...so should I just... step outside while you make wild assumptions about me, or are you just projecting your hatred for news media SO MUCH that anyone who thinks Pewdiepie is a numpty is automatically a 'Usual Suspect'? Because holy shit batman, you've got some mother-fucking bias here, especially with that sweet Gamergate card you just played in Defense Mode. Because, and I want you to REALLY FOCUS here - where did I go defending the WSJ article was good?Metalix Knightmare said:Yes, because it's clearly all HIS fault that The Wall Street Journal decided to throw out anything RESEMBLING journalistic integrity and cherry pick and misrepresent said cherry picking to make him look like a white supremicist in order to smear him due to The WSJ having a MASSIVE axe to grind when it comes to him and famous Youtubers as a rule. It honestly didn't matter WHAT he did, by all accounts they would've been looking for, and misinterpreting ANYTHING to get at him like this.
It's ALSO his fault that pretty much the entirety of the MSM decided to, rather than actually investigate this and perhaps get one over on the WSJ and get a nice feather in their caps, decided to hop on board that narrative and ride it, while also joining in on the "shit on youtubers" sentiment.
Also, you don't like his humor? Whoop de doo. Neither do I. Doesn't change the fact that this is a bullshit move from what SHOULD have been a respectable news source, and in all honesty seeing all the collaboration and total lack of correction going on has proven something beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Gamer Gate had a point.
Because this is almost EXACTLY what happened with the Gamers are Dead episode. A whole bunch of organizations that SHOULD'VE been competing with one another were instead collaborating to push forward a narrative. And then again with James Rolf and Ghostbusters (2016). Heck, as I posted in one of the other threads, we've even got the usual suspects chiming in on this one too!
Metalix Knightmare said:Edit: None of this was originally my post. Found it on Kiwifarms. Should've mentioned this before I originally posted this, sorry. Exhausted posting is not fun posting.
So, goodly @Boobplate on Kiwifarms made me realize something, and I'd like to share it with you.
First up: I know that goober.
She came up quite a few times during GamerGate. Specifically, she was the one repeatedly making the argument that said incident happened because of Game Streamers being popular and that being the real threat towards games journalists. (http://archive.is/gM5oA) Dig through her crap and it will surprise exactly no one that she was carrying Zoe Quinn's water the entire time. (http://archive.is/gj63v) It later would turn out she was tied to CON like most of those signal boosting CON's crap.
This immediately got me wondering: How many of the usual suspects are throwing their support behind the WSJ on this one?
Turns out quite a few.
...So there you have it: proof that these people have learned basically nothing. None of them are directly involved with it, but there they all are, trying to attach themselves like a lamprey to the belly of this scandal and and hurl their support onto another outrage-fest that will amount to jack-point-crap.
Tlr, you are ignoring the forest, i.e. News media collaberating to outright lie and smear a person, for the trees, i.e. PewDiePie lost a Disney contract which isn't even what he's upset about.
See, what I've been saying is that PewDiePie is a dumbass for making a shitty joke. 'Aha!' you cry, 'You just don't like his humour!' No, he's just a shitty comedian, and when shitty comedians make shitty shock humour jokes, consequences happen to them. Personal feelings have nothing to do with it, it was just a straight up Bad Joke - there was no intelligence to it, no refuge in the audacity of it, hell not even a punchline, just 'watch me pay poor people to hold up an anti-Semitic sign to show how weird the service is', which quite frankly, makes for a poor shock joke. Would have worked much better if he'd payed them to do LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE, not just gone straight for the humour equivalent of Godwin's Law. And given his past history of the same brand of Bad Jokes using a similar theme, it is entirely unsurprising that it came back to bite him in the arse, regardless of the circumstances. Hell, it's entirely unsurprising that they're being taken in the 'wrong' context according to all his defenders, since even in context all his Bad Jokes still use anti-Semitic language or imagery, which from what I'm gathering from the WSJ article is what they were reporting on anyway (it's difficult to get the full picture since I'm not willing to pay for the article over what is a minor internet kerfuffle).
'Aha, the WSJ article!' NO, STOP. NOW. I haven't read it. I cannot read it. I cannot make judgements of an article I haven't read. I cannot say that WSJ is out to get PDP, nor can I truly say that it did nothing wrong. I literally cannot assign blame if I haven't read the article, and quite frankly, neither can anyone else who hasn't. I am neither defending OR attacking it because I haven't read it, hence why I haven't mentioned it in my posts. I have read a number of other articles discussing the whole thing that's been going down, and quite frankly, outside a handful of articles THAT ARE CLEARLY HAVING A GO AT HIM (which is unsurprising as PDP is a polarizing figure, as seen from the comments in the fucking 18 threads on him right now), most of the ones I've seen have actually been handling it in a, well, professional manner. Opinion-y, yes, but since most of them have been opinion pieces anyway, I can't exactly hold their feet to the fire for doing what they're supposed to do.
Now, for the fun part - what proof do you have of a collaboration between news media websites to discredit him? Because this is the same fucking problem Gamergate had back with the gamers are dead articles, where they cooked up this grand conspiracy for a bunch of articles that were posted largely separate from one another (all discussing a similar theme since hey, that tends to be how modern news media works, or are we just going to start ripping the Escapist a new one whenever they post news that's sourced from Kotaku or Polygon?), while, rather ironically given the focus on 'missing context' with this particular affair, also missing the context of those articles by reacting to the words rather than what was actually written. As said above, there's articles having a go at him, but then there's articles defending him, articles discussing the whole thing, articles talking about how he fucked up the humour, articles talking about whether the WSJ have responsibility or not, so on so forth... can't really blame News Media for reporting on this when there's such a wide variety of articles being posted about him. But hey, reposting a dude with an axe to grind against the 'Usual Suspects' is fine too, though horrendously unconvincing as evidence of a 'collaboration'. Give me something a little more solid than that before you start throwing the 'C' word around like that.
Also, nice little aside - why is it always the 'Usual Suspects' when it's people we disagree with? I noticed Sargon of Akkad practically fell over himself to suck PDP's cock as hard as he could, but apparently Movie Bob is the horrible biased monster of the hour. Can't we criticize them both, equally, for jumping onto an issue that really doesn't need either of them chiming in their stupid opinions on this?
tl;dr - Quit making assumptions, PewDiePie is a dumbass for making Bad Jokes regardless and maybe don't criticize someone for not seeing the forest through the trees when you're focused on an old dead stump with 'News Media is the devil' stamped on the side. And maybe bring along something a little more substantial if you're going to go accusing the old dead stump of murder, yeah?