Sober Thal said:
Sylveria said:
Sober Thal said:
Poor Titan Quest...
Thanks PC gaming pirates... thanks for fucking that up.
I also find the last line interesting : "It's really, really hard to be profitable by concentrating only on PC," he said. "Unless you're an MMO."
Wasn't the idea of Kingdoms of Amawhatever supposed to be the intro for their MMO game?
Yeah, darn pirates, they ruin all the PC games, except for all those hugely successful ones.
Oh, hey, crazy thought, but maybe, just maybe, good games sell and bad games don't?
Good games are also pirated like crazy, didn't you hear?
Portal 2, Skyrim, L.A.Noire (okay, you can argue that isn't a great game) Katawa Shoujo (lol, it's free) Saint's Row 3, Angry Birds... ect ect...
Sure, you can argue that it's okay since these games sold like sliced bread, but do you really think the people who made them don't deserve anymore money... er, uhm... yeah, you could be the type of 'person' to say that... but what about the people who made King Arthur II, Anno 2070, The Witcher 2, Dirt 3, Might and Magic Heroes VI, Total War Shogun 2, Need for Speed The run, Dead Island...
All the games are pirated like crazy every fucking day. Doesn't that piss you off just a little? Is your idea of acceptable some imaginary number of profits that once crossed, equals free piracy rights for all the cheap fucks of the world?
(all games mentioned are in the top 50 pirated PC games)
A lot of the games in the top 50 pirated games are on STEAM also, so you can stop the whole restrictive DRM makes it okay bullshit.
It's scapegoating. If you game fails, blame it on pirates. Ignore any other issues, just blame the pirates. It's the perfect rationalization. Heck, Titan Quest failed because of Piracy, but not because of the pirates, but because of their DRM which made their game look buggy and broken. If that failed attempt at anti-piracy wasn't in the game, it may not met the fate it did.
Simple fact of the matter is there's many games that are successful despite being heavily pirated. You can't ignore them just because it doesn't mesh with your view. Why did Portal 2 still sell millions? Why did Skyrim still sell millions? Why did The Witcher 2 still sell millions? Cause they weren't pirated? Of course not, they were games that people wanted to buy.
Piracy is the result of the increasingly anti-consumer direction that the game industry went in. High prices, poor quality, no returns, and fewer and fewer methods to try before you buy.
For example, I'm thinking of getting Skyrim, ya know, one of those little indie games no one has heard of, but I've never liked WRPGs really. So what am I to do? Demo it? Nope, not over Steam anyway. Rent it? Can't rent PC games and I'm not interested in the console version. Borrow a friend's copy? That's a TOS violation. Just read reviews and hope for the best right?
So I go ahead and get it, I hate it, then what? Return it? Nope. Trade it in? Nope. I've flushed $60 down the toilet. I can't even give the game to someone else after that.
So what are my options? Gambling or piracy. I can spend my $60 and hope for the best, or I can pirate it, try it out, and then determine if I want to spend my money on it. Are they losing a sale? Nope, cause my purchasing was contingent on it being a product I wanted. If I had the option to rent (give them a small amount of money in exchange for a small time-frame of ownership which would expire.) or legally demo (A demonstration of a product which gives an individual hands on time with said product to determine if they wish to purchase it's completed form) I totally would have, but they did not offer me those options. My options were "Buy it, sight unseen, at full price" or "Don't"
Did I pirate it and try it? No I didn't, but I certainly don't decry people who do. Same as I don't condemn people who buy a game that's drowning in DRM, then "pirate" a cracked copy of a game THEY OWN, because Ubisoft or whoever wants to keep a leash on them. And I'd bet really good money that the vast majority of pirated games are people who do it for those reasons, not as someway to get stuff for free.
I still haven't bought Skyrim, The Witcher 2, Serious Sam BFE, and number of other titles that I am genuinely interested in, but am unsure if they're "my thing" and I have no legal way to discover that without buying them at full price with absolutely no way to recover my loses if I do not enjoy my product.
So my solution to piracy? Don't make garbage, include more demos, and engineer some sort of "rental" option for PC games. With Steam around, the latter 2 should be a breeze. The first one is up to the developers, but don't come crying to me when your shitty game fails because of what you put into it.
And let us not forget that many of these companies consider the Used market as bad as piracy. These people, of course, bought new cars, new appliances, new houses, new wives, new everything, because if not, going by EA logic, they've pirated their car, their fridge, their home, their wife, and so on, because they bought it used. No money went back to the retailer/construction company/parents of those things.
Can you imagine if they outlawed the purchase of used homes? What about those poor builders who spent so much time to make that house, don't they deserve a cut of the resale? Why does the retailer/bank get all the money, they sure didn't build it. This is the exact argument that people use to condemn used video games/movies/etc.