PewDiePie Beaten to dust! Also tell us bad let's players.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
I didn't know who PewDiePew or Tobuscus were until they kept popping up in the comment sections of Epic Rap Battles of History. ...I hope to Cthulhu that Nice Peter is smart enough to ignore those idiots and not portray two of the most annoying people on youtube.

William Dickbringer

New member
Feb 16, 2010
rupang886 said:
ya know why can't we just focus on the good let's players like game grumps or azuritereactions or milkwad(aka nintendo central) or the runaway guys (chuggaconroy, protonjon and nintendo caprisun) why does it have to be the bad ones where they'll get more views and thus more people looking at them and not give the people who are good our proper attention


New member
Mar 8, 2010
I honestly enjoy Pewdie, even if he does over-exaggerate sometimes. He makes more laugh more often than not, and that's enough for me. If you don't like him, just ignore him. Posting a thread isn't going to make him magically disappear or stop other people from liking him...


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Never watched any of PewDiePie's stuff, but he seems even more obnoxious than Tobuscus. He also talks exactly like him.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I don't know if I had accidentally clicked on pewdiepie's video some time ago, but my recommended videos on youtube were flooded with his videos and, considering that most of his videos have a fucking disgusting thumbnail, I want him to burn in hell now.
Also, since when repeatedly fake screaming, swearing and rape shouting is considered funny? If you like that sort of material, you should just watch nostalgiacritic. He at least puts effort into his videos.


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
[Third time writing this post after a Norton security block came up causing me to refresh the page and my post and accidentally closing the page.]
*prepares and casts level 99 spell, raise flameshield*

To be truthful, I enjoy watching the Lets Play videos that Pewdiepie does of the games he plays. They usually are relatively humourous and better done than various others that I have seen. Though admittedly in some horror games he does have a tendency to use rape jokes quite a bit.

But I have to say that video in the OP is pretty much biased. You can obviously see from the get go they set out to demean his videos by only pulling clips that included rape jokes and by all prematurely wearing "I'm not gonna like this for the camera/internets" face it pretty much becomes baseless and fake. I mean one guy went so far as to pretend that he was vomiting to 'show' how bad he thought it was which pretty much sums up the whole act of the video. You can't trust it as a spontateous first reaction if they all pretty much look like they are reading from a script they already have set up.

On a side note, I'm curious to know where you got the data from concerning that most of his 2 million subscribers consist of mostly 12 year olds.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Anyone who makes Let's Plays soley to make money is a ****. Simple as.
That includes Pewdiepie.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
I don't like this guy. It's not that i think he's bad, it's just that i think lets plays shouldn't be alone. Two friends talking to each other is much more dynamic than one guy talking to himself.

So on that note, go watch Game Grumps with Jontron and Egoraptor!

Or Two Best Friend Play. They're pretty good too.

I don't know if they can be counted as lets plays (because they usually don't play though a full game), but they're still awesome. I found them much funnier than pewpewdie anyway.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
hazabaza1 said:
Anyone who makes Let's Plays soley to make money is a ****. Simple as.
That includes Pewdiepie.
Yeah...No. It's his job. You may not see it as one but it is. He's doing something he enjoys and obviously puts effort into it (editing and whatnot) his over exaggerations are a different thing entirely. You can apply this logic to most other Let's Players, they're doing something they love and they get to make money from it! They become cunts when they start to E-beg for money to buy equipment even though each of their videos gets 200k views and is clearly being monetized.


New member
Nov 15, 2011
I can't even begin to imagine why anyone would care enough about this to make a topic of discussion on it. It's some idiot on the internet being an idiot on the internet; we'd be here for years if we had to chronicle all of them. Ignore him and move on with your life.

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
The only Let's Play person I watch is WheezyGames, and that's because it's someone I already watched (WheezyWaiter) being awful at games.

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
hazabaza1 said:
Anyone who makes Let's Plays soley to make money is a ****. Simple as.
That includes Pewdiepie.
That's not a very nice sentiment. He doesn't do it solely to make money. Sure, maybe that's the situation now, but he probably started making videos for the same reason as any other LP-er: because he enjoys playing games.

I'm sure he still makes the videos because he still enjoys playing the games. The name-calling was unnecessary.


A WordlessThing, a ThinglessWord
Aug 9, 2011
PewDiePie is a talentless hack, I don't even crack a smile in any of his videos. Its depressing that he is able to make money off of them. That said this 'Adults react to Pewdiepie' video is pretty damn terrible too.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Z of the Na said:
hazabaza1 said:
Anyone who makes Let's Plays soley to make money is a ****. Simple as.
That includes Pewdiepie.
That's not a very nice sentiment. He doesn't do it solely to make money. Sure, maybe that's the situation now, but he probably started making videos for the same reason as any other LP-er: because he enjoys playing games.

I'm sure he still makes the videos because he still enjoys playing the games. The name-calling was unnecessary.
razor343 said:
hazabaza1 said:
Anyone who makes Let's Plays soley to make money is a ****. Simple as.
That includes Pewdiepie.
Yeah...No. It's his job. You may not see it as one but it is. He's doing something he enjoys and obviously puts effort into it (editing and whatnot) his over exaggerations are a different thing entirely. You can apply this logic to most other Let's Players, they're doing something they love and they get to make money from it! They become cunts when they start to E-beg for money to buy equipment even though each of their videos gets 200k views and is clearly being monetized.
Stuff like that comment as well as the whole having a little subscription box thing at the end of every fucking video pretty much cement him as a **** to me.
On top of that, the screaming, the over reactions, and just being a dipshit to appeal to the very lowest of the low is just... beyond annoying.
And so what if he does editing? That's not something to praise someone over, that should be something that's the bare minimum if you're trying to make a decent video. Hell, I edit my videos to cut out the boring shit and to try and stop audio issues and whatnot, that's not putting a lot of effort into it, that's just being not retarded.

Oh, and say what you want, defend him however you wish, anyone who does whatever the fuck that was in the last clip of the OP's video... yeah. If that's not being a **** then at the very least you pretty much have to admit he's completely fucking braindead in the worst way possible.

And before you have a go at me with the whole "well some LPers have it as their jobs!" yes, I know, an example of a good LPer whose job it is to LP is Northernlion. He actually makes some decent videos with minimal "subzcrib 2 meh" intrusion and at times shows that he's grateful to be so lucky and appreciates his viewers.
Of course, he uses big words that 12 year olds who find screaming "RAPE" into a microphone funny wouldn't understand so he's not quite so popular.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
'eh. The bubble will burst. And I'm sure a CV with nothing but "let's play" will open a very lucrative career market for him when it does.


New member
Oct 18, 2012
I don't understand why even twelve year-old children would find PewDiePie funny. Screaming into the mic like a retard is apparently equals comedy for God knows why.