Pokeball Button Combos


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Saargston said:
Well, lying wouldn't be a ballsy thing to do, so I'll go safari to say that since I first played blue version, I honestly believed that pressing B just as the ball shakes every time would make it easier to net the pokemon.
While at first, it can be hard to timer the presses, when you repeat this method so often, it becomes a walk in the park, but even though I've gotten great at it, It's failed more often than not.

I can be sure that an ultra secret method to ensure capture is a luxury that we just don't have, though I can see why the idea of one is allureing, such an addition would really throw off the playing field, and it would no longer be level. We can Poké around as much as we want, but we'll nest-ver find a way to ensure a quick catch. If you just love to use a method just for sport, by all means go ahead, but if you're going to dive off the deep end and look for a trick that really works, you should know that there could be heavy consequences.

That being said, even though I know it dusken't do anything, sometimes I'll catch myself, once in a blue moon trying the B-button method that I cherish so. While I try to curb the habit, it seems that I can never truly master a great enough effort to stop. It's no walk in the park, ending old habits.

As a final note, my friends, if anyone tries to tell you of a way to make captures easier, he's just trying to pull a fast one. (Of course, if you tell him that, heal vehemently deny it.)
I love you :p


New member
Dec 4, 2008
zehydra said:
you do realize none of these do anything?
yes we all know they did nothing but its just like a rabbits foot and 4 leaf clover. Its always been human nature to try to have some power over something they have no control over.

B and down


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Chamale said:
On an emulator with savestates, I caught Mewtwo cold on the first turn by throwing a Pokéball. I did it by retrying the timing over and over, until I hit A for 1 frame about 250 frames after opening the menu.

My testing indicates that the timing of when you throw the ball affects whether you catch the target, but in an unpredictable way. Hitting other buttons while the ball is wiggling has no impact - in fact, by the time you see the Poké Ball sprite, the game has already decided how many times the ball will wiggle, and if the target will be caught.


For generating random numbers games often use the number of cpu ticks and the savestate of an emulator is a dump of the system memory and thus once loaded returns the original stored tick rate, so yes timing is everything.
You could prove it without a doubt by saving after throwing the ball and continuosly reloading and no ammount of button combos will change the outcome it will be the same result win/fail every time


New member
Jan 13, 2009
I do a DDR style catch, Right, Up, Left, Down, then press and hold the center of the D pad.
Nov 25, 2009
epninja said:
I use a + b and Down. Its just became apart of when I catch Pokemon now, it feels weird if I don't use the button combo.
ME TOO!!! A+B+DOWN ftw.

And thanks to Scott Ramsoomair for the picture


New member
Jan 28, 2009
I use up up, down down, left, right, left, right, B, then A as I throw it. Works every time.

(joking, this is and has always been a complete myth).


New member
Dec 1, 2009
I've been playing Pokemon Yellow a lot recently, and I've been holding down on the D-Pad and A. Seems to work... most of the time. I'm aware it's total crap, yet... I still do it.

(whitty name here)

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Though I thought it WAS actually possible at one point by pressing buttons.
In Fire Red/Leaf Green I always caught mewtwo with a pokeball. up,down,left and right at the same time while pressing A and B. Kinda weird....

Though I usually press down+a just because where I lived it wass press those for added pokemon catching skills. Now its just out of habit.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
when I started playing pokemon silver when I was around 8, I had a weird formula. I'd turn the volume down, mash the A button and say "pleasecatchitpleasecatchit!" over and over. I have no idea where it came from but I still have to resist the urge to do that whenever I'm catching Pokemon.


He who Judges recklessly
Apr 5, 2010
I always though pressing any button would screw up your chance of catching the pokemon.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Saargston said:
Well, lying wouldn't be a ballsy thing to do, so I'll go safari to say that since I first played blue version, I honestly believed that pressing B just as the ball shakes every time would make it easier to net the pokemon.
While at first, it can be hard to timer the presses, when you repeat this method so often, it becomes a walk in the park, but even though I've gotten great at it, It's failed more often than not.

I can be sure that an ultra secret method to ensure capture is a luxury that we just don't have, though I can see why the idea of one is allureing, such an addition would really throw off the playing field, and it would no longer be level. We can Poké around as much as we want, but we'll nest-ver find a way to ensure a quick catch. If you just love to use a method just for sport, by all means go ahead, but if you're going to dive off the deep end and look for a trick that really works, you should know that there could be heavy consequences.

That being said, even though I know it dusken't do anything, sometimes I'll catch myself, once in a blue moon trying the B-button method that I cherish so. While I try to curb the habit, it seems that I can never truly master a great enough effort to stop. It's no walk in the park, ending old habits.

As a final note, my friends, if anyone tries to tell you of a way to make captures easier, he's just trying to pull a fast one. (Of course, if you tell him that, heal vehemently deny it.)
This is

Down A and mash like it's the last one in your backpack.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Eh, I never really did anything. Seemed pointless.

Of course, the new (and hilarious) rumor was that, for DPP/HGSS, yelling "Gotcha!" into the mic would help. I really hope no one actually tried doing that after they read it.


The Morally Bankrupt Weasel
Sep 10, 2008
i still do the tap A as fast as you can to boost the chance of success


New member
Mar 1, 2010
I still turn down the volume so I can't hear it wiggle. It immediately goes back on if it breaks out, and then off again once the ball is thrown. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.