PewDiePie Beaten to dust! Also tell us bad let's players.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
So this means it's okay to write topics to just hate on people?

Sweet! Wonder who I shall start with first...

Astoria said:
I think I'm the only one here who enjoys watching Pewdiepie :S

Although I pretty much only watch him play horror games just because he freaks out at absoulutely everything. Why do people get so annoyed at LP's making money from their videos? Actors make money from their movies so musicians make money from their songs so what's wrong with LPs making money from their videos?
You and me both.

I think it's more interesting that people don't seem to care about the fact that PewDie has give most of the money he has gained from youtube fame to charity and when he won the KingOfTheWeb contest he gave all the money to that world thing with a panda icon (WWF) even posted a video of the transaction so meh.

Then again, I don't really care if people like him or not, I don't care about peoples opinions in general.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
MetalDooley said:
Or you could just ignore him and not draw more attention to his videos by starting a thread about them
This seems like the best course of action.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Lugbzurg said:
So, who do I prefer, instead? The first I got interested in was John Ortiz (Somecallmejohnny). Then, there's also PeanutButterGamer, JonTron, and NintendoCapriSun. I recently took a look at some of Clament's videos, and should probably give a look to these "Chuggaconroy" and "Lukhadjin" (or however her name's spelled) people and see what they're like.
Yes, PBG and JonTron for me as well. Plus, Dodger(PressHeartToContinue/DexterityBonus), Egoraptor, Jesse Cox, Total Biscuit, Wowcrendor, etc, etc, pretty much most youtubers that are affiliated with or linked in some way with The Game Station.

I just can't get enough, so it is a good thing that they consistently create quality content.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
But as people have said, you watch what you want to watch and let others have what they want.

RadioactiveMicrobe said:
I can't stand that guy.

But hey,
I'm Grump
And I'm not so Grump!


New member
Oct 10, 2009
I don't really watch many LP's at all. The only two I watch with any regularity are Graham and Paul Let's Plays (GPLP, made by the two main stars of LoadingReadyRun) and Yahtzee's Let's Plays (on his youtube channel, he does some old crappy adventure games with a friend.)
I can't really think of any LP'ers that I immediately disliked. There are plenty that I watched an episode or two of and then never touched again but never anything that immediately turned me away.

Captcha: Gathers moss.

... Hunh. Sounds like the name of a particularly lazy tribal goblin.


New member
Jul 4, 2012
PewDiePie is really childish and I dislike him strongly. Though I enjoy Nova, SSoHPKC, Kootra, GassyMexician, and many of them associations.

He and his viewers give Let's Players bad names.


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
I generally like lets players.

I like Mangaminx because her accent is awesome and she has a good sense of humor while getting legitimately scared.

I like the Yogscast because of the dynamic there is between Lewis and Simon as well as the others that are involved. Sure they have more than one video where they annoyed me but I find their channels fun more often than not.

I like Tobuscus Lets plays because he goes over the top and is generally funny. You can tell that he sometimes fakes fear for views but he twists the fear into humor. He knows who his audience is and knows how to get them to laugh.

Now PewDiePie just gets on my nerves. Sure his amnesia was fine, mostly because that was "real" in the fact that he was genuinely scared. He is way to focused on rape and tries to cater to the lowest common denominator for views. You can tell he is phoning in his fear for views and instead of being funny he just screams and swears.

EDIT: Oh and 90% of his fanbase are annoying as all hell. I couldn't watch a lets play of slender on any channel without having to read about how the uploader was 'so unoriginal' and 'just copying PewDiePie for popularity'. It is like someone distilled Xbox live and injected it into a fanbase.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
That was hilarious. I don't really pay attention to PewDiePie and his videos are mildly meh, but people actually critiquing his videos and PewDiePie just wailing like a mad child is a winning combination.

More of this please.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I still haven't seen any of his videos, and I'm not breaking that streak.

I was once tricked into watching 15 seconds of a tobuscus video. . .i'm still recovering.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
The main problem with LPers is that once they get semi-successful they can gain an ego that ruins their videos from that point onwards. I've seen it happen several times and I doubt its going to stop happening.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Astoria said:
Yay, not a hater. :D


GildaTheGriffin said:
I got too words for you sir!

You brown? Hehe, I love them too.

In fact I like Pewdie as I said back and I also like the Creatures, getting in the Yogscast and love Chilled Chaos and ImmortalHD.



New member
Nov 7, 2010
As far as PewDiePie I find him, at best, annoying. Hes a talentless LPer that adds nothing to the game itself and that is the test of a bad let's player. Although to give credit where credit is due has has put a portion of his money toward charity. During the king of the web elections he was a part of he put his winnings toward the save the tigers fund or something like that. So no hes not an evil guy, just really really annoying

Anyway Let's players that add something to the content are the good ones. Sometimes its educational, sometimes its philosophical, some times its societal reflections of the situation but this adds something and makes the game more interesting then it would otherwise be.

General Twinkletoes

Suppository of Wisdom
Jan 24, 2011
While I did like that video a lot, I have to say the LP's of the guys behind retsupurae, and some of the retsupuraes themselves are just as bad, but in a different way. They may be the first LP'ers, but that doesn't mean they're any good. They constantly have trouble coming up with things to say, repeat the same jokes over and over and stumble over their words.
For example look at the retsupurae on their channel of someone playing slender. They get one joke half way through, and they repeat it over and over and over again for the whole video. It wasn't even a funny joke to begin with. I've watched a fair few Retsupuraes, and they're pretty hit and miss. Some of them like the Jesse Cox episode(Even though I actually like most Jesse's stuff) are funny, others are just really awkward.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
It doesn't trouble so much that bad LPers exist... It's that the bad ones tend to rise to the top of the pile for the worst possible reasons.

EXHIBIT A, iJustine...

She's terrible at video games, provides no insight into the games she plays, and seems to be oblivious to the existence of video editing. None of that matters, because she's managed to build a career out of viral videos revolving around trivial bullshit like a 300 page iPhone bill. She posted a video about wanting to order a cheeseburger on YouTube. It got 600,000 views in its first week.

She's on Intels social media strategy advisory board.

You think Sarkeesian was a scam? This woman makes $75,000 a year from her YouTubing.

There's two possible conclusions here. She's either an idiot who's managed to stumble on the recipe for profitable internet stardom, or she simply plays a fool because she knows stupid blonde Apple fangirl is what sells.

Meanwhile, Spike and Barley do it for their honest love of video games...



New member
Nov 22, 2009
I Stomp on Kittens said:
Oh noes! He makes money off of providing entertainment, he must be stopped!!
We must burn down the empire that he has built off of the dirty cash he has pried from his dead victims cold hands! Join me my brothers in the war against evil..The tyrant shall fall!

Don't understand why people think that if they make money they are evil. Then again, this is the Youtube community we are speaking of.. Don't like it then don't watch it. Even though they aren't the type of videos you enjoy others like it.
I think it's less that, and more him being the type of LPer that people who despise Let's Plays count as the majority of them.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
I can't stand the idea of Retsupurae.
"Aw, shit, this person has a bad camera and I don't like their voice! LET'S HUMILIATE THEM, FUCK YEAH"

You'd think you could just. Not watch the bad ones? I get the idea that people don't like having to search through hundreds of bad LPs for said good ones, but it's not like people set out with the intention of making their LP awful- just go to that LP archive, or something, they have better quality control than youtube.


New member
May 18, 2010
those who fall on Retsupurae's hands often have 2 fates
they are either smashed into riff giblets, or they rise to glory
like BillyMC
OT: fuck PewDiePie, can't stand his annoying fucking voice
and seeing what he's doing to Nosferatu hits me right in the memories


New member
Mar 19, 2011
rupang886 said:
DugMachine said:
I can't seem to watch the video. What the heck did he do? Aside from being his annoying self.

Honestly though who cares? You're not forced to watch him and many LPers I watch are considered annoying and I think pewdiepie is annoying in turn. World keeps on turning
Saying (I paraphase) "ITS RA*ING TIME!" In front of 2 million (most 14 years old) viewers.
... ok, seriously, I have to say here:

So... what?

He said It's Raping Time in one of his videos? So...? It's his choice. Youtubers are not forced to market for 10 year old kids who will go to hell if they hear the slighest swear word. He can say whatever the fuck he likes and unless it is against the law, slander, super racist or porn then the video would usually be allowed up on YouTube. YouTube is not a kids site. It has kids videos, but it's up to parents to stop their kids from watching certain videos.

I don't mind his videos, I mainly just watch them when I am bored and just want to lay back and watch some videos whilst having a snack. I do the same with the Yogscast, IntheLittleWood (who is now Yogscast), Varide, Tobuscus and many others. It's just mindless entertainment, and it's free.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Pretend he doesn't exist and it's as if he doesn't exist! Magic!
Seriously, who do people crusade against things they do not personally enjoy? Other people enjoy it, why would you take it away from them? And why are you even spending time on shit you hate in the first place? It's such a colossal waste of time. There is no positive outcome possible, except perhaps having your own petty vindictiveness satisfied.
Just... move on.