Piracy, Not Consoles, Killed the PC Exclusive


New member
Nov 2, 2010
I'm not even gonna comment on piracy being go-to reason for every lost sale and studio that went down. I don't mind the lack of PC exclusives. Frankly elitist thickies will often use them to accentuate differences between console and PC gamers. Release good games across all the platforms, just try to make adjustments to control and interface. I hate playing bad console ports. It's leaves me with the feeling that developer didn't give that little extra effort to deliver comfortable experience to every gamer, instead just delivering quick cash-in.


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Sep 14, 2008
Sober Thal said:
Hisher said:
Angry PC gamer here to say that a pirated game is not the equivalent of a lost sale.
Yeah, it's a product being used that wasn't paid for.
Country pays a billion a year for entertainment. If every video game, movie and music DVD price gets doubled, the people won't pay two billions - they will still pay more or less a billion.

Because when I have $200 a year to spend, I won't spend $400 if prices were to double - I just wouldn't buy at all. Same logic here - theoretical dollars are not real dollars.

Also, lack of demos, lack of support, poor ports from consoles to PCs and therefore poor sales caused the lack of exclusives.

Causality =/= correlation.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Just call it "lack of sales" instead of "piracy" and there will be no conflict over it.

Software piracy is irrelevant, it's mostly kids and kids don't have money anyway.
One thing you can be sure of is that if nobody pirates your game, noone else will buy it.

So lack of sales:
typically expensive (triple-A) games on the 360 or ps3 sell more copies than on the PC. This is a fair reason not to do PC exclusives, but to go multiplatform at the very least, especially if you want to make an action game.

You can still strike big profits with PC exclusives, but you'll need a (potential) fanbase and a quality game, like Starcraft2.
It makes the most sense to pick a genre like strategy for this, because there is a paying audience for it and they are mostly confined to the PC. Consider that for action games there's a heavy competion on consoles and many entries fail to compete.

In the end game companies should know where the fans are.

The amount of new copies a game will sell on it's own is ZERO, on PC and console both. It's the fans and enthousiasts willing to support the faces within the company, who don't buy used console games or simply pirate the games, but instead buy the new copies.


Lord of Midnless DPS
Mar 17, 2009
On Topic: Yeah, tell that to Blizzard. The fact that you made no money with a cheap half-assed ripoff of Diablo, shouldn't be excused with piracy. To prove my point, a good Diablo Clone is Torchlight and I bet it made money despite it being sold for 3eur on Steam on sales, unlike your shitty 60eur game.

In general: Is it just me, or are more and more developers outright trolling PC Gamers for a cheap publicity? I hope those moves make them lose money and go away for ever. I personally won't buy anything from anyone who attempts this.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
SurfinTaxt said:
Treblaine said:
"needlessly acute"

What? Needlessly "short terms severe medical symptoms"?!?!?
acute [əˈkjuːt]
2. sensitive to details; keen
In english, words can have more than one meaning.
Okay, that still makes no sense as I was not being any more sensitive to details than you were. You were excluding MMOs and Strategy games, I did the same to console.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
mrhappy1489 said:
Treblaine said:
Ian Frazier may claim it was Titan Quest piracy that turned him off PC exclusive development but it turns out he has a minority opinion:



The actual developers of Titan Quest are developing Grim Dawn as a PC-exclusive for release in 2012! So perhapse before we all weigh Mr Frazier's words to much how about we weight the deed of his former colleagues who ae

mrhappy1489 said:
Veylon said:
I'd make a list of upcoming PC Exclusives, but someone already did [http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1216513p1.html]. Enjoy the impossibilities!
Ehh, they look alright, nothing to lose my pants over.

I lost my pants over this. What kind of games are you playing that make this seem un-pant-loosing worthy? I want to see them!

-Trackmania 2
-Natural Selection 2
-Torchlight 2
-Interstellar Marines
-Blacklight Retribution

And let's get some perspective here, what console exclusives are there for 2012?

Xbox 360:
-Halo 4
(Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor not confirmed for 2012)

-Sly Cooper
-Last of Us
-Twisted metal
(who knows about Agent, or Last Guardian release date)

OK, how about for both PS3 + xbox but just not on PC:
-Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
-Ninja Gaiden 3

PC isn't really being left out of anything like Red Dead Redemption of 2010. The two big Rockstar games GTA5 and Max Payne 3 are getting PC releases.

PC has a load going for it and it is not losing the multiplatform titles.

You know what? I think this Ian Frazier guy is trolling us hard, either that or trying to openly rationalise why he abandoned his former colleagues to go work for EA!
My friend, my pants will remain firmly in place thank you very much. While some of these games look entertaining, in my opinion only Blacklight, the rest of what you have shown me are from genres that I have no interest in, especially care racing. Blacklight almost made me lose my pants, but I have a sinking suspicion that it will be lacking either a single player, or that it will be a tacked in piece of shit. I have seen some neat little pc exclusives that have my pants on the floor, but none of these are they.
You did watch the Hawken video, right? Do you not like futuristic action games with awesome vehicles and luscious graphics?

Well then will you not also exclude Steel Battalion and Halo 4, as well as Twisted Metal from any compariso. That may be arbitrary but are you not being arbitrary with dismissing all these great PC exclusive I've shown. It does beg the question of what games you are looking forward to.

"I have a sinking suspicion that it will be lacking either a single player, or that it will be a tacked in piece of shit."

Wait, are you describing Blacklight Retribution, or EVERY CALL OF DUTY GAME IN THE PAST 5 YEARS?!?! COD that is the most successful game series of this generation? Oh yeah, and Blacklight Retribution is going to be free-to-play like Team Fortress 2.

" I have seen some neat little pc exclusives that have my pants on the floor, but none of these are they"

Really, what PC exclusives DO get you pant-droppingly excited?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
LiquidSolstice said:
Valve is the laziest game dev on the planet. Do you know what the Valve formula is?

1. Take Half-Life 1,2.
2. Change textures.
3. Add witty dialogue
4. Bake in multiplayer
5. Ask people for more money for basically some modification of one of the Half-Life games.
6. Charge $15-$20 so that people don't notice.
7. Revel in your ragingly borderline fascist fanbase's reaction to a "new" game.
8. Add in something retarded and useless like Hat Trading to further prevent people from noticing that they're just playing HL.
Godwin's law: any credibility = gone

(Also, you seem to have no knowledge of how video games are made, nor even to have played many of them)


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Yup the PC is the only system that ever deals with piracy. That's right Piracy is a legitimate reason to shaft PC gamers; and if you believe that then please help me, I'm a Nigerian Prince whose multi-million dollar bank account has been frozen and I need 10000 to get them to return my money to me ? don't worry, I'll be sure to give you a million dollars in return for your assistance.

Please send your cheque to:
P7Z 0F4
1337 Pirates Are Gaming Boogeymen Way
Screwoff, Udevsistan.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Message to all bitching developers and publishers:

Stop fucking us over with DRM and people'll stop pirating your games.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
NortherWolf said:
Aeonknight said:
NortherWolf said:
That's your rebuttal? That every single reviewer, blogger, youtube account, hell every concievable mean of showing value or worth in a game... is in the developer's pocket?

Tactical facepalm indeed. Try again. Without the bullshit conspiracy theory this time.
Youtube account, oh no. That's pretty much the last bastion of critical reviews available.
However, if you hadn't noticed lately, there's been a string of bad publicity occurrences where companies have either bought off or bullied reviewers to give games good grades. Kane & Lynch comes to mind. My main point is still this however: WHatever happened to the f*cking demon you pricks? I don't want to watch another f*cking video, let me try the f*cking game!
When I grew up you could rent games before buying them, that seems impossible these days, so a playable demo would at least be nice.

Rather than settling for your..."Oooh, shinies!"-approach.
Never heard of beta testing I assume? That's about the closest you're going to get with demo's nowadays. And they're not uncommon either.

As for the "oooh shinies" approach as you call it... it's called making an informed decision. remember Skyrim? Everyone's GoTY that people were wetting themselves over? Didn't buy it at launch. And based on the fan reactions on this very website, I'm glad I didn't. Some of the bugs/glitches were outrageous. That coupled with Bethesda's history of this sort of thing, allowed me to make an informed economic decision. I waited to buy it, did eventually buy it, and now I'm enjoying it (still some glitches present...)

And the point of that little story? I didn't have to fuckin' pirate the game to do so. Your justification for piracy to "demo it" falls short.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
He's spewing so much bullshit I'm not sure he even believes it himself.
1. Its not like consoles are pirate free
2. Every good game -always- sells, despite (and sometimes, because of) piracy.
3. No games ever sells well on PC..you know, except for every blizzard..every valve game..most good indie games (despite indie games never having drm, and being the easiest game to crack)
4. Lord Newell says piracy is an outcome of poor distribution. You know, the same guy who takes his morning bath in pure gold because of his PC games and PC game distribution service (Yes, I am aware Steam is on PS3(and mac) now as well. But the majority of their sales are on PC).

"Yeah. It was cuz' them pirates out game didn't sell. Lets only make games for console"

What a fake.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
SurfinTaxt said:
Treblaine said:
SurfinTaxt said:
Treblaine said:
"needlessly acute"

What? Needlessly "short terms severe medical symptoms"?!?!?
acute [əˈkjuːt]
2. sensitive to details; keen
In english, words can have more than one meaning.
Okay, that still makes no sense as I was not being any more sensitive to details than you were. You were excluding MMOs and Strategy games, I did the same to console.
Well it makes sense if you go back and actually READ what I said. I said the discussion was getting needlessy acute after just referencing mice and keyboards for ps3 and kinect for pc. Bogged down in the minutia. Try reading before responding
OK, if you're going to throw in the towel because the concept of different game controls is too much for you to handle then fine, but don't act like you've proven anything by demanding extremely simple logic of comparison.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Aeonknight said:
Never heard of beta testing I assume? That's about the closest you're going to get with demo's nowadays. And they're not uncommon either.
Ok not that I disagree with the idea that "I should've been allowed a demo" is a paper thin excuse for piracy ? which when it comes to Video Games is without a doubt an incredibly douchy thing to do, BUT Betas are not Demos, Video Games should have Demos, Beta Tests being as close as people get to demos for video games is in NO WAY acceptable. As far as the video game community goes there are more or less two groups "The Takers," who see what they want and take it and "The Takers" who see what they want but don't want to get lumped in with the pirates and bend over and take it.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
ThunderCavalier said:
Message to all bitching developers and publishers:

Stop fucking us over with DRM and people'll stop pirating your games.
Message to all bitching gamers:

Stop taking our shit without paying for it and we'll stop putting in DRM.

I swear people forget this DRM problem goes both ways.