Police Kill Teen After Xbox 360 Theft


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Oh god... the media and hillary clinton are totally going to spin this onto the gaming indistury.

calling it now.


New member
Feb 13, 2008
Fruhstuck said:
TsunamiWombat said:
Cousin_IT said:
You Americans & your guns
Because everyone knows, criminal buy guns legally.

Seriously, ask any Yo-Yo or gangbanger. If they don't cut your throat, they'll tell you all guns are aquired illegally from other countries or are STOLEN from legal owners. Only an idiot uses a gun they bought- Criminals watch CSI too.
The policy of everyone being able to own a gun makes for a gun-society though doesn't it
If you were to have a more closed policy on guns then you wouldn't have as much gun-crime
I think you have a right to your weapons, but if there were less of them in the country less of them would be used
There would still be a problem but it'd be less because there wouldn't be as many guns around

EDIT: sorry for the double post
However, the person we're talking about here is a violent criminal. He'd have a gun whether he lived in the USA, Canada, Britain, France, or Australia. Violent criminals get guns. I am not a violent criminal, and I do not own a gun.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Arkfeller said:
Even if he DID point a gun at the police, that's no reason to shoot him in the torso, is it? The leg should be enough...
I'm sorry, but that is an idiotic thing to say. They don't have time to shoot him in the leg and hope he doesn't start firing all over the place. Anyone points a gun at police officers has to go down. Police officers don't like shooting people (those people join the military). They are trained to shoot only when the person has to be stopped that instant. It was an equal response to an equal threat.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
The ironic thing is that the console had the red ring of death, sparking the original owner to sell to an idiot.

who turned out to be a violent idiot.

Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
Strange coincidence, isn't it, that the less available console and more expensive console haven't had any stories about people acting violently or immorally to get one, yet the 360 has had 3 that I can think of so far. I don't want to start a console war here, as I've asked for a 360 for graduation and have nothing against the console... but it almost says something about the average demographic, doesn't it?

EDIT: I should clarify for safety's sake that by "demographic" I'm not talking about race or anything derogatory like that.

Spartan Bannana

New member
Apr 27, 2008
Brandon Winn? More like Brandon FAIL! Hahahahah.
But in all seriousness, it's the dumbest thing you could ever do, pulling a gun on the police. Why don't people like this think?


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
As soon as you point a gun at a cop or a civilian in Police presence, they can and should drop your ass as fast as possible.


New member
Aug 30, 2008
Fruhstuck said:
TsunamiWombat said:
Cousin_IT said:
You Americans & your guns
Because everyone knows, criminal buy guns legally.

Seriously, ask any Yo-Yo or gangbanger. If they don't cut your throat, they'll tell you all guns are aquired illegally from other countries or are STOLEN from legal owners. Only an idiot uses a gun they bought- Criminals watch CSI too.
The policy of everyone being able to own a gun makes for a gun-society though doesn't it
If you were to have a more closed policy on guns then you wouldn't have as much gun-crime
I think you have a right to your weapons, but if there were less of them in the country less of them would be used
There would still be a problem but it'd be less because there wouldn't be as many guns around

EDIT: sorry for the double post
This is a common arguement. I've seen many adds talking about the dangers and effects of "gun crimes". I hate that we classify crime now. Like "hate crimes" Aren't all crimes hate crimes?

The old quote "if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns" does have some truth to it. Since guns have already been created, there is no way to get rid of ALL of them, so they will always be around in some form. Law abiding citizens would turn in their weapons if a ban was created, but the criminals would not, giving them an advantage in robbery, home invasions, ect. Home invasions especially would SKYROCKET b/c the chance that the homeowners would be protected would be slim to none, giving even a criminal w/ a knife an edge.

The problem isn't guns. The problem is criminals and the insane, people that should be purged from our gene pool, like this kid. If he'd wanted to steal it bad enough, and no gun was around, he would have used a knife, sword, stick, rock, harpoon, ball bat, lacross stick, hockey stick, slingblade, cleaver, chainsaw, hedgeclippers, scissors, rake, hoe, nailgun, hammer, slegehammer, tire iron, tree branch, bag of doorknobs, letter opener, stapler, brass knuckes, bare hands or ran over them with a car to get what he wanted. Should all these items be banned?

I'm sorry for his family's loss, but I'd rather him pay the price for his stupidity now then him kill someone's innocent son or daughter in the futre.


New member
Nov 16, 2008
windfish said:
Fruhstuck said:
TsunamiWombat said:
Cousin_IT said:
You Americans & your guns
Because everyone knows, criminal buy guns legally.

Seriously, ask any Yo-Yo or gangbanger. If they don't cut your throat, they'll tell you all guns are aquired illegally from other countries or are STOLEN from legal owners. Only an idiot uses a gun they bought- Criminals watch CSI too.
The policy of everyone being able to own a gun makes for a gun-society though doesn't it
If you were to have a more closed policy on guns then you wouldn't have as much gun-crime
I think you have a right to your weapons, but if there were less of them in the country less of them would be used
There would still be a problem but it'd be less because there wouldn't be as many guns around

EDIT: sorry for the double post
However, the person we're talking about here is a violent criminal. He'd have a gun whether he lived in the USA, Canada, Britain, France, or Australia. Violent criminals get guns. I am not a violent criminal, and I do not own a gun.
Yep, the real issue isn't keeping legitimate, registered weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, no matter how much lawmakers point to gun control laws and cry for more control. The problem is criminals and other unscrupulous types that get and use guns illegally, with no regard to standing control & registration laws.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
He must have spent all his money on buying the gun and had no money left for the console.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
Cousin_IT said:
You Americans & your guns
The fact that a gun was available, by whatever means, does not take credit for the crime. You don't blame Pontiac for drunk driving incidents, you blame the person behind the wheel (and the ignorant blame the alcohol producers).

There was a desire that could not be met by legitimate means for this person, so he decided to commit a crime. Like stated earlier in this thread; Winn would have found a weapon of some kind, it just happened to be a gun.

Also, guns are a part of America for a reason. I don't pretend to know your country's origin, but mine was started off by angry locals who took to revolution with guns, pitchforks and help from the French and Spanish. The second amendment is included in our constitution to protect the citizens from the government should it ever infringe upon our unalienable rights.

Lt. Sera

New member
Apr 22, 2008
Criminals who point guns at the police deserve nothing more then to get shot tbh.


New member
May 6, 2008
If you point a gun at police, you should expect to be shot. Even if it wasn't a real gun or you never intended to shoot, you will be shot. No questions asked and no warnings.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Sorry, this article sucks, because:

TsunamiWombat said:
This has nothing to do with the Xbox theft and everything to do with the fact he pointed a gun at the police. Mistake.


New member
Nov 7, 2007
fluffylandmine said:
Jamash said:
Brandon Winn?

More like Brandon Fail.
You stole my witty one-liner!

Next time Jamash, next time I will be the one stealing a joke of teens being shot for being stupid!
Damn, I was too late to make the joke, £50 says that a relative blames the cops hating black people!


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Brockyman said:
Fruhstuck said:
TsunamiWombat said:
Cousin_IT said:
You Americans & your guns
Because everyone knows, criminal buy guns legally.

Seriously, ask any Yo-Yo or gangbanger. If they don't cut your throat, they'll tell you all guns are aquired illegally from other countries or are STOLEN from legal owners. Only an idiot uses a gun they bought- Criminals watch CSI too.
The policy of everyone being able to own a gun makes for a gun-society though doesn't it
If you were to have a more closed policy on guns then you wouldn't have as much gun-crime
I think you have a right to your weapons, but if there were less of them in the country less of them would be used
There would still be a problem but it'd be less because there wouldn't be as many guns around

EDIT: sorry for the double post
This is a common arguement. I've seen many adds talking about the dangers and effects of "gun crimes". I hate that we classify crime now. Like "hate crimes" Aren't all crimes hate crimes?

The old quote "if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns" does have some truth to it. Since guns have already been created, there is no way to get rid of ALL of them, so they will always be around in some form. Law abiding citizens would turn in their weapons if a ban was created, but the criminals would not, giving them an advantage in robbery, home invasions, ect. Home invasions especially would SKYROCKET b/c the chance that the homeowners would be protected would be slim to none, giving even a criminal w/ a knife an edge.

The problem isn't guns. The problem is criminals and the insane, people that should be purged from our gene pool, like this kid. If he'd wanted to steal it bad enough, and no gun was around, he would have used a knife, sword, stick, rock, harpoon, ball bat, lacross stick, hockey stick, slingblade, cleaver, chainsaw, hedgeclippers, scissors, rake, hoe, nailgun, hammer, slegehammer, tire iron, tree branch, bag of doorknobs, letter opener, stapler, brass knuckes, bare hands or ran over them with a car to get what he wanted. Should all these items be banned?

I'm sorry for his family's loss, but I'd rather him pay the price for his stupidity now then him kill someone's innocent son or daughter in the futre.
My point wasn't that we should get rid of guns now, if that were to happen then yeah that situation of only the outlaws having guns would occur, i was saying that guns are so much a part of American culture due to the policy of everyone being allowed to own one
If, from the beginning of America, the legislation had been that no one is allowed guns then there wouldn't be as much gun-crime in America now is all i'm saying
I completely agree that it's more down to the nutters than it is to having alot of guns aroud and those people deserve purging but it's easier to take down a guy with a knife than it is to take down a guy with a gun

Not all crimes are hate-crimes, stealing isn't, unless you steal from a black person just because he's black or w/e
For example: a fraudulant banker doesn't hate the people he works with but he still swindles money from him
This kid probably didn't hate the guy with the Xbox but he still commited a crime against him


New member
Oct 24, 2008
Arkfeller said:
Even if he DID point a gun at the police, that's no reason to shoot him in the torso, is it? The leg should be enough...
Actually, cops are trained to shoot for center mass. It's the largest target, meaning there's less of a chance of a miss. Misses increase the chance that the target has time to fire back at the officers, and that bullets will fly at something they're not intended to hit (collateral damage.) Also, have you ever fired a gun? It's not quite as point and click as many people think. Hitting the leg of a target who may be moving at the time isn't necessarily the easiest feat.

Brockyman said:
Law abiding citizens would turn in their weapons if a ban was created, but the criminals would not,
Depends, I don't currently own a gun, however if there were a ban instated I would turn it in as it would be registered to me. However, the next thing I would do is buy a gun. (And yes, illegal or not, this would not be difficult.) Of course, you could argue that this turns me from "law abiding citizen" to "criminal"...but that just goes back to the adage of "when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns".

*EDIT* To the person who posted above...did you look into your magic 8 ball for that analysis of an alternative view of American history/culture? Or are you just speculating. It's pretty easy to sit and say "it could be this way if people had done something different hundreds of years ago..." but that's just the point isn't it? You can't undo the past. */EDIT*

And more on topic, this news article was pretty weak. The guy who posted this obviously never read past the words "gun" and "xbox".


New member
Aug 30, 2008
There takes a certain type of hate or malice to commit a crime Fruhstuck. While it my not be "hate" aimed at the target of theft, it is a large amount of disrespect.. which would fall in line w/ racist motivation.

A black man kills a white man for any reason, including racims. A regular Murder, as defined by the media. A white mand kills a black man for any reason. A "HATE" crime.

That's my point. Murder, or any crime, should be punished the same regardless of motive, other then Self-Defense, your you find your spouse in your bed cheating on you. (Joke)