and doesn't begrudge that Disney and YouTube did what was best for them in the moment.Vigormortis said:Aaaand, fuck this hypocritical douche bag.Kjellberg appeared emotional towards the end of the video, at one point appearing to tear up while thanking everyone who has supported him.
"I made a joke about killing all Jews! Lololololol, why you offended, bros?! It's just a joke! Lawl!"
"People criticized me about my joke and I lost my sponsors? Oh woe is me! I'm gonna cry now! Feel sorry for me!!"
What a piece of shit. Fuck this guy. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and just chalk it up to him being really shitty at making a 'social commentary joke' while having his content taken out of context, but this response video says it all.
Or, to put it another way:
Precisely.Vern said:So, he's basically saying he's sorry that people were offended. Not sorry for what he did, but sorry that people were offended. The inability to feel empathy is a hallmark trait of a sociopath. "I'm sorry that you can't see that what I did was great. I'm sorry that you lack the ability to see my intelligence."
Which demonstrates just how unprofessional the man is, and further explains his sense of 'humor'.Makabriel said:Dude.. if you have Disney backing you, you don't use stuff like that. No matter how much context you have in the video. Professional suicide.
So how about if the facts are that terrible... just report them? Not lie, not falsify, not pull baseless accusations. Just report truth and let the people be the judge of it all.Saelune said:Lets be clear, people are responsible for their own actions. Whether people admit it or not, PewDiePie made his own choices, as does Trump, as does people who support or defy Trump. If people want to not think for themselves, they are still responsible for their actions even if they dont want to actually take responsibility for it.Ukomba said:To be clear, Pewdiepie didn't do it, the WSJ did it to themselves followed by the media dog pile. He didn't tell them to take his jokes and commentary out of context, he just defended himself.Saelune said:*sigh* It has occurred to me that I bet we have a whole new generation of "anti-SJW's" due to all the kids who worship him who will now continue to assume all media "except those that agree with them" are false and bad.
He did better than Trump by actually saying hate groups are bad, but he really is just echoing Trump's ignorant childish personality here. A spoiled rich guy bitching about "evil media" for calling out the terrible shit they say.
It is like Trump though. Every time the media publishes a lie, (golden shower, ext) it hurts them, every time they go hyperbolic it hurts them. It's actually providing Trump cover because the real issues are getting lost in the noise.
Those news outlets produce gossip news as well, because news outlets aren't monolithic entities governed by a supreme leader. This kind of yellow journalism has been around since the 19th century. It's a staple, and according to many within and outside journalism a blemish, of modern journalism. The field of journalism has always struggled with itself. [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/Puck112188c.jpg]Katherine Kerensky said:Eh, you have a point about celebrity gossip, but most news outlets nowadays aren't much better, is what I meant.
Also, there are two types of people. You should eat a Snickers.
Whoa better be careful there. You don't want to get crucified by the media for using a direct quote!Lizzy Finnegan said:"Death to all Jews"
Because it seems partially true?Quellist said:This was some awful reporting. Not so much biased as willfully inaccurate. This comes at a really bad time too, while Trump is banging on about Fake News and saying how the media lies about him, crap like this only lends credence to him
Dunno, but let me know when you get thereIshigami said:*SNIP*
Wait... where was I going with this?
I blame videogamesObsidianJones said:Why are we all so ready to go from one extreme to the next?
What happened to the gray area? Why are we so ready to thrust our swords in the ground and make every issue into a life or death stands by the hated... whatever group that bothers us now?
Heres a list of the responses to PDP's response. Call me crazy but i dont think they care much about depictions of Nazis and anti-semitism as much as they do about the fact that he called the media out on thier bullshit.CaitSeith said:OK. We have now listed exactly what PewDiePie said and in which context. Now, can we have a list of what exactly each piece of media said? How many are actually asking if it's a good idea to depict antisemitism on the videos from the most popular Youtuber among kids? I think it's important to do that.
First, thank you for finding this. I appreciate it.gigastar said:Heres a list of the responses to PDP's response. Call me crazy but i dont think they care much about depictions of Nazis and anti-semitism as much as they do about the fact that he called the media out on thier bullshit.CaitSeith said:OK. We have now listed exactly what PewDiePie said and in which context. Now, can we have a list of what exactly each piece of media said? How many are actually asking if it's a good idea to depict antisemitism on the videos from the most popular Youtuber among kids? I think it's important to do that.