PewDiePie Addresses Recent Media Coverage Amidst Controversy


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Zontar said:
shrekfan246 said:
ITT: People agreeing that "IT'S JUST A JOKE" and "I'm sorry you got offended" are totes good excuses for putting up literal "Death to all Jews" signs.
As a Jew myself I'm legitimately offended that people are trying to be offended on my behalf for something that when I was made aware of it I actually found pretty funny.

It's like the regressive left has forgotten that gallows' humour is a defining part of Anglo comedy.
But feelings man!!!

He said something that may have pissed off somebody somewhere. Who needs things like intent or context when there's loads off "offense" to be taken?

Fuck him!

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
Why would a guy who is bankrolled by Disney need or want to pay a couple of randoms to hold up an anti Semitic sign? You can spin the rest of it any way you want but he clearly went asking for trouble with that one.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
kenu12345 said:
Except he's not. He publically apologized. He just thinks the media misrepresented him which they have. Also I feel this may be a good vid for this thread
See...this is why I'm subbed to Mark.

Just a good guy.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
Wait-wait-wait, he deleted the video? What a loser. Those two Indian dudes and "Hitler-did-nothing-wrong" -Jesus also got banned from Fiverr. Social media sucks.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I'm not a fan of all. I find his personality grating and annoying and I don't think I've ever laughed at one of his jokes. I'm glad he has a huge successful following but I'm certainly not among them.

Having said that, I think pewdiepie is 100% in the right. I feel comedy should be allowed to cover all subject matters. In fact, we have several commedians who appear to 'get away' with more just because of their own background, gender, race and/or following. That should be clear as day if you've seen some standup routines and how comedians play on their racial and gender stereotypes.

It's perfectly valid for sponsors to drop pewdiepie based on the content he's produced. That's fair. I don't like how sponsors wait for an uproar to occur before taking action though. In a perfect world they should have left after the first instance of this joke appears before it got any backlash because that's where they stand.

That aside I see no reason why this matter should be newsworthy. He's telling jokes, period. Do you feel they are in poor taste? That's fine, you can choose to leave feedback for him or stop following his content. There is NO REASON THIS SHOULD HAVE BECOME A HEADLINE STORY. This is not newsworthy and its certainly not anything new to youtube or comedy/entertainment acts.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
shrekfan246 said:
Death to all Jews
omg shrekfan246 is a anti-semite who knew? thats why context is important. i would explain the joke but im tired of doing it. when investigating what people say context is important especially in comedy and doubly so when dealing with comedy using sensitive topics. if i wanted to i could most likely find things that seem horrible when taken out of context said by most succesful comedians.

in fact lets try a exercise everyone. in the "death to all jews" clip. what was the joke? anyone able to answer?


New member
Nov 21, 2007
kenu12345 said:
Except he's not. He publically apologized.
There's a difference between saying, "I'm sorry for what I did.", and, "I'm sorry you were offended by what I did, and I'm totally being picked on you guys."

What he's done is the latter. So forgive me if I'm not sympathetic to him being upset by the consequences of his actions.

He just thinks the media misrepresented him which they have.
And throwing an internet tantrum about it, instead of acting like an adult and addressing it as such, does even less to make me feel any empathy for him.

Or, to quote another poster:
Shamanic Rhythm said:
Why would a guy who is bankrolled by Disney need or want to pay a couple of randoms to hold up an anti Semitic sign? You can spin the rest of it any way you want but he clearly went asking for trouble with that one.
Precisely. So to see him act upset[footnote]Or, dare I say, offended.[/footnote] over the criticism and consequences of those actions gives clear indications of either sociopathic tendencies or a complete lack of maturity.

Oh, and just so we're all clear (and so I can have people STOP projecting shit onto me that I haven't said nor thought) I think what the WSJ did was equally as tasteless and appalling as Kjellberg's response. So, it's shitty-people-gonna-be-shitty with all parties involved.

Except for Disney. Which...makes me uncomfortable.

Also, respect isn't given, it's earned. But, something earned can also be lost.

Kjellberg lost what little respect he had from me with his response to this whole situation. I can not abide childish behavior from a grown adult.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
babinro said:
I feel comedy should be allowed to cover all subject matters.
Completely agree. But at the same time, comedy should not be sheltered from criticism.

The irony here is that those screaming that Kjellberg, "Is just exercising his right to free speech!", are seemingly seeking to silence any criticism of him and his 'joke'. It's quite literally people screaming for censorship while complaining about censorship.

As I've said previously, the hypocrisy on this is palpable.

This is not newsworthy and its certainly not anything new to youtube or comedy/entertainment acts.
It really shouldn't be, but a major company dropped a popular internet celeb from their sponsorship. Someone's gonna want to talk about it in the public space.

But yeah, "Internet man-child does an offensive thing" really isn't newsworthy.


Seeker of Ancient Knowledge
Aug 3, 2011
Vigormortis said:
kenu12345 said:
Except he's not. He publically apologized.
There's a difference between saying, "I'm sorry for what I did.", and, "I'm sorry you were offended by what I did, and I'm totally being picked on you guys."

What he's done is the latter. So forgive me if I'm not sympathetic to him being upset by the consequences of his actions.

He just thinks the media misrepresented him which they have.
And throwing an internet tantrum about it, instead of acting like an adult and addressing it as such, does even less to make me feel any empathy for him.

Or, to quote another poster:
Shamanic Rhythm said:
Why would a guy who is bankrolled by Disney need or want to pay a couple of randoms to hold up an anti Semitic sign? You can spin the rest of it any way you want but he clearly went asking for trouble with that one.
Precisely. So to see him act upset[footnote]Or, dare I say, offended.[/footnote] over the criticism and consequences of those actions gives clear indications of either sociopathic tendencies or a complete lack of maturity.

Oh, and just so we're all clear (and so I can have people STOP projecting shit onto me that I haven't said nor thought) I think what the WSJ did was equally as tasteless and appalling as Kjellberg's response. So, it's shitty-people-gonna-be-shitty with all parties involved.

Except for Disney. Which...makes me uncomfortable.

Also, respect isn't given, it's earned. But, something earned can also be lost.

Kjellberg lost what little respect he had from me with his response to this whole situation. I can not abide childish behavior from a grown adult.
And I disagree with you on his intention. He comes off genuine to me. Honestly feels like you are pulling out more malice than was intended for some reason

Metalix Knightmare

New member
Sep 27, 2007
Wrex Brogan said:
...dammit, website ate my post. In short - Dudes a dumbass for making a shitty joke while buddy-buddy with Disney, took the consequences of that right to the face, let's not belabor the point and just call him a dumbass and move on.
The consequences being a News organization with an axe to grind against him blatantly cherry picking and blatantly misinterpreting his videos to drum up outrage clicks.

Yeah, how could he have NEVER seen that coming.

shrekfan246 said:
ITT: People agreeing that "IT'S JUST A JOKE" and "I'm sorry you got offended" are totes good excuses for putting up literal "Death to all Jews" signs.

EDIT: Also people who once again don't actually pay any attention to what the media says, but still get outraged because of random headlines and all of the whinging that their preferred news mouthpieces spew, which generally hate the media because "BIAS" and "SJWS" and "CULTURAL MARXISM!!!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"

Regardless of however he's been "misquoted" or "taken out of context" or whatever fucking other excuse he wants to throw out like a politician running for reelection, the fact of the matter is that he still said or did these things which could be taken out of context in the first place, in many cases in situations where the context was muddy enough so as to not help very much anyway. I shouldn't have to say that normalizing bigotry is a bad thing, or explain that yes, casually using bigoted language does, in fact, help normalize it.

And in case you couldn't tell, I'm not interested in having a "debate" with anybody who seriously thinks that "SJWs" are a problem, or uses terms like "regressive leftist" or thinks that people like Sargon of Akkad and Thunderf00t and their ilk are anything but the angry, dangerous idiots that they are.
Except the context DOES matter in this situation. The video was about finding out what people would do for 5 dollars, and if you'd actually watched it you'd see he was shocked that they actually did it and apologized for it.

But please, keep on basically making excuses for what is a media smear campaign just because Pew is being backed by people you disagree with politically.

And on further note, Summon the Duckman!


Wrex Brogan

New member
Jan 28, 2016
Metalix Knightmare said:
Wrex Brogan said:
...dammit, website ate my post. In short - Dudes a dumbass for making a shitty joke while buddy-buddy with Disney, took the consequences of that right to the face, let's not belabor the point and just call him a dumbass and move on.
The consequences being a News organization with an axe to grind against him blatantly cherry picking and blatantly misinterpreting his videos to drum up outrage clicks.

Yeah, how could he have NEVER seen that coming.
...************ has been in the game for 12 years, has 50 million youtube subscribers and has been doing business with a number of high-profile media corporations for some time. HOW COULD HE HAVE NOT SEEN THIS?

Jesus christ, he's not new to this shit, he SHOULD have seen his this coming over such a shitty joke (and yes, I know what the joke was about, it's still a bad joke), especially given the rather polarized response people have towards him to begin with and the fact he was working with a fucking subsidiary of Disney, who Don't Take Kindly To Shitty Anti-Semite Jokes. Having the media pick through your shit is kind of a thing at that point.

So, you know, STILL a dumbass. Great he actually apologized, but STILL a dumbass. Maybe he'll actually do what he said though and learn from this shit, his shock humour has always been terrible so hopefully he'll step up his game now that he's had a swift kick up the arse.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Yeah, because a person rumored to be something 50+ years ago is somehow relevant.


New member
Aug 11, 2016
The original WSJ report, and all the other places that just mindlessly parroted them, definitely misrepresented PewDiePie.

They took an unfunny edgelord and painted him as an alt-right neo-nazi. You can criticize both for different reasons, but they are not the same thing.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
Makabriel said:
Dude.. if you have Disney backing you, you don't use stuff like that. No matter how much context you have in the video. Professional suicide.
PewDiePie never asked to be a Disney Princess.

He rocketed to success and inevitable riches and I could not have cared less about him. The WSJ managed to change my stance and I watched a bunch of his most recent videos, preferrably related to this supposed scandal, which is most certainly fabricated in bad faith. Winkler, Niclas and Fritz are not kosher, neither are their intentions. Maker Studios still fails to make any kind of profit and someone over at Disney seems intent to somehow turn this into a personal success story about tiger blood and winning, eventually... soon. We'll see. There's plenty of people looking into the article's creators and the WSJ, and since we're a darn diverse bunch, we'll absolutely come up with something interesting. Promise.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Gibbagobba said:
trunkage said:
Adam Jensen said:
The guy is not funny. Go figure, what a surprising fuckin' twist. But he's also not an anti-Semite. He's actually a very decent guy with a shitty sense of humor. The stupidity of SJW's is what amazes me in all of this.
That last sentence is the same mistake that this sub group of SJWs (and Felixstowe for that matter) did - use one sentence or person to degrade a whole group
I don't know about Jensen, but I'd say referring to SJWs as a whole is appropriate. People who fight for equality and civil rights without resorting to this kind of smear tactic behavior I would refer to as progressive. "Social justice" is the radical form of that. After all, if it's simply justice, then why add "social" to it? It's either justice or it's not.
Interesting. In the circles I talk with they use the term regressives for what you term SJWs.
But then some other people I talk to say that progressives are on the right side of politics (think Teddy Roosevelt and especially Woodrow Wilson, who resegregated the government so African Americans couldn't hold office. Democrats have come a long way)

Metalix Knightmare

New member
Sep 27, 2007
Wrex Brogan said:
Metalix Knightmare said:
Wrex Brogan said:
...dammit, website ate my post. In short - Dudes a dumbass for making a shitty joke while buddy-buddy with Disney, took the consequences of that right to the face, let's not belabor the point and just call him a dumbass and move on.
The consequences being a News organization with an axe to grind against him blatantly cherry picking and blatantly misinterpreting his videos to drum up outrage clicks.

Yeah, how could he have NEVER seen that coming.
...************ has been in the game for 12 years, has 50 million youtube subscribers and has been doing business with a number of high-profile media corporations for some time. HOW COULD HE HAVE NOT SEEN THIS?

Jesus christ, he's not new to this shit, he SHOULD have seen his this coming over such a shitty joke (and yes, I know what the joke was about, it's still a bad joke), especially given the rather polarized response people have towards him to begin with and the fact he was working with a fucking subsidiary of Disney, who Don't Take Kindly To Shitty Anti-Semite Jokes. Having the media pick through your shit is kind of a thing at that point.

So, you know, STILL a dumbass. Great he actually apologized, but STILL a dumbass. Maybe he'll actually do what he said though and learn from this shit, his shock humour has always been terrible so hopefully he'll step up his game now that he's had a swift kick up the arse.
Yes, because it's clearly all HIS fault that The Wall Street Journal decided to throw out anything RESEMBLING journalistic integrity and cherry pick and misrepresent said cherry picking to make him look like a white supremicist in order to smear him due to The WSJ having a MASSIVE axe to grind when it comes to him and famous Youtubers as a rule. It honestly didn't matter WHAT he did, by all accounts they would've been looking for, and misinterpreting ANYTHING to get at him like this.

It's ALSO his fault that pretty much the entirety of the MSM decided to, rather than actually investigate this and perhaps get one over on the WSJ and get a nice feather in their caps, decided to hop on board that narrative and ride it, while also joining in on the "shit on youtubers" sentiment.

Also, you don't like his humor? Whoop de doo. Neither do I. Doesn't change the fact that this is a bullshit move from what SHOULD have been a respectable news source, and in all honesty seeing all the collaboration and total lack of correction going on has proven something beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Gamer Gate had a point.

Because this is almost EXACTLY what happened with the Gamers are Dead episode. A whole bunch of organizations that SHOULD'VE been competing with one another were instead collaborating to push forward a narrative. And then again with James Rolf and Ghostbusters (2016). Heck, as I posted in one of the other threads, we've even got the usual suspects chiming in on this one too!

Metalix Knightmare said:
Edit: None of this was originally my post. Found it on Kiwifarms. Should've mentioned this before I originally posted this, sorry. Exhausted posting is not fun posting.

So, goodly @Boobplate on Kiwifarms made me realize something, and I'd like to share it with you.

First up: I know that goober.

She came up quite a few times during GamerGate. Specifically, she was the one repeatedly making the argument that said incident happened because of Game Streamers being popular and that being the real threat towards games journalists. ( Dig through her crap and it will surprise exactly no one that she was carrying Zoe Quinn's water the entire time. ( It later would turn out she was tied to CON like most of those signal boosting CON's crap.

This immediately got me wondering: How many of the usual suspects are throwing their support behind the WSJ on this one?

Turns out quite a few.

...So there you have it: proof that these people have learned basically nothing. None of them are directly involved with it, but there they all are, trying to attach themselves like a lamprey to the belly of this scandal and and hurl their support onto another outrage-fest that will amount to jack-point-crap.

Tl:Dr, you are ignoring the forest, i.e. News media collaberating to outright lie and smear a person, for the trees, i.e. PewDiePie lost a Disney contract which isn't even what he's upset about.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Kiwifarms. Seriously.

Ever think that Disney wouldn't want to give money to someone who has people hold up signs saying "Death to all Jews", even as a "joke"? Just a thought. That's all on him.

But yeah, a lot of press covering a massively popular mega-corp's decision to fire a massilvy popular video game YouTuber is somehow collusion, instead of it being a massively popular mega-corp firing a massively popular video game YouTuber being something news worthy.

I bet all the papers covering Super Bowl 51's undrecidented comeback overtime win, complete with claims that the NFL's overtime rules are bullshit, was collusion too.

EDIT: Speaking of things people didn't learn from Gamergate: just because a lot of folks agree on something doesn't mean they're collaborating. Facts should come before feels.


sneaky sneaky
Jul 23, 2009
He shouldn't have to apologize for a joke. Ironically, this is likely to vindicate many of the actual Jew haters who think that the Jews control the media and will shut down anything even associated with anti-semitism, regardless of context. As a Jew, the only things I look for in these situations is whether the person making the joke hates Jews and/or if the joke is uncomical to the point where it seems more like a hateful statement disguised as a joke as an excuse.

Felix obviously doesn't hate Jews, and the joke was one of using an exaggerated statement to create an absurd situation.

Jesus Christ, I shouldn't have to explain this stuff, and the fact that Disney would be so hair-trigger with their decisions really shows that you have to be college educated and make seven figures to be this fucking stupid.