PewDiePie Beaten to dust! Also tell us bad let's players.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
I don't like Pwediepie, I don't like his videos and his comedy. So I just don't watch them. The only LP's I watch are 666TheHeartless666, he is funny and he doesn't shout and scream all the time. Two Best Friends Play, they make me laugh and make my day with their videos. HellFireComms, their Sonic playthroughs are fun to watch. For League of Legends I watch PlayerPOV and Cinderhelm. Oh and Tobuscus. We can all get by perfectly fine without thinking about Pewdiepie, remember the more views you give his videos the more money he makes and the more they will show up on your recommended list.

Edit: And of course Game Grumps! And Peanut Butter Gamer

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
Seen a few of his videos. He alright, and seems like a pretty nice guy who just enjoys playing games. Honestly I don't find his voice as annoying as others seem to (I have a higher tolerance for annoying voices than most people). I find his reactions pretty funny, I mean, it's a Let's Play, not exactly the best way to find high class comedy, but I still get a laugh out of it. He got me interested in a few games.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I've never watched PewDiePie to any large extent (for... obvious reasons), though I will say I was more than a bit off-put at how many times he used the word "rape."

Now, I'm not offended by offhandedly using "rape" in not-actually-rape situations. But damn. That was a lot.

Besides him, the only Let's Players I can't stand are Chuggaaconroy, DeceasedCrab and ssskinner. Chuggaa's voice and mannerisms bother me to my core (sometimes I wonder how I pull through on the Runaway Guys videos). And, though I really can't remember what happened with ssskinner, she and DC were unwarrantedly hostile towards me (I remember DC having blocked me over a single, honest comment) and thusly my opinions of them are stained with malcontent.
Padwolf said:
The only LP's I watch are 666TheHeartless666, he is funny and he doesn't shout and scream all the time.
I'm not sure if that's 100% accurate. No, it's not constant, buuuuut he does yell relatively often. Still an enjoyable guy, though.

Playful Pony

Clop clop!
Sep 11, 2012
I haven't ever watched him play any games, and I never heard about him until about 4-5 days ago when a friend of mine showed me some videos at her place where this Pewdiepie guy talks to CleverBot. I actually found that funny.

I'm not a fan of Lets Plays though, I never watch them. I sometimes watch a short gameplay video of a game I'm somewhat interested in (preferably without some guy commentating if I can find it), and I do enjoy a few of the Minecraft builders out there. Some of their stuff is truly amazing and has inspired many of my own builds and in general made me a better builder.

I don't actually care if this guy is "bad" though. He's out on the internet appealing to some completely difrent people than me, and that's just fine. I'm happy doing my thing, and there are so many channels out there that you never HAVE to watch anything you know you don't enjoy! There is much good content. Recently I was linked to (on this website actually) Mailbox by this guy TotalBiscuit and I've been completely hooked. I haven't watched any of his Lets Plays or whatever else he does, but I very much enjoy him answering questions while some mostly interesting gameplay rolls in the background. Then I feel a bit sorry for him when he talks about the crappy fans he has X3.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
rupang886 said:
Edit link: for the people who couldn't see it.

Oh and the person acting like a harpie, Pewdiepie, has over 2 million subscribers (most are 12 year old kids) on his back...

...and use it to get cold hard cash...

...and he dropped university to make these videos.

Sleep well!

Wait! Who riffed these videos?
Those are retsupurae, a group specialising riffing (making fun of) bad Let's Players.

Composing of two Somethimg Awful members: slowbeef (THE inventor of Let's Plays), and Diabetus they both make bad let's players tremble in fear while some being honored for being "retsupuraed".

The top is the latest one and has gathered some rather storm to the pewdiepie community trying to justifing broken rape jokes for the thing he done good.

Also discuss other bad let's players that you don't like.

Note to self: think before you type and don't use a phone to start up a new topic.
So you don't like him because he screams and says rape ?

/facepalm .

Also as many have said don't like him don't watch it . This topic is full of hate .

Also compilation videos of the worsts things someone said is meaningless . If anyone where to compile all the terribles thing( and only the terrible things ) anyone has said , everyone , ever , will all look like assholes. I think you have a personal vendetta a guess this guy for existing. I think that makes you a worst person than he is .


New member
Oct 3, 2011
yundex said:
VeneratedWulfen93 said:
Well I'm 19 and I watch Pewdiepie because he's funny. He's one of the two Let's Players I watch, the other being Roosterteeth.
How is he funny? Can you please link me to a video of his that is funny? (with timestamps indicating the "funny" parts.)

On topic: Worst fucking person i've ever seen on youtube, and that says a hell of a lot. Watching a couple of his videos made me actually respect ijustine. I seriously do not understand how a person could actually be stupid enough to find this guy funny, I just fucking don't. And i'm not saying that to make a point, i'm being serious. With literally EVERY single thing i've seen, (bieber, shaytards, dance moms, honey boo boo, obama) I could understand what an idiot saw in them. But not this fucking guy.
Randomness mostly. The thing is I don't watch his videos expecting humerous satire or quirks and such. I watch them because hes just amusing. Granted I don't watch him religiously or anything just when there is some time to kill. I can name my favourite part of the stuff he's done and it's when he's on SCP and he tries to close the door on the Old Man, not expecting him to just walk through the door. He turns around and bam, flips the table knocking the camera off.

My college class is aged between 16 and 31 and around 1/3 of them watch him while we are making games.

Personally I watch secretagentbob or Dorkly Bits more.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
krazykidd said:
rupang886 said:
Edit link: for the people who couldn't see it.

Oh and the person acting like a harpie, Pewdiepie, has over 2 million subscribers (most are 12 year old kids) on his back...

...and use it to get cold hard cash...

...and he dropped university to make these videos.

Sleep well!

Wait! Who riffed these videos?
Those are retsupurae, a group specialising riffing (making fun of) bad Let's Players.

Composing of two Somethimg Awful members: slowbeef (THE inventor of Let's Plays), and Diabetus they both make bad let's players tremble in fear while some being honored for being "retsupuraed".

The top is the latest one and has gathered some rather storm to the pewdiepie community trying to justifing broken rape jokes for the thing he done good.

Also discuss other bad let's players that you don't like.

Note to self: think before you type and don't use a phone to start up a new topic.
So you don't like him because he screams and says rape ?

/facepalm .

Also as many have said don't like him don't watch it . This topic is full of hate .

Also compilation videos of the worsts things someone said is meaningless . If anyone where to compile all the terribles thing( and only the terrible things ) anyone has said , everyone , ever , will all look like assholes. I think you have a personal vendetta a guess this guy for existing. I think that makes you a worst person than he is .
I wish people would stop bringing up the "don't like it don't watch it" excuse. It's fun to hate things, especially stupid things. (and it relieves stress!)

I mean, do you go up to your friends when they're ripping on a movie they hate and go "ZOMG DONT LEIK IT DONT WATCH IT!!!1"
If so, you are quite the pooper :(


New member
Sep 12, 2010
Pewdiepie is far from the most amusing LPer out there, but he's far from bad and he certainly doesn't deserve the Slowbeef treatment. I could think of quite a few more who do, but of course they won't, because they're obscure and nobody cares about them.

To face facts, people like different things. If it's something you don't like, well, tough tits. You have to tolerate it anyway, because it's not really acceptable to be a complete **** to somebody just because of their way of enjoying themselves.

I betcha ten quid that a fair portion of the people who're ranting and raving about the things they don't like are also (ironically) the kind of people who wig the fuck out whenever anyone does anything remotely "racist".

That being said, I think Slowbeef and Diabeetus are pretty amusing LPers, and I watch their shit when I'm not in the mood for being scared out of my wits by a screaming Swede or guided through a game by MajorSlack.


New member
Apr 11, 2010
MetalDooley said:
Or you could just ignore him and not draw more attention to his videos by starting a thread about them
Zhukov said:
Ditto previous reply.

I've managed to never watch any of the guy's videos. It wasn't hard to do.
We already tried this "Ignore Them and Eventually They'll Fade Into Obscurity" tactic with Anita Sarkeesian, 50 Shades of Grey and Westboro. Conclusion: No detrimental effect on their popularity so far.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I'm going to go meta for a moment here: There's a very common trend and an argument against people who think bad artists, of any kind, should not be successful: if you don't like it, don't participate.

The problem with this is that my dislike of a fair bit of abstract art, some music, some games, and definitely most Youtubers of this kind is that it isn't fair to people who are actually informative/inspired/innovative/visionary/skilled or whatnot. It IS legitimate to dislike the fact that something is successful even if you can isolate yourself from it, because it takes the place of good content that could be being made.

Back to this topic, I followed a link to one of this guy's videos once. I saw the likes and thought "Well damn this guy must be really good". This is mindless crap, is not amusing to me, SHOULD not be amusing to anyone else, and relies almost solely on the main joke of gratuitous use of the word rape. There are better (OBJECTIVELY better) let's players who are not being watched because their potential watchers are being made stupid by this person.

I don't watch a LOT of let's plays, but I watched Northernlion's Binding of Isaac videos for a while, and he is constantly explaining why he does things and how mechanics work. Sure, he's amusing as well, but he does a good job of also delivering useful information, even in the later runs when he doesn't have to figure anything out anymore. And there are better LPers than him as well, I've seen them and they exist.

I know right, "why do you get to decide what is and isn't good content". I got nothing, I just think my judgment is decent in this area, and arrive at the same conclusions based on information transferred.

I'm rambling. tl;dr: LPs are meant to be informative and/or entertaining and this is neither for me and inferior to other LPs in both aspects.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
hooksashands said:
Zhukov said:
Ditto previous reply.

I've managed to never watch any of the guy's videos. It wasn't hard to do.
We already tried this "Ignore Them and Eventually They'll Fade Into Obscurity" tactic with Anita Sarkeesian, 50 Shades of Grey and Westboro. Conclusion: No detrimental effect on their popularity so far.
And why do we require these things to be less popular than they are?

I Stomp on Kittens

Don't let go!
Nov 3, 2008
DarklordKyo said:
I Stomp on Kittens said:
Oh noes! He makes money off of providing entertainment, he must be stopped!!
We must burn down the empire that he has built off of the dirty cash he has pried from his dead victims cold hands! Join me my brothers in the war against evil..The tyrant shall fall!

Don't understand why people think that if they make money they are evil. Then again, this is the Youtube community we are speaking of.. Don't like it then don't watch it. Even though they aren't the type of videos you enjoy others like it.
I think it's less that, and more him being the type of LPer that people who despise Let's Plays count as the majority of them.
I'm not sure what you mean there.

Seeing as he has nearly 2.5 million subscribers a lot of people enjoy him watching him, I personally don't but that doesn't mean he needs to be destroyed.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
yundex said:
krazykidd said:
rupang886 said:
Edit link: for the people who couldn't see it.

Oh and the person acting like a harpie, Pewdiepie, has over 2 million subscribers (most are 12 year old kids) on his back...

...and use it to get cold hard cash...

...and he dropped university to make these videos.

Sleep well!

Wait! Who riffed these videos?
Those are retsupurae, a group specialising riffing (making fun of) bad Let's Players.

Composing of two Somethimg Awful members: slowbeef (THE inventor of Let's Plays), and Diabetus they both make bad let's players tremble in fear while some being honored for being "retsupuraed".

The top is the latest one and has gathered some rather storm to the pewdiepie community trying to justifing broken rape jokes for the thing he done good.

Also discuss other bad let's players that you don't like.

Note to self: think before you type and don't use a phone to start up a new topic.
So you don't like him because he screams and says rape ?

/facepalm .

Also as many have said don't like him don't watch it . This topic is full of hate .

Also compilation videos of the worsts things someone said is meaningless . If anyone where to compile all the terribles thing( and only the terrible things ) anyone has said , everyone , ever , will all look like assholes. I think you have a personal vendetta a guess this guy for existing. I think that makes you a worst person than he is .
I wish people would stop bringing up the "don't like it don't watch it" excuse. It's fun to hate things, especially stupid things. (and it relieves stress!)

I mean, do you go up to your friends when they're ripping on a movie they hate and go "ZOMG DONT LEIK IT DONT WATCH IT!!!1"
If so, you are quite the pooper :(
That movie example is TERRIBLE . First of all one you have to SEE the movie first to hate it , therfore saying " don't like it ,don't watch it " makes absolutely no sense in that context.

Secondly anyone that purposely watches or does ANYTHING they hate soley to hate on it is an idiot . Periode .

Thirdly , for some reason i apparently over estimate peoples intelligence . I swear the logical thing to do with something you dislike which is COMPLETLY avoidable is to , avoid it?

Lastly , taking pleasure in hating something just for the sake of hating seems kinda primitive to me . Sometimes i'd like to think that society and people have grown past such immature and trivial behavior . Then i go on the internet . I think the internet lowers the IQ of people by 50 points . Which they regain once they leave . It's the only explanation i got for the dumb stuff people say on the internet.


New member
May 22, 2009
There is no punchline with anything this man does, at all. Merely saying "rape" repeatedly does not a joke make, nor does screaming ridiculously loudly. There's no punchline, ever. I fail to understand how this can even be classed as "comedy" when the man genuinely tells no jokes. Or rather, tells the same "joke" over and over again.

I care, because this man is hugely popular which communicates to other people:

"This is the kind of thing the gaming community likes! This is our humour!"

It makes the rest of us look absurdly juvenile.

I'm given to understand most of his fans are indeed children, but I wish he'd stop catering to the lowest common denominator because he just ends up making us as a whole look bad.


Feb 9, 2010
EmperorSubcutaneous said:
The link isn't to one of PewDiePie's videos, it's to a Retsupurae video which is a compilation of some of his videos.
Ah ok.That's what happens when I take my own advice and don't click on things


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Quite happy nobody has expressed hate for The Creatures in this thread. They're my favorite LPers with Game Grumps being second.