PewDiePie Addresses Recent Media Coverage Amidst Controversy

Wrex Brogan

New member
Jan 28, 2016
Metalix Knightmare said:
Yes, because it's clearly all HIS fault that The Wall Street Journal decided to throw out anything RESEMBLING journalistic integrity and cherry pick and misrepresent said cherry picking to make him look like a white supremicist in order to smear him due to The WSJ having a MASSIVE axe to grind when it comes to him and famous Youtubers as a rule. It honestly didn't matter WHAT he did, by all accounts they would've been looking for, and misinterpreting ANYTHING to get at him like this.

It's ALSO his fault that pretty much the entirety of the MSM decided to, rather than actually investigate this and perhaps get one over on the WSJ and get a nice feather in their caps, decided to hop on board that narrative and ride it, while also joining in on the "shit on youtubers" sentiment.

Also, you don't like his humor? Whoop de doo. Neither do I. Doesn't change the fact that this is a bullshit move from what SHOULD have been a respectable news source, and in all honesty seeing all the collaboration and total lack of correction going on has proven something beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Gamer Gate had a point.

Because this is almost EXACTLY what happened with the Gamers are Dead episode. A whole bunch of organizations that SHOULD'VE been competing with one another were instead collaborating to push forward a narrative. And then again with James Rolf and Ghostbusters (2016). Heck, as I posted in one of the other threads, we've even got the usual suspects chiming in on this one too!

Metalix Knightmare said:
Edit: None of this was originally my post. Found it on Kiwifarms. Should've mentioned this before I originally posted this, sorry. Exhausted posting is not fun posting.

So, goodly @Boobplate on Kiwifarms made me realize something, and I'd like to share it with you.

First up: I know that goober.

She came up quite a few times during GamerGate. Specifically, she was the one repeatedly making the argument that said incident happened because of Game Streamers being popular and that being the real threat towards games journalists. ( Dig through her crap and it will surprise exactly no one that she was carrying Zoe Quinn's water the entire time. ( It later would turn out she was tied to CON like most of those signal boosting CON's crap.

This immediately got me wondering: How many of the usual suspects are throwing their support behind the WSJ on this one?

Turns out quite a few.

...So there you have it: proof that these people have learned basically nothing. None of them are directly involved with it, but there they all are, trying to attach themselves like a lamprey to the belly of this scandal and and hurl their support onto another outrage-fest that will amount to jack-point-crap.

Tl:Dr, you are ignoring the forest, i.e. News media collaberating to outright lie and smear a person, for the trees, i.e. PewDiePie lost a Disney contract which isn't even what he's upset about. should I just... step outside while you make wild assumptions about me, or are you just projecting your hatred for news media SO MUCH that anyone who thinks Pewdiepie is a numpty is automatically a 'Usual Suspect'? Because holy shit batman, you've got some mother-fucking bias here, especially with that sweet Gamergate card you just played in Defense Mode. Because, and I want you to REALLY FOCUS here - where did I go defending the WSJ article was good?

See, what I've been saying is that PewDiePie is a dumbass for making a shitty joke. 'Aha!' you cry, 'You just don't like his humour!' No, he's just a shitty comedian, and when shitty comedians make shitty shock humour jokes, consequences happen to them. Personal feelings have nothing to do with it, it was just a straight up Bad Joke - there was no intelligence to it, no refuge in the audacity of it, hell not even a punchline, just 'watch me pay poor people to hold up an anti-Semitic sign to show how weird the service is', which quite frankly, makes for a poor shock joke. Would have worked much better if he'd payed them to do LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE, not just gone straight for the humour equivalent of Godwin's Law. And given his past history of the same brand of Bad Jokes using a similar theme, it is entirely unsurprising that it came back to bite him in the arse, regardless of the circumstances. Hell, it's entirely unsurprising that they're being taken in the 'wrong' context according to all his defenders, since even in context all his Bad Jokes still use anti-Semitic language or imagery, which from what I'm gathering from the WSJ article is what they were reporting on anyway (it's difficult to get the full picture since I'm not willing to pay for the article over what is a minor internet kerfuffle).

'Aha, the WSJ article!' NO, STOP. NOW. I haven't read it. I cannot read it. I cannot make judgements of an article I haven't read. I cannot say that WSJ is out to get PDP, nor can I truly say that it did nothing wrong. I literally cannot assign blame if I haven't read the article, and quite frankly, neither can anyone else who hasn't. I am neither defending OR attacking it because I haven't read it, hence why I haven't mentioned it in my posts. I have read a number of other articles discussing the whole thing that's been going down, and quite frankly, outside a handful of articles THAT ARE CLEARLY HAVING A GO AT HIM (which is unsurprising as PDP is a polarizing figure, as seen from the comments in the fucking 18 threads on him right now), most of the ones I've seen have actually been handling it in a, well, professional manner. Opinion-y, yes, but since most of them have been opinion pieces anyway, I can't exactly hold their feet to the fire for doing what they're supposed to do.

Now, for the fun part - what proof do you have of a collaboration between news media websites to discredit him? Because this is the same fucking problem Gamergate had back with the gamers are dead articles, where they cooked up this grand conspiracy for a bunch of articles that were posted largely separate from one another (all discussing a similar theme since hey, that tends to be how modern news media works, or are we just going to start ripping the Escapist a new one whenever they post news that's sourced from Kotaku or Polygon?), while, rather ironically given the focus on 'missing context' with this particular affair, also missing the context of those articles by reacting to the words rather than what was actually written. As said above, there's articles having a go at him, but then there's articles defending him, articles discussing the whole thing, articles talking about how he fucked up the humour, articles talking about whether the WSJ have responsibility or not, so on so forth... can't really blame News Media for reporting on this when there's such a wide variety of articles being posted about him. But hey, reposting a dude with an axe to grind against the 'Usual Suspects' is fine too, though horrendously unconvincing as evidence of a 'collaboration'. Give me something a little more solid than that before you start throwing the 'C' word around like that.

Also, nice little aside - why is it always the 'Usual Suspects' when it's people we disagree with? I noticed Sargon of Akkad practically fell over himself to suck PDP's cock as hard as he could, but apparently Movie Bob is the horrible biased monster of the hour. Can't we criticize them both, equally, for jumping onto an issue that really doesn't need either of them chiming in their stupid opinions on this?

tl;dr - Quit making assumptions, PewDiePie is a dumbass for making Bad Jokes regardless and maybe don't criticize someone for not seeing the forest through the trees when you're focused on an old dead stump with 'News Media is the devil' stamped on the side. And maybe bring along something a little more substantial if you're going to go accusing the old dead stump of murder, yeah?


New member
Sep 13, 2008
kenu12345 said:
Except he's not. He publically apologized. He just thinks the media misrepresented him which they have. Also I feel this may be a good vid for this thread
Makes me think of this-
Oh how american politics has changed.

OT: This is a bad day. To those of you going "The joke was in bad taste" I feel you're missing the point. The joke as explained by the media is missing the entire context behind it and is being shown simply as "Pewdiepie hates Jews". Imagine in the future if a successful individual cannot use a controversial phrase, quote or action without being demonised immediately as it could be taken out of context, regardless of their own actual views.

Hate the man, sure, but hate the media for twisting an event until they have no semblence of reality/.

Wrex Brogan

New member
Jan 28, 2016
zaccone1 said:
Wrex Brogan said:
-Self snip!-
Any media association with the power to mess with the most popular channel on youtube can screw with ANYBODY. And people are rushing to his defense because PDP is the victim of a targeted smear campaign, of which he has a possible legal action in the future.
...ok, I... don't actually know what you're responding to here. Did I mention media associations being able to screw with anyone somewhere? Was I defending them? Attacking them? passively-aggressively shaking my head at them? I'm at a genuine loss here.

And uhh, cool - you got like, any evidence it's a targeted smear campaign? Like, actual, solid, factual evidence? 'Cause as it is it's just a bunch of websites jumping on the latest celebrity drama to generate more clicks as opposed to any malicious targeting (with a few shit-pieces thrown in from people who just plain don't like the guy, but there's always a few of those thrown into the batch). Hell 5 bucks says it's not even going to be a talking point by next week, that 24 hour news cycle chews through shit like this fast.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
zaccone1 said:
altnameJag said:
Kiwifarms. Seriously.

Ever think that Disney wouldn't want to give money to someone who has people hold up signs saying "Death to all Jews", even as a "joke"? Just a thought. That's all on him.

But yeah, a lot of press covering a massively popular mega-corp's decision to fire a massilvy popular video game YouTuber is somehow collusion, instead of it being a massively popular mega-corp firing a massively popular video game YouTuber being something news worthy.

I bet all the papers covering Super Bowl 51's undrecidented comeback overtime win, complete with claims that the NFL's overtime rules are bullshit, was collusion too.

EDIT: Speaking of things people didn't learn from Gamergate: just because a lot of folks agree on something doesn't mean they're collaborating. Facts should come before feels.
Considering they were copying each other word for word, were all out on the exact same day, and were all universally damning, eventually you have to stop thinking this is a coincidence. I'm reminded of newspapers writing presidential election columns the day before, but just leaving the names blank.
Word for word. Yeah, sure.
Out on the same day, because normally news folks wait a couple days just to make sure they don't step on each other's toes.
Universally damning...the guy paid people to make and hold up signs saying "Death to all Jews". I don't know what part of the Internet you're acclimated to, but most people are going to call that Not Okay, regardless of whether or not he was "joking". Key factor people keep forgetting about edgy humor: if you want a pass for it, it needs to be funny. Second factor people keep forgetting about edgy humor: even if it's funny, family friendly companies might still drop you for it.


New member
Dec 9, 2013
No more jokes. Jokes are a thing of the past. So remember kids to never laugh or make anyone else laugh,because if you do that means you are laughing at someones' issues.

So when are folks going to arrest and put on trial Mel Brooks? That lousy anti-Semite has been spreading Nazis propaganda as "jokes" for over 50 years.Think of all the nazis that were encouraged over the years by having their ideology mainstreamed like this in movies and television shows by the man.

Or that nasty Sarah Silverman and her anti-Semetic cosplay? The complete lack of empathy she showed towards the millions that died horribly in the Holocaust just to get a few yucks is despicable.

And honestly the entire outrage industry is ridiculous.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
Vigormortis said:
kenu12345 said:
Except he's not. He publically apologized.
There's a difference between saying, "I'm sorry for what I did.", and, "I'm sorry you were offended by what I did, and I'm totally being picked on you guys."

What he's done is the latter. So forgive me if I'm not sympathetic to him being upset by the consequences of his actions.

He just thinks the media misrepresented him which they have.
And throwing an internet tantrum about it, instead of acting like an adult and addressing it as such, does even less to make me feel any empathy for him.

Or, to quote another poster:
Shamanic Rhythm said:
Why would a guy who is bankrolled by Disney need or want to pay a couple of randoms to hold up an anti Semitic sign? You can spin the rest of it any way you want but he clearly went asking for trouble with that one.
Precisely. So to see him act upset[footnote]Or, dare I say, offended.[/footnote] over the criticism and consequences of those actions gives clear indications of either sociopathic tendencies or a complete lack of maturity.

Oh, and just so we're all clear (and so I can have people STOP projecting shit onto me that I haven't said nor thought) I think what the WSJ did was equally as tasteless and appalling as Kjellberg's response. So, it's shitty-people-gonna-be-shitty with all parties involved.

Except for Disney. Which...makes me uncomfortable.

Also, respect isn't given, it's earned. But, something earned can also be lost.

Kjellberg lost what little respect he had from me with his response to this whole situation. I can not abide childish behavior from a grown adult.
What plane of reality are you occupying? Where is this "tantrum"? In what way is he being childish? Can you point me to something that would indicate this? How is he acting upset? All I've seen from him is his response video on his channel, a blog post on his site addressing the situation, and a tweet about WSJ contacting him to allow him to "defend himself". Why would anyone want to defend themselves on a platform that literally smeared them as an anti-semite, when they already have a platform where not only can they not be taken out of context, but whose reach absolutely dwarfs that of WSJ? I mean for fuck's sake, WSJ literally took a clip that was meant as a parody of the media misrepresenting him by taking clips out of context, out of context. He is absolutely, 100% being misrepresented and smeared across multiple publications.

It also confuses me that you can say this

So forgive me if I'm not sympathetic to him being upset by the consequences of his actions.
And immediately follow it up with this

He just thinks the media misrepresented him which they have.
And throwing an internet tantrum about it, instead of acting like an adult and addressing it as such, does even less to make me feel any empathy for him.
So which is it? Is he throwing a tantrum about the consequences of his actions, or about being misrepresented by the media?

Have you bothered to watch his response video? Let me guess: you haven't, because you don't want to give him views. He is not upset about losing money, he has no reason to be. The guy's a millionaire with the biggest channel on Youtube, and a loyal audience that actually only grew as a result of this. He could quit any time he wanted and just chill on the beaches of Brighton for the rest of his life. What he is upset about is that the hundreds of people who worked on Scare Pewdiepie will now have wasted their time and effort due to its cancellation, and also being wrongly painted as an anti-semite. He's not begrudging Disney or his partners, and fully understands their decision.

Metalix Knightmare

New member
Sep 27, 2007
altnameJag said:
Word for word. Yeah, sure.
Not literally word for word, no, but the general feel and consensus?

"YouTube's Monster: PewDiePie and His Populist Revolt."
"Trump and PewDiePie are Using the Same Playbook."
"When did fascism become so cool? PewDiePie's antics are the thin end of the wedge."
"Is YouTube sensation PewDiePie really a Nazi? His intentions matter less than his effect."
"PewDiePie's Fall Shows the Limits of 'LOL JK.'"


Jamcie Kerbizz

New member
Feb 27, 2013
Wrex Brogan said:
any evidence it's a targeted smear campaign? Like, actual, solid, factual evidence? 'Cause as it is it's just a bunch of websites jumping on the latest celebrity drama to generate more clicks as opposed to any malicious targeting (with a few shit-pieces thrown in from people who just plain don't like the guy, but there's always a few of those thrown into the batch). Hell 5 bucks says it's not even going to be a talking point by next week, that 24 hour news cycle chews through shit like this fast.
Does it make any difference? It's just people notice that:
a) it's all blatant lies on TWSJ side and other old media outlets and/or their dying 'modern' internet franchises with already bankrupt credibility,
b) anyone with a non-numb brain and 15 mins time to check PDPs YT channel can verify TWSJ material to be deliberate smearing of persona and false reporting shoved on people which actually have to pay to read it
c) these actions aren't 'honest mistake' of journalists this is incriminating, blatant swindle, no better than selling someone a bridge
d) as you said yourself it happens every single day, just this time it is about something as obvious as telling you that white is black - even if you aren't sure because you never bothered to check this, you can do so with ease. These are no entanglements of politics, no secrets of faith, no elaborates of science or depths of philosophy. Dumb internet content, created by YT comedian at hand.

Even if you are personally invested: jealous of PDPs success and money, hate dumbness of his sense of humor, are personally outraged and hurt on personal level by these kind of jokes or simply desensitized and dehumanized already by sheer amount of garbage old media shovel on us in their 24h news cycle. Well, once you get over yourself and detach your personal stakes in it you can check and see huge horse shiet instead of journalism delivered by 'trustworthy' media. And that makes a lot of people go 'wait the f@*(#&ing minute here! What is this sh8#t?! How about reporting FACTS. JUST FACTS.'

Don't know about you but I actually applaud this reaction and enjoy the brief moment of sanity exercised by majority. If it holds great! If not, well at least people objected for once instead of sheepishly gobbling down BS without second thought.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
So this is gonna tread old waters of 'she shall not be named' but I remember how as far back as November when some of the same people defending PDP and attacking WSJ for taking quotes out of context (and tbf accusing him of being a Nazi/anti-Semite is in poor form.) Had no problems calling out, labeling, and accusing Anita of a variety of things based solely on out of context quotes. 99% of the time they didn't even have the excuse of journalistic 'collusion' to claim obscuration of facts. Many of them either parroted 5th hand accounts of what was said in her videos from people who also never saw 2 seconds of it; or people DID watch it and purposefully lied to push an agenda.

Why bring this up? Because it's quite amusing that a lot of vehement PDP defenders on here have no issues defending the man's garbage joke and exploitation of poor income people on Fiverr to puke out the most trite anti-Semite joke this side of the 21st century.
However we are also supposed to take Anita very seriously as a man hating, anti sex, radfem because she said Super Mario Bros. follows a sexist trope.

Why should 'Kill all Jews'- a statement that was halfway to becoming reality in living memory be seen as a joke and those offended should "get over it"
Why is it irresponsible for the media to call a spade a spade? Even if that wasn't PDP's attention?(note the silence on the fact that Stormfront thought he was genuine enough in his '''jokes''' that they started promoting him on their site.)

Meanwhile we are supposed to be in constant outrage over Anita doing another 'Toxic Masculinity'video and the media is bad because they didn't cater to our bandwagon and call a club a spade and report on her for being something due to taking what she said out of context.

Why is that?

This isn't really about MSM and PDP. But it is very interesting to see how quick gamers are to take the side of those closest to them yet give the opposite treatment to those they consider enemies or others. Bet you all of Anita's KS money if she reacted the way PDP has the comments would not be in her solidarity against Mam lies.

More OT: It was careless of WSJ to accuse him of being a Nazi and Anti-Semite. But it is equally PDP fault for doing that nonsense on the payroll of Disney and YouTube. It didn't do him any favors getting promoted by the likes of Stormfront due to those videos and I'm sure it was that event that not only lead him to being dropped but also for MSM to label him a Nazi. After all those places tend to only hype people they believe also come from the same cloth. And it's not like PDP went out of his way to set the record straight until AFTER it was too late. The man should/does know better. Tough up, grow up and realize actions have consequences.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Metalix Knightmare said:
altnameJag said:
Word for word. Yeah, sure.
Not literally word for word, no, but the general feel and consensus?

"YouTube's Monster: PewDiePie and His Populist Revolt."
"Trump and PewDiePie are Using the Same Playbook."
"When did fascism become so cool? PewDiePie's antics are the thin end of the wedge."
"Is YouTube sensation PewDiePie really a Nazi? His intentions matter less than his effect."
"PewDiePie's Fall Shows the Limits of 'LOL JK.'"

People agreeing on a thing is not proof of collaboration. Critics weren't "collaborating" when they panned FF13.

Wrex Brogan

New member
Jan 28, 2016
Jamcie Kerbizz said:
Wrex Brogan said:
any evidence it's a targeted smear campaign? Like, actual, solid, factual evidence? 'Cause as it is it's just a bunch of websites jumping on the latest celebrity drama to generate more clicks as opposed to any malicious targeting (with a few shit-pieces thrown in from people who just plain don't like the guy, but there's always a few of those thrown into the batch). Hell 5 bucks says it's not even going to be a talking point by next week, that 24 hour news cycle chews through shit like this fast.
Does it make any difference? It's just people notice that:
a) it's all blatant lies on TWSJ side and other old media outlets and/or their dying 'modern' internet franchises with already bankrupt credibility,
b) anyone with a non-numb brain and 15 mins time to check PDPs YT channel can verify TWSJ material to be deliberate smearing of persona and false reporting shoved on people which actually have to pay to read it
c) these actions aren't 'honest mistake' of journalists this is incriminating, blatant swindle, no better than selling someone a bridge
d) as you said yourself it happens every single day, just this time it is about something as obvious as telling you that white is black - even if you aren't sure because you never bothered to check this, you can do so with ease. These are no entanglements of politics, no secrets of faith, no elaborates of science or depths of philosophy. Dumb internet content, created by YT comedian at hand.

Even if you are personally invested: jealous of PDPs success and money, hate dumbness of his sense of humor, are personally outraged and hurt on personal level by these kind of jokes or simply desensitized and dehumanized already by sheer amount of garbage old media shovel on us in their 24h news cycle. Well, once you get over yourself and detach your personal stakes in it you can check and see huge horse shiet instead of journalism delivered by 'trustworthy' media. And that makes a lot of people go 'wait the f@*(#&ing minute here! What is this sh8#t?! How about reporting FACTS. JUST FACTS.'

Don't know about you but I actually applaud this reaction and enjoy the brief moment of sanity exercised by majority. If it holds great! If not, well at least people objected for once instead of sheepishly gobbling down BS without second thought.
...are you actually asking me if evidence makes any difference?

a)Well that just sounds like a completely unbiased and 100% factual take on things.

b)You know, I can't help but think that maybe PDP has a little bias on this and is therefore, despite being quite involved in it, is also a poor source to go to to view the WSJ article, yeah? A misrepresentation of a misrepresentation is not outside the realm of possibilities (again, I haven't read the WSJ article, I cannot make any judgements on it despite watching PDP's response).

c)...evidence? God damn, why is it that so many people out to shit on the media for not reporting the facts don't use facts, it's so frustrating as someone who regularly shits on the media. Give me hard, solid facts, don't just tell me to believe you because 'news media is horrible' or something, c'mon.

d) Is it? Is it as obvious as 'white is black'? Having checked it (save the WSJ article) it's not as simple as that, given the news media actually has an incredibly wide range of articles discussing the issue - some defending, some attacking, some discussing, some opinioning, some even misrepresenting the news media itself. Hell, articles are just talking solely about his comedy and the pros/cons of it - are they 'white is black' articles? Shall we burn them all at the stake because Forbes did another shit piece?

And while I detach myself and see the huge pile of horse shit the news media is shoveling I should just dig right into the huge pile of horse shit everyone else is shoveling, yeah? Because I've been asking for facts as to them colluding and collaborating and I've gotten nothing. If news media isn't reporting facts why should I sign on with the people who tell me to 'listen and believe' when they condemn the news media? I need more than fairy dust and feels to work with here.

So, no, I don't applaud this. This is the same damn shit that always happens when a news media controversy hits. Article is posted, person about that article responds, 24 hour news media posts the reaction a thousand times because it needs the clicks to live, people go rabid in either their defense or attack of the person in question or the news media, and the vast majority of people go 'fucking hell' and move onto something else. Fish swim, birds fly and people on the internet get mad at news articles. It's so routine you could set your clock to it at this point.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
DC_78 said:
No more jokes. Jokes are a thing of the past. So remember kids to never laugh or make anyone else laugh,because if you do that means you are laughing at someones' issues.

So when are folks going to arrest and put on trial Mel Brooks? That lousy anti-Semite has been spreading Nazis propaganda as "jokes" for over 50 years.Think of all the nazis that were encouraged over the years by having their ideology mainstreamed like this in movies and television shows by the man.

Or that nasty Sarah Silverman and her anti-Semetic cosplay? The complete lack of empathy she showed towards the millions that died horribly in the Holocaust just to get a few yucks is despicable.

And honestly the entire outrage industry is ridiculous.
The Python crew and Mel Brooks are so far above PDP in terms of comedic talent that the light of their brilliance takes 11 minutes to touch his face in the morning. Putting that hooting YouTube dickhole in the same sentence as them is tantamout to blasphemy.

That said if he can prove he's been a target of genuine conspiracy to slander and libel him, I hope he sues them into oblivion (or as hard and dirty as the law allows) because that's not cool. I mean I find it baffling why the Wall Street Journal (which until now I thought was just financial analysis) would even give a shit what this chimp was up to.

Jamcie Kerbizz

New member
Feb 27, 2013
Wrex Brogan said:
Jamcie Kerbizz said:
Wrex Brogan said:
any evidence it's a targeted smear campaign? Like, actual, solid, factual evidence? 'Cause as it is it's just a bunch of websites jumping on the latest celebrity drama to generate more clicks as opposed to any malicious targeting (with a few shit-pieces thrown in from people who just plain don't like the guy, but there's always a few of those thrown into the batch). Hell 5 bucks says it's not even going to be a talking point by next week, that 24 hour news cycle chews through shit like this fast.
Does it make any difference? It's just people notice that:
a) it's all blatant lies on TWSJ side and other old media outlets and/or their dying 'modern' internet franchises with already bankrupt credibility,
b) anyone with a non-numb brain and 15 mins time to check PDPs YT channel can verify TWSJ material to be deliberate smearing of persona and false reporting shoved on people which actually have to pay to read it
c) these actions aren't 'honest mistake' of journalists this is incriminating, blatant swindle, no better than selling someone a bridge
d) as you said yourself it happens every single day, just this time it is about something as obvious as telling you that white is black - even if you aren't sure because you never bothered to check this, you can do so with ease. These are no entanglements of politics, no secrets of faith, no elaborates of science or depths of philosophy. Dumb internet content, created by YT comedian at hand.

Even if you are personally invested: jealous of PDPs success and money, hate dumbness of his sense of humor, are personally outraged and hurt on personal level by these kind of jokes or simply desensitized and dehumanized already by sheer amount of garbage old media shovel on us in their 24h news cycle. Well, once you get over yourself and detach your personal stakes in it you can check and see huge horse shiet instead of journalism delivered by 'trustworthy' media. And that makes a lot of people go 'wait the f@*(#&ing minute here! What is this sh8#t?! How about reporting FACTS. JUST FACTS.'

Don't know about you but I actually applaud this reaction and enjoy the brief moment of sanity exercised by majority. If it holds great! If not, well at least people objected for once instead of sheepishly gobbling down BS without second thought.
...are you actually asking me if evidence makes any difference?

a)Well that just sounds like a completely unbiased and 100% factual take on things.

b)You know, I can't help but think that maybe PDP has a little bias on this and is therefore, despite being quite involved in it, is also a poor source to go to to view the WSJ article, yeah? A misrepresentation of a misrepresentation is not outside the realm of possibilities (again, I haven't read the WSJ article, I cannot make any judgements on it despite watching PDP's response).

c)...evidence? God damn, why is it that so many people out to shit on the media for not reporting the facts don't use facts, it's so frustrating as someone who regularly shits on the media. Give me hard, solid facts, don't just tell me to believe you because 'news media is horrible' or something, c'mon.

d) Is it? Is it as obvious as 'white is black'? Having checked it (save the WSJ article) it's not as simple as that, given the news media actually has an incredibly wide range of articles discussing the issue - some defending, some attacking, some discussing, some opinioning, some even misrepresenting the news media itself. Hell, articles are just talking solely about his comedy and the pros/cons of it - are they 'white is black' articles? Shall we burn them all at the stake because Forbes did another shit piece?

And while I detach myself and see the huge pile of horse shit the news media is shoveling I should just dig right into the huge pile of horse shit everyone else is shoveling, yeah? Because I've been asking for facts as to them colluding and collaborating and I've gotten nothing. If news media isn't reporting facts why should I sign on with the people who tell me to 'listen and believe' when they condemn the news media? I need more than fairy dust and feels to work with here.

So, no, I don't applaud this. This is the same damn shit that always happens when a news media controversy hits. Article is posted, person about that article responds, 24 hour news media posts the reaction a thousand times because it needs the clicks to live, people go rabid in either their defense or attack of the person in question or the news media, and the vast majority of people go 'fucking hell' and move onto something else. Fish swim, birds fly and people on the internet get mad at news articles. It's so routine you could set your clock to it at this point.
Ok, you should recognise that I do not represent everyone speaking and posting about this, so expecting me to take responsibility and answer for them (ie. conspiracy theories) is a bit much.

However, since you bemoan rather repeatedly the same reply in all your posts once put in front of simple facts, I'll entertain explaining where are your so desired evidence to c). TWSJ provided them in their own 'story'. They claim that 3 people dilligently watched all of PDPs flicks.

There are only 2 sides to this:
If they did, then
anyone whos brain isn't damaged can see that these jokes while low form of humour, that lets be honest, just rises a brow of most people, aren't any more nazi propaganda than fart jokes or dumping on someone bucketfull of ice water.
Conclusion, TWSJ delibertately mirepresented it and swindled money from their audience in attempt to sell them fake news.

Or if they didn't, then
TWSJ lied to their audience about it and presented unverified story as news, producing false evidence in the process.
Conclusion, TWSJ delibertately mirepresented it and swindled money from their audience in attempt to sell them fake news.

There isn't any squirming out of it to TWSJ. Will they suffer any legal consequence? No, I doubt that US legal system is capable of finding its way out of wet paper bag when it comes to libel and defamation. PDP would be really silly to try and wrestle them for any compensation.
However as I said before I actually applaud public reaction and enjoy the brief moment of sanity exercised by majority.
I should have mentioned before that majority in this case excludes people who try and help TWSJ dig even deeper hole than they dug themselves with this stink as well as these who cry it's conspiracy, shadow government attack etc. Again thou, I refer to just common sense. Oh and kick-start your brain if you need to, set aside tribal labels, quell emotions, seat back and just enjoy this.

TWSJ thought that they'd do another outrage hit-piece praying on human envy and hate. TWSJ expected that their competitor would get what he deserves from an angry pitchfork and torches mob they gathered. And then... intelligent thought occured and mob started to give TWSJ what they deserve. Sheer irony of fate and best of all inevitable outcome of having people for brainless cattle.

Jamcie Kerbizz

New member
Feb 27, 2013
Dragonbums said:
More OT: It was careless of WSJ to accuse him of being a Nazi and Anti-Semite. But it is equally PDP fault for doing that nonsense on the payroll of Disney and YouTube. It didn't do him any favors getting promoted by the likes of Stormfront due to those videos and I'm sure it was that event that not only lead him to being dropped but also for MSM to label him a Nazi. After all those places tend to only hype people they believe also come from the same cloth. And it's not like PDP went out of his way to set the record straight until AFTER it was too late. The man should/does know better. Tough up, grow up and realize actions have consequences.
If you want to listen to non-monkey-shit flinging criticism on Anita, you can go to
it's Troy Leavitt's channel. Spicy bit is he is a former developer at WD and he had few things to say how studio PR works in regards to keeping needless drama out of their business. Maybe you can convince him to chime in and comment on corporate actions toward PDP.

The second part you wrote is untrue. Nazi site did not promote him because of his jokes, they trolled and tag along because he was attacked for them and falsly accused of being nazi and anti-semite. They saw a chance of spotlight and tagging a long of a guy being accused of what they really are and jumped on that. They continued to do so by changing their web page to supporting TWSJ - their #1 fan site as their trolling worked and smear campaign authors single handedly elevated them from obscurity to the lime light and popularity inachievable otherwise.

Guilt by association is a terrible train wreck of train thought to follow. Finally comedian didn't apologise for the joke being made but for the hurt feelings this may have caused. Which was fine, although please notice that it immediately split the mob into people saying he shouldn't offer any apology at all and the ones that claimed it was half hearted and demanded more.

Truth is, he didn't owe an apology to anyone for it. He chose to apologise and that is good.
Both YT, WD nor that nazi website did not react to this comedian content. They never responded to his jokes when they were made.
What they did react to was TWSJ smear campaign created around it. WD and YT backing out of it immediately with corporate attitude of 'not having any of that' and nazis jumping right into the stink hand-in-hand with TWSJ 'journalists'.
The latter are culprits and beneficiary of this shit storm at PDP's expense, with a minor twists, since whole accusation is so trivial to verify TWSJ is facing backlash from the crowd they rilled up in hopes to put the comedian on stake and burn into oblivion.

Wrex Brogan

New member
Jan 28, 2016
Jamcie Kerbizz said:
Ok, you should recognise that I do not represent everyone speaking and posting about this, so expecting me to take responsibility and answer for them (ie. conspiracy theories) is a bit much.

However, since you bemoan rather repeatedly the same reply in all your posts once put in front of simple facts, I'll entertain explaining where are your so desired evidence to c). TWSJ provided them in their own 'story'. They claim that 3 people dilligently watched all of PDPs flicks.

There are only 2 sides to this:
If they did, then
anyone whos brain isn't damaged can see that these jokes while low form of humour, that lets be honest, just rises a brow of most people, aren't any more nazi propaganda than fart jokes or dumping on someone bucketfull of ice water.
Conclusion, TWSJ delibertately mirepresented it and swindled money from their audience in attempt to sell them fake news.

Or if they didn't, then
TWSJ lied to their audience about it and presented unverified story as news, producing false evidence in the process.
Conclusion, TWSJ delibertately mirepresented it and swindled money from their audience in attempt to sell them fake news.

There isn't any squirming out of it to TWSJ. Will they suffer any legal consequence? No, I doubt that US legal system is capable of finding its way out of wet paper bag when it comes to libel and defamation. PDP would be really silly to try and wrestle them for any compensation.
However as I said before I actually applaud public reaction and enjoy the brief moment of sanity exercised by majority.
I should have mentioned before that majority in this case excludes people who try and help TWSJ dig even deeper hole than they dug themselves with this stink as well as these who cry it's conspiracy, shadow government attack etc. Again thou, I refer to just common sense. Oh and kick-start your brain if you need to, set aside tribal labels, quell emotions, seat back and just enjoy this.

TWSJ thought that they'd do another outrage hit-piece praying on human envy and hate. TWSJ expected that their competitor would get what he deserves from an angry pitchfork and torches mob they gathered. And then... intelligent thought occured and mob started to give TWSJ what they deserve. Sheer irony of fate and best of all inevitable outcome of having people for brainless cattle.
...You know, I asked for evidence. And I've still received none. Surprisingly, I'm not 'bemoaning' simple facts, I'm getting annoyed at how everyone who is condemning the WSJ for attacking PDP has done nothing but emote subjective opinions and obvious biases at me, as if the sheer overwhelming feels would convince me in place of hard facts. Hell, I'll take some simple facts at this point, all I've got now is 'WSJ wrote an article on PDP' and '3 people analyzed the content in question'. That is not much to go on, especially since everything else has been 2 steps below 'WSJ is the next Super Hitler' in terms of reliability.

Frankly, I'd like to sit back and enjoy the dumpster fire, but that's something that's very hard to do when you've got people screaming 'The WSJ is the Devil!' and when you ask for proof they just go 'DEVIIIIIILLLLLL!' and run screaming into the night. First time, little funny, twelfth time, that's just annoying.

(also the WSJ and PDP aren't competitors so... yeah. Just a, little thing there.)

Jamcie Kerbizz

New member
Feb 27, 2013
Wrex Brogan said:
Jamcie Kerbizz said:
Ok, you should recognise that I do not represent everyone speaking and posting about this, so expecting me to take responsibility and answer for them (ie. conspiracy theories) is a bit much.

However, since you bemoan rather repeatedly the same reply in all your posts once put in front of simple facts, I'll entertain explaining where are your so desired evidence to c). TWSJ provided them in their own 'story'. They claim that 3 people dilligently watched all of PDPs flicks.

There are only 2 sides to this:
If they did, then
anyone whos brain isn't damaged can see that these jokes while low form of humour, that lets be honest, just rises a brow of most people, aren't any more nazi propaganda than fart jokes or dumping on someone bucketfull of ice water.
Conclusion, TWSJ delibertately mirepresented it and swindled money from their audience in attempt to sell them fake news.

Or if they didn't, then
TWSJ lied to their audience about it and presented unverified story as news, producing false evidence in the process.
Conclusion, TWSJ delibertately mirepresented it and swindled money from their audience in attempt to sell them fake news.

There isn't any squirming out of it to TWSJ. Will they suffer any legal consequence? No, I doubt that US legal system is capable of finding its way out of wet paper bag when it comes to libel and defamation. PDP would be really silly to try and wrestle them for any compensation.
However as I said before I actually applaud public reaction and enjoy the brief moment of sanity exercised by majority.
I should have mentioned before that majority in this case excludes people who try and help TWSJ dig even deeper hole than they dug themselves with this stink as well as these who cry it's conspiracy, shadow government attack etc. Again thou, I refer to just common sense. Oh and kick-start your brain if you need to, set aside tribal labels, quell emotions, seat back and just enjoy this.

TWSJ thought that they'd do another outrage hit-piece praying on human envy and hate. TWSJ expected that their competitor would get what he deserves from an angry pitchfork and torches mob they gathered. And then... intelligent thought occured and mob started to give TWSJ what they deserve. Sheer irony of fate and best of all inevitable outcome of having people for brainless cattle.
...You know, I asked for evidence. And I've still received none. Surprisingly, I'm not 'bemoaning' simple facts, I'm getting annoyed at how everyone who is condemning the WSJ for attacking PDP has done nothing but emote subjective opinions and obvious biases at me, as if the sheer overwhelming feels would convince me in place of hard facts. Hell, I'll take some simple facts at this point, all I've got now is 'WSJ wrote an article on PDP' and '3 people analyzed the content in question'. That is not much to go on, especially since everything else has been 2 steps below 'WSJ is the next Super Hitler' in terms of reliability.

Frankly, I'd like to sit back and enjoy the dumpster fire, but that's something that's very hard to do when you've got people screaming 'The WSJ is the Devil!' and when you ask for proof they just go 'DEVIIIIIILLLLLL!' and run screaming into the night. First time, little funny, twelfth time, that's just annoying.

(also the WSJ and PDP aren't competitors so... yeah. Just a, little thing there.)
You quote me but hardly anything you wrote applies to what I wrote.

I provided 'evidence' of why what TSWJ did was not an honest mistake but deliberately taken actions. I don't see any conspiracy here, so I will not provide evidence for that. None.

If I were to speculate I'd say I see more of 3 dimwits trying to get a quick money and power grab (in their mind great plan) for sake of their position in news corporation.
And few of that kind in other agencies followed suit. Because TWSJ is 'trustworthy', because it's that annoying little ass from YT that earns that 'much' money, because it's new media and evil 'influencers' that make all spin offs like (which is a PDP's competitor) fail, crush and burn in their impotency to gather sufficient audience, take your pick here.

You are wrong though thinking that they aren't ad revenue competitors. Neither twsj can live solely from subscription nor PDP would rise or survive without ad income. They compete for audience and their time. TIME, each person has that much of it to spend on browsing news or listening to someone commenting on recent events.

Lastly that whole 'DEVIIIIL' thing got me laughing. Yeah it is as it is but don't let that spoil the enjoyable moment, 24h fake news machine blowing up straight into face of people who usually make a good living out of it. All thanks to underestimating simple people a bit too much :)


New member
Nov 8, 2007
What bothers me the most about this isn't PDP, or google/Disney, or the articles written about him. It's the people who have jumped to the easy conclusions without backing them up. A lot of people have decided that the media has published a smear campaign against the youtube star, despite the fact that all the ones I've read have quite clearly preface their pieces with acknowledgements that PDP was making jokes, that he probably isn't a racist, and that this doesn't make a difference in relation to the points they go on to make.

Nowadays, a lot of journalists feel its necessary to couch their language, or to preface their opinions with disclosures/disclaimers. Its sad that readers a) can't be trusted to figure out a writer's meaning without jumping to some absurdly absolutist conclusion and b) are unlikely to ever get as far as the disclosure, because they'll just read the writer's headline, dismiss it as clickbait, and then add it to some collage they are making about biased media.