PewDiePie Beaten to dust! Also tell us bad let's players.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Shit, on second thought, I wish people would make videos criticizing me. Haha Or making threads about my videos I put up! Any publicity is good publicity. And I get neither. =P


Ooooh...I has custom title.
Jul 18, 2009
rupang886 said:
Personally...I think hes hilarious. The amusing thing is that by even making hate simply draw more attention to him and provide him with more money.

BY MAKING THIS THREAD I went and watched some of his videos and provided him with more money.

If you dont like him just dont watch him? Seems simple enough.


New member
Jul 23, 2010
Whitbane said:
rupang886 said:
Also discuss other bad let's players that you don't like.
Anyone who talks during cutscenes. It's infuriating because I'm missing out on important details, especially when it's just pointless self-advertising or non-stop, pointless swearing.

That being said about annoying LP'ers, there are a few awesome ones out there.
I agree on all fronts, Whitebane. I've honestly found some(of the less annoying) Let's Players to actually have comedic merit and also work well as a "demo" of sorts for games. For example, I watch some of Tobuscus's LP videos, and found the game Terraria, which I bought and enjoy very much(and is now the only game I can play, since my heatsink broke).

Let's Play offers a way to sample virtually any game out there, whether for your own buying purposes or for use in a forum such as this one, LP can provide footage of game moments that are relevant to your discussion.

Show them this:

P.S. Your avatar is epic.


New member
Apr 11, 2010
Zhukov said:
hooksashands said:
Zhukov said:
Ditto previous reply.

I've managed to never watch any of the guy's videos. It wasn't hard to do.
We already tried this "Ignore Them and Eventually They'll Fade Into Obscurity" tactic with Anita Sarkeesian, 50 Shades of Grey and Westboro. Conclusion: No detrimental effect on their popularity so far.
And why do we require these things to be less popular than they are?
Because they all suck tremendous amounts of ass.

We have different ways of dealing with shitty pop culture. Yours is to steadfastly ignore it. Mine is to watch videos that unflinchingly mock it. A parody is not an endorsement. By that same logic, your plea for everyone to pay no attention comes off as a recommendation.

Doom-Slayer said:
Personally...I think hes hilarious. The amusing thing is that by even making hate simply draw more attention to him and provide him with more money.

BY MAKING THIS THREAD I went and watched some of his videos and provided him with more money.
Wrong. If you were already a fan to begin with, then you would have watched him regardless of any "hate videos". People who love him will continue to love him. People who hate him will continue to hate him. People who don't know who he is will say "Who?" then forget about him 5 minutes later.

Thomas Hirst

New member
Feb 6, 2012
Bvenged said:
I liked his Amnesia and early Happy Wheels vids back when he only had 200k subscribers, but I don't watch much of him anymore.

I started watching Birgirpall and Robbaz around the same time, back when they only had a thousand subscribers or so each.


I dont' really watch let's plays unless it's by Robbaz, Achievement Hunter or friends of mine. Really, if I want to see a game through from start to finish I would do it myself.
Your poin
Busard said:
Thomas Hirst said:
Yeeeessss I don't like it so allll the people who do must be 12 or retards. Real adult approach.
To be honest, most of his fanbase is really underage. The reactions in the comment section are priceless (mostly the reason why this video was made. Big supporter of Retsupurae here)

I wouldn't mind if they didn't take a jab at him, but I won't say I'm unhappy they did. Pewdiepie managed to lower the bar even more when I thought that wasn't possible.

And yeah, we can ignore him. But I think it's also time to stand up a bit for quality, good taste and decency. I, for one, had enough that we always have to shut up because we want to voice some criticism and see some better content and better internet culture in general.

I personally don't like his videos but millions of others do so therefore he is successful.
A few hundred years ago, a lot of people believed the earth was flat. Didn't make them right.
A valid point sir. Which is exactly my point. The argument you just presented is the sort of thing I prefer from these forums rather the than the general dismissal of the content and anyone who enjoys it. (Btw if this post comes off sarcastic I assure you that it is not. I just type politely sometimes for no adequately explained reason)


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Wow, going to such an effort to kick up such a stink over a fucking let's-player. At the end of the day there's no good let's-player or bad let's player, and I really don't care how much money they make or if they were the supposed founding father of let's-plays as long as I am entertained. It's seriously laughable how people are acting so high and mighty over this, right now I have mountains more respect for the people who are just calmly discussing the pros and cons of Pewdie than those who are trying to make out like anyone who's ever glanced sideways at one of his videos is an uncultured swine.

On the note of PewdiePie himself his videos can be a good laugh (and shock) from time to time, and while I find his channel a pretty good place to go to look into more obscure horror games I do agree that his style can be very grating. As for other let's-players, I do enjoy PaperBatVG, videogamedunkey and Criken.

Mr.Pandah said:
Shit, on second thought, I wish people would make videos criticizing me. Haha Or making threads about my videos I put up! Any publicity is good publicity. And I get neither. =P
Send me a link mate!


Notably Neutral
Jan 12, 2010
crazyrabbits said:
Kyogissun said:
I don't think these Retsuprae guys are the end all be all gamers or LPers, because who died and made them kings?
Slowbeef (the guy at the end of the video who says, "Well, there is that.") is credited along with Diabetus as codifying (if not outright creating) the entire Let's Play genre. Their videos on the Something Awful forums inspired an entire wave of imitators way back in 2006-2007. The entire genre can more or less be traced back to SB's playthrough of The Immortal, which was the first time anyone had used that name and that specific format.

When anyone criticizes Retsupurae for "daring" to take on popular LP'ers, they fail to remember (or just don't know) this. I agree with the rest of your points.
(Really genuinely saying this as neutrally and unemotionally influenced, just a disclaimer)

I get that and everything but lately, I've found that a lot of people in communities of something who 'get there first' or 'get big first' tend to not always be the best choice for who to look up to/give credit/respect.

I'm not saying that he's not entitled to the right to call people out on producing bad content... But that would be like if the man who created television or network broadcasting was able to call out a bad TV program he didn't like. It wouldn't be right, just because he disapproves of something or thinks it's 'bad for the community' doesn't entitle him to the right of ownership.

And more important, it's a case of INTERNET based ownership, which as we all know is just not gonna fucking fly this day and age.

Again, I stand by the belief that I don't care who started the concept of 'Let's Plays' because as far as I am concerned, the first person who decided to fire up a TV and play it with another friend and a bunch of their friends (and talking about it while they played of course) long before the internet came around is more entitled to that ownership. I'm not going to debate on the concept of who came up with an idea first because one, it's a headache to do that and two, I just don't care.

I have said though that I will stand by their side in this whole thing because they are legitimately giving out criticism and for the most part, not being very (if even remotely) hostile with their criticism. And I will probably continue to respect them for their criticizing of others because, from what I've seen, they're FARRRRRR more tame than most other 'spoofers' or 'parodies' you see out there. I mean, they're just not that mean really.

If there's one thing I'll be willing to support, it's the idea that people can legitimately, calmly and humorously criticize each other on the internet. I know, it's a very 'scary' concept to a lot of people, but if we all learned to take shit a little less seriously, there might not be quite so much e-drama.

Sutter Cane

New member
Jun 27, 2010
The problem with pewdiepie is that he has fans. For one he's unfunny and untalented, and on top of that he's perpetuating rape culture, which is just plain bad. Now i'm not saying that its impossible for there to be good jokes about the subject of rape, but i'm saying is that if your "joke" basically consists of "rape exists, isn't that funny" then your joke is just sick and offensive, and its trivializing an incredibly serious and traumatic experience. He's spreading these beliefs to an audience (many of whom are still at a young age) and spreading the idea that trivializing rape is ok.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Pewdiepie brings nothing new and is hardly funny at all.

We need good Let's Play videos.
Does anyone like Game Grumps with JonTron and Egoraptor?


Mushroom Camper
Sep 30, 2009
I've seen a few of his vids, don't like them. He either has Histrionic Personality Disorder or is playing up to it. Probably a bit of both. That's pretty bad because it means that his audience either watch to laugh at his condition or laugh with him as he takes the piss out of the condition. I'm trying to be a prude and say that that kind of thing shouldn't happen, rather that is about as low brow as you can get.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
"How dare anyone make a living by making funny faces on the web in a picture-in-picture broadcast of a game being played?! MAH SENSIBILITY! IT IS OFFENDED!"

Yeah, I watch Tobuscus and PewDiePie from time to time. If it happens to be clever or entertaining, I stick around. If they drop the ball, I tune out. That simple. I don't annoy friends of mine who hate them both with retellings of their antics and I don't advertise myself as being part of "The Audience" or "The Bros".

There. Did I ruin your life by liking something you didn't like?

I thought not.

However, I will admit that the Happy Wheels fad is getting old. I can't stand PewDie's voices for the biker and kid, and the fact that Toby picked up on that makes me cringe. So I stick to Toby's Skyrim Let's Play.

By far, however, the best Let's Player has to be Paulsoaresjr. Guy's mature and he plays Minecraft logically, alternating between giving tips and slipping into pretty serious characterizations for the sake of some Adventure Map or another.

One I really have trouble with has to be Bwana TV. He's basically sedate, until he starts playing Minecraft. Then he turns into Tobuscus on crack. Yeah, I heard you the first dozen times. Man-made river, go. Just - shut up for a bit.


New member
Nov 5, 2010
The problem I'm seeing is not the fact that PewDiePie can be funny but the methods he uses to be funny. Jokes only work for so long if you don't use them very often which can often feel grating. That and rape is a touchy subject not many would joke about lightly.

Personally, I'll hold off until he gets better at telling jokes.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I think a LP is best when there's more then one person. Having just one feels boring, like I'm just listening in on someone talking to themselves about nothing. It's made even worse when they have terrible mics and/or suck at the game.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
hazabaza1 said:
Anyone who makes Let's Plays soley to make money is a ****. Simple as.
That includes Pewdiepie.
I'm just going to quote Minnesota Burns, a youtube commentator, in regards to this line of thinking.

"Your logic [in regards to let's players making money] is fucking retarded, and I'm becoming very concerned that you are as well, so you might wanna get that checked out. But let me break down some real world points, that may or may not help you, but here is what the deal is, ************.

People in the real world. Need to make money. To live. People might go to work 9-5, some people might work from home doing youtube or maybe another business, but the fact that remains is that no one wants to be a poor ass ************.

Now everyone is going to have a different definition of what a comfortable lifestyle is. Some people might think, "Hey, my nine to five $40,000 a year with benefits, and a vacation every year, that's my comfortable lifestyle. I like to go to work, I like to make my $40,000 a year, I like to take care of my family, I like to have my one vacation a year, that's me." Some people might think,"Hey, I want to make $500,000. I want to make tons of investments. I want three nice cars in the drive way. I want a private education for my kids."

...But the fact of the matter is, I don't know anyone that's like, "You wanna know what I wanna do with my life? I wanna live in a van, down by the river!" But I think it's just human nature for people who haven't seen success in their life, or maybe they've been through some failures, to hate on people who have found success. Like, they see someone pull up to them at a stop light in a nice car and think, "This guy a fucking asshole." But you don't know that guy. Maybe he worked his ass off all his life and maybe he wanted to buy himself something nice. And maybe you're just sitting there thinking, "Wow, I wasn't able to get this successful, so nobody is allowed to!"


New member
Dec 24, 2008
To be honest, I normally enjoy the LP's PewDiePie uploads, when you first watch one of his videos, especially one where he is playing a horror game his reactions come off as legitimate. Admittedly I find a lot of what he does nowadays boring but at least he's committed to making this an actual profession. As far as I know he uploads 2 videos everyday, which for a popular youtuber is crazy consistent. I completely understand why some people don't like him but I just can't really find a justified reason myself. He's very determined to keep this thing he has got going and if it's his dream job (who wouldn't want to get payed to record themselves playing video games!?) then all the best to him.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
lucky_sharm said:
Said this before, but I don't have a problem with people making money from LPs, I just have an issue with people making LPs solely to make money.
Pewdiepie pretty clearly fakes stuff and does the most banal shit to appeal and get money, it ruins any of the fun that making and watching LPs has. Some examples of LPers that make money and clearly enjoy themselves while not resorting to Pewdiepie's tactics? Northernlion, Yogscast (to an extent), Epicnamebro, Jefmajor, and probably many others that I haven't watched yet.

I doubt I'll have convinced you or anyone else that I'm not just a "mindless hater" but I'm not really one of those people that the quote is talking about, at least in my opinion.


victim of VR
Jul 29, 2011
oplinger said:
Well everything I wanted to say has been said.

My only addition is...

That was exactly what I always expected slowbeef to look like. All these years.

Also on a side note, as the video description says, they've been asked to do this video for a very long time. And really, the video was almost completely made by other people, for them.
You know, it's funny, I expected Slowbeef and Diabetus to look nearly opposite of how they actually look.