YesSurfinTaxt said:Yea im picturing you with your fingers in your ears going "LALALALALA CONSOLETARD LALALALA" because youre not listening to my point. Your arguument is that piracy is somehow not affecting the gaming market at all or the decisions of publishers and developers to migrate away from pc, that is simply uninformed. Look at pc gaming ten years aago vs. today. Is it as robust or exciting? If you say yes then, we have nothing more to discuss. Simple answer yes or noTreblaine said:16 of the PC games on that incomplete list are neither MMO nor any sort of strategy.SurfinTaxt said:almost every one of those are mmos or rts, and the 80% of them are most definitely NOT triple A. Nice try, but this strengthens my argument, not yoursTubez said:
While you are excluding games, why not exclude J-RPGs from the list as well? And what about crappy Kinect games? Hmm? IS Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time the Triple-A game of 2012? Mario Party 9?
PS: you've got balls to arbitrarily dismiss an argument then say that strengthens your own. Not very big balls, but balls all the same.
(I don't have delusions piracy isn't affecting PC gaming, be Piracy has been ask easy an prevalent today as in the 1980's. I think the number of exclusives and lack of games getting console-only release as evidence that devs are NOT migrating away from PC)