Picture thread? Picture thread


New member
Sep 8, 2010
This is also probably the only pic of me on the internet...I hope.
Neuromancer said:

And that is why I don't smile.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
TheYellowCellPhone said:
EHKOS said:
Nice Dallas mask, dude. You getting pumped for the free stuff Crimefest is getting us?
Actually I didn't have a copy for long. I bought it with all the bonus goodies because I liked the first one, and assumed Overkill would deliver a better game since becoming more experienced...I was wrong. I don't know if it was better on PC, but I traded in my copy and kept the collectors edition stuff. I really liked the first one, but it had some big flaws, and for the most part, they were not fixed.

But thanks, I do enjoy wearing the mask whilst quoting from the opening scene in The Dark Knight.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
EHKOS said:
Actually I didn't have a copy for long. I bought it with all the bonus goodies because I liked the first one, and assumed Overkill would deliver a better game since becoming more experienced...I was wrong. I don't know if it was better on PC, but I traded in my copy and kept the collectors edition stuff. I really liked the first one, but it had some big flaws, and for the most part, they were not fixed.

But thanks, I do enjoy wearing the mask whilst quoting from the opening scene in The Dark Knight.
It's still the same game on PC (aka bag moving simulator 2013) (aka let's only play the same four missions because the XP payout is bullshit on all the other ones) (aka hosting system and interface that's inferior to late nineties PC games) (aka putting tape on your gun stock costs $79,000), but PC is undeniably better than console versions because Overkill haven't been able to get a patch past Microsoft and Sony, but Steam has given them no problems. There's reworked mechanics, new DLCs, better heists (like Big Bank or Shadow Raid), another difficulty level, the beginning of custom user-made mods, and Overkill is promising a lot more content. If you look up Crimefest, Overkill has already promised to make Old Hoxton a playable character and have a Hoxton breakout mission free of charge.

It's still very much the game you got at launch, though. No more big movie moments like stealing deadly viruses from hospitals, lifting panic rooms out of the ground, throwing CFOs off of buildings, or having a police shootout on the streets while managing bastard Matt who's handcuffed to an important briefcase. The heists are all cool in themselves, but at the end of the day, you're just moving bags...

I don't know. To be honest, I love the game because it's PvE and the gun porn.

Give the game a second shot, or at least watch a few videos of it. I highly suggest watching GeneralMcBadass, this guy does some pretty impressive feats in the game using gimped loadouts and he has a really nice voice. Plus he updates and livestreams regularly.



New member
Feb 15, 2011
This is one some random asshole took of me while I was just minding my own business and put on the internet for everybody to see. How rude.

Sep 24, 2008
DrOswald said:
ObsidianJones said:
Yeah, sure. If just to add a little variety.

I'm new to selfies. I'm even using Photobucket, which I'm assured is way behind the times. So be gentle...

Dude, you handsome. I bet you would look fantastic in a tux.

(honestly, that was my first thought on seeing your picture.)
... Not only did two people notice me, but two people had positive things to say.

I... Is this a sign that Sam and Dean messed up somewhere and Hell's a-coming?


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Sure, I'll play!

Hey, it's me!

That one time I worked as 2nd AC (I normally don't crew)

At work (I'm the last one on the right)

Another picture from work

And me working at a charity event


I have a green hat! Why?!
Jul 14, 2010
No one wants to see my face. I don't want to see my face. I've burned all my mirrors (which is no small feat, mind you).


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Sounds fun!

Currently feeling good about myself so PICTURES EVERYWHERE! I'll probably regret posting these when myself-esteem plummets again.

Also, yes, that is my real hair, yes it really is that curly and long, no there's nothing fake about it except for the very recent addition of red highlights because I was bored.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
TheYellowCellPhone said:
EHKOS said:
Actually I didn't have a copy for long. I bought it with all the bonus goodies because I liked the first one, and assumed Overkill would deliver a better game since becoming more experienced...I was wrong. I don't know if it was better on PC, but I traded in my copy and kept the collectors edition stuff. I really liked the first one, but it had some big flaws, and for the most part, they were not fixed.

But thanks, I do enjoy wearing the mask whilst quoting from the opening scene in The Dark Knight.
It's still the same game on PC (aka bag moving simulator 2013) (aka let's only play the same four missions because the XP payout is bullshit on all the other ones) (aka hosting system and interface that's inferior to late nineties PC games) (aka putting tape on your gun stock costs $79,000), but PC is undeniably better than console versions because Overkill haven't been able to get a patch past Microsoft and Sony, but Steam has given them no problems. There's reworked mechanics, new DLCs, better heists (like Big Bank or Shadow Raid), another difficulty level, the beginning of custom user-made mods, and Overkill is promising a lot more content. If you look up Crimefest, Overkill has already promised to make Old Hoxton a playable character and have a Hoxton breakout mission free of charge.

It's still very much the game you got at launch, though. No more big movie moments like stealing deadly viruses from hospitals, lifting panic rooms out of the ground, throwing CFOs off of buildings, or having a police shootout on the streets while managing bastard Matt who's handcuffed to an important briefcase. The heists are all cool in themselves, but at the end of the day, you're just moving bags...

I don't know. To be honest, I love the game because it's PvE and the gun porn.

Give the game a second shot, or at least watch a few videos of it. I highly suggest watching GeneralMcBadass, this guy does some pretty impressive feats in the game using gimped loadouts and he has a really nice voice. Plus he updates and livestreams regularly.

Thank you, I have him bookmarked now. While smashing up a mall was amazingly dull, the biggest thing I think I had a problem with was the optimization. The frame-rate, the lagging, the poor animations, things like that. Which includes that hosting system you mentioned. But now that you mention it, I did have more fun removing a big red diamond from a vault. At least they fixed the odd aiming a little.

I'd give it another shot on PC but currently and for the foreseeable future I only have a laptop which, despite having an i5 core, melts when I play anything past 2002. But I will check out the videos, they look interesting.


Assumed Lurker
Mar 27, 2009
Have two nightmare inducing pictures, everybody:

Me looking up like a derp at the person taking the photo


Something I took while bored just recently, I dunno.

I have no more for you lucky folks, because photos are never taken of me. Rejoice!


Get out while you still can
Sep 22, 2011
deserteagleeye said:
Neuromancer said:
Great, I just sprayed milk from my mouth and nose because I was laughing too hard and now it's all over my desk. Fan-fucking-tastic.


New member
Jan 22, 2009



New member
Dec 3, 2011
Picture of me giving my cat a piggyback ride after work:
Some details blurred because my employer has NOT endorsed this photo.


New member
Jan 31, 2008
Oooh vanity. My favourite.

Tell me how cool I am.


Dec 3, 2010
Not The Bees said:
Um... this may sound so stupid, but how DO you post pictures... and hide them? And make them look all cool like that?
Like this, but without the spaces before each... box(I don't know the word!):
[ spoiler][ img]image link here[ /img][ /spoiler]
You can also write [ spoiler=] on the first one if you want the box to have text on it.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Hmm... alright, I'll bite. For once.
At gamescom
still at gamescom, between two kilts
very surprised to have my picture taken
and me as a pirate, just yesterday
Don't worry, I'm ok again.