PewDiePie Beaten to dust! Also tell us bad let's players.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
im glad you posted this. i keep hearing about this kid and was curious about him. im glad i could see what hes all about without providing him with views and ad revenue. unless this is an extremely unfair sampling, the kid jokes about rape way too much. accuse me of being overly sensitive of the morality police or whatever, but shit like that really bothers me


New member
Dec 29, 2009
RadioactiveMicrobe said:
I can't stand that guy.

But hey,
I'm Grump
im not so grump

...but i cant stand him either (though thats the most ive ever seen of him)


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Lugbzurg said:
He screams, swears, and attempts humor by going crazy all the time. No wonder he's popular. I kept hearing people exclaiming how amazing he was supposed to be, and at some point, I stumbled upon his playthrough of Doom 3. I was not impressed (with PewDiePie, that is; I still wanna play Doom 3). Then, a friend of mine showed me his "Happy Wheels" video, which was supposed to be the grand daddy of them all. It was stupid. I'd sooner watch The Annoying Orange than PewDiePie.

So, who do I prefer, instead? The first I got interested in was John Ortiz (Somecallmejohnny). Then, there's also PeanutButterGamer, JonTron, and NintendoCapriSun. I recently took a look at some of Clament's videos, and should probably give a look to these "Chuggaconroy" and "Lukhadjin" (or however her name's spelled) people and see what they're like.
Yeah, I happened across PewDiePie when I was looking around for videos of Slender (too much of a wuss to play it myself)... and I just thought "Really? This guy is popular?"

Then I found Sinuyan's channel and watched that instead. He's got a very mellow kinda vibe that goes surprisingly well with all the horror games he plays.

Honestly, actually seeing PewDiePie's vids, and some of the comments of praise, reminded me of something that happened a few years ago, back when a younger cousin tried to show me "This hilarious Fred guy" on youtube. I just remember thinking "This is supposed to be entertaining" and then feeling very old. lol

As for let's players, I like to follow, hmm... NorthernLion, Necroscope, Sinuyan, MangaMinx (now TheRPGMinx), GettingDaved, GameGrumps (Jon Tron + Ego Raptor, ohyeah :D ) and a few others here and there. I like a lot of the guys from the Something Awful let's plays too. I don't follow them regularly, but I do poke around the LP Archive every now and then to find new things.

Really, the Something Awful Let's Play Archive should be anyone's first stop for an LP, as it probably has the biggest collection of the most consistently good ones around.


New member
Aug 11, 2012
I.....Seriously.....have no Idea how he's popular :/

I guess it comes down to personal .......taste(if thats what you'd call it)


New member
Sep 29, 2009
Mygaffer said:
Hey OP what must you think when you hate this guy so much yet he does not even know your name and everyone likes him more than you?
You know what. You're right. Lets end this thread.

You can request a lock and forget everything happened there. I don't mind.


New member
Aug 11, 2012
Meaning of Karma said:
PsychicTaco115 said:
People don't like another person's content? Shocker

But some people find that funny and who am I to sat that they're in the wrong for liking it?
Meaning of Karma said:
I loathe DarkSydePhil.

The only two "Lets Players" that I watch are Xcalizorz and Waldodude/DinoRidingJesus
I've seen some of his content, what don't you like about DSP?

I'm just curious, that's all
The man reacts very, very badly to any and all forms of criticism, and is incredibly obnoxious.

My friend

You just described the very reason why I stopped watching DSP

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Most Let's Players I watch I boggle at how shit they are at the actual game. Some of them were professionals working for review sites and stuff. One time I was watching a play through of chrono trigger and it took them 4 tries to get the very obvious tactic on a boss.... :|

I won't talk about the Game Grumps playing Mystical Ninja, I'll forgive them as I'm pretty sure they weren't paying full attention.

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
That is stupid as hell. The fact that he has so many subscribers means that a lot of people like him. That's what he was aiming for. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he's bad.
I personally don't like his videos but millions of others do so therefore he is successful.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Thomas Hirst said:
Yeeeessss I don't like it so allll the people who do must be 12 or retards. Real adult approach.
To be honest, most of his fanbase is really underage. The reactions in the comment section are priceless (mostly the reason why this video was made. Big supporter of Retsupurae here)

I wouldn't mind if they didn't take a jab at him, but I won't say I'm unhappy they did. Pewdiepie managed to lower the bar even more when I thought that wasn't possible.

And yeah, we can ignore him. But I think it's also time to stand up a bit for quality, good taste and decency. I, for one, had enough that we always have to shut up because we want to voice some criticism and see some better content and better internet culture in general.

I personally don't like his videos but millions of others do so therefore he is successful.
A few hundred years ago, a lot of people believed the earth was flat. Didn't make them right.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
I liked his Amnesia and early Happy Wheels vids back when he only had 200k subscribers, but I don't watch much of him anymore.

I started watching Birgirpall and Robbaz around the same time, back when they only had a thousand subscribers or so each.


I dont' really watch let's plays unless it's by Robbaz, Achievement Hunter or friends of mine. Really, if I want to see a game through from start to finish I would do it myself.


New member
Oct 3, 2011
Well I'm 19 and I watch Pewdiepie because he's funny. He's one of the two Let's Players I watch, the other being Roosterteeth.


New member
May 10, 2012
If you're into Let's Plays, just ignore YouTube altogether. Something Awful's archive of lets plays are miles better.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
PsychicTaco115 said:
People don't like another person's content? Shocker

But some people find that funny and who am I to sat that they're in the wrong for liking it?
Meaning of Karma said:
I loathe DarkSydePhil.

The only two "Lets Players" that I watch are Xcalizorz and Waldodude/DinoRidingJesus
I've seen some of his content, what don't you like about DSP?

I'm just curious, that's all
I saw a summary of his Dark Souls Deaths, it was pretty horrible. Refusal to learn from his mistakes and ragequitting pretty early on.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
Alhazred said:
If you're into Let's Plays, just ignore YouTube altogether. Something Awful's archive of lets plays are miles better.
Or simply watch streams which have the advantage of you being able to interact with the player.

Arcadian Legend

Blame your fate!
Jan 9, 2012
When it comes to PewDiePie, I've never actually watched any of his LP's, but from what I've heard I generally make it a point to not check them out. Maybe I will one day, who knows? One good example (or examples) of LP'ers would be TheRunawayGuys, a collab LP channel comprised of Chuggaconroy, ProtonJon and NintendoCaprisun. There hasn't been a single LP from them that I can recall which hasn't made me end the vid with a smile on my face.

Their individual channels are pretty grerat too, and the fanbase as far as YouTube commenters go seems surprisingly mellow compared to another that sticks out in my head. Since so few here mentioned them though I guess they aren't as popular as I thought they were.

I'm also a Yogscast fan, but my god, the YouTube commentors... I swear most have the collective IQ of a brick. And they fall for the same trolls EVERY time.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
VeneratedWulfen93 said:
Well I'm 19 and I watch Pewdiepie because he's funny. He's one of the two Let's Players I watch, the other being Roosterteeth.
How is he funny? Can you please link me to a video of his that is funny? (with timestamps indicating the "funny" parts.)

On topic: Worst fucking person i've ever seen on youtube, and that says a hell of a lot. Watching a couple of his videos made me actually respect ijustine. I seriously do not understand how a person could actually be stupid enough to find this guy funny, I just fucking don't. And i'm not saying that to make a point, i'm being serious. With literally EVERY single thing i've seen, (bieber, shaytards, dance moms, honey boo boo, obama) I could understand what an idiot saw in them. But not this fucking guy.