Poll: Are motion controls killing gaming?


New member
Mar 31, 2009
FrndlyMisanthrpe said:
it's not motion controls themselves.
I'm sure at least some of you have played Twilight Princess. Having control over pointer made shooting the bow and arrow and the clawshot much easier than with a control stick.
That said there were some bits in TP where the motion sensor failed, like where you had to use the nunchuk to deflect with your shield. But yes, using the clawshot was great fun.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
depends, if devs can know when to use motion control and when not to. im kinda neutral on it, what with owning a 360 and a wii and growing up with the NES onward


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Motion controls are not killing gaming. There will always be controller-based games for those close-minded, hardcore elitists that think every motioned controlled game is casual and that every casual game is bad.

Hazmatdeath said:
Casual gaming is the cancer of gaming, nuff said, i don't like where this is heading...
^like this guy =)


Escapecraft Operator
Jun 25, 2009
yes they are,

for example the crappy six-axis controls on the playstation 3, i hate them and they break the game, looking at you killzone 2

Aardvark Soup

New member
Jul 22, 2008
Motion controls do a great job of getting new audiences to play games. This is a good thing, no matter what the so-called 'hardcore' gamers say. They'll just have to accept that their hobby is no longer limited to a small group of nerds. Of course your gaming grandma probably doesn't play much else than WiiSports, but eventually even they will try out other things, and the fact that even the US president owns a gaming console can only be positive for the perception of gaming in general.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Flying-Emu said:
I find this offensive. So, because the Wii has motion-control, it's somehow not fun and only for retarded apes?

Frankly, I see some major holes in your argument. Games are not for you alone. Wherever the money is, the industry will go. And that's GOOD.

I'd argue more, but I'm sick of typing the same shit. So I'll TL;DR

No. Motion-Control is not the death of gaming, and anyone who thinks so needs to get off their "Imz t3h HARDC0R3 GAM3R LAWLZ" platform.
Most gamers are fat, motion controls make fat people move. Fat people that move too much have heart attacks and die.

That, and he said it makes people LOOK like retarded monkeys. And it really does make you look stupid to be swinging at nothing acting like you're playing baseball or boxing when for the amount of effort you just put into that game you could be out playing baseball or boxing.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I played saints row 2 with motion sensor(before i found out how to turn it off) it was so fucking annoying in the helicopters and the boat controls were just horrible.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
What noo, have we not been waiting for motion control for years and sure it's basic at the moment but how is that any different from the graphics of yesteryear that relied on imagination to make their 16 pixel sprites but now look at the current state of graphics

Give it time


Flamboyant Homosexual
Apr 11, 2009
Not realy for these here:
PS3: Most games are not designed to the motion sensor, half of those that I played had the option to turn it off.
Wii: The console system itself is built in terms or ergonomics and fun.
XB360: Just no. It should NOT incorporate Motion sensor. Its like there getting desperate and trying to swab hardware from Nintendo and Sony. (And my opinion will not change that the XB360 has the worst Hardware i've seen in a console. My N64 is more stable then it.)


New member
Oct 30, 2008
asinann said:
Flying-Emu said:
I find this offensive. So, because the Wii has motion-control, it's somehow not fun and only for retarded apes?

Frankly, I see some major holes in your argument. Games are not for you alone. Wherever the money is, the industry will go. And that's GOOD.

I'd argue more, but I'm sick of typing the same shit. So I'll TL;DR

No. Motion-Control is not the death of gaming, and anyone who thinks so needs to get off their "Imz t3h HARDC0R3 GAM3R LAWLZ" platform.
Most gamers are fat, motion controls make fat people move. Fat people that move too much have heart attacks and die.

That, and he said it makes people LOOK like retarded monkeys. And it really does make you look stupid to be swinging at nothing acting like you're playing baseball or boxing when for the amount of effort you just put into that game you could be out playing baseball or boxing.
You're kidding, right? Have you ever actually played a motion-control game? They're not rigorous at all, and anyone who views it as legitimate exercise needs to get a serious reality check. Playing Wii Boxing is nothing even close to the strenuous nature of actual physical boxing.

The amount of effort you put in? Yeah, it's a little more effort. But for some people, it's more immersive (Spelling?) to swing a Wii-Mote like a sword instead of just PRESS X TO NOT DIE.

Just because you don't like something that's catered more towards 'casual' (and I use that term very, very sorely) does not mean the Armageddon of Gaming (Armagaming?). The OP needs to grow up and realize that his precious Halolz will not be harmed by the advent of motion-control, and that the gaming world is not his oyster to whine and ***** at whenever a different coloured pearl is formed. There will be motion control games, whether you like it or not. They will sell like candy, whether you like it or not. If you don't like the games, don't buy them.

Cause guess what? That means you don't support them.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
DanniXXX said:
Sewblon said:
I enjoyed Madworld, Super Mario Galaxy, No More Heros and Punchout Wii, so no. People who enjoy motion controls play games to have fun to, why else would they play them?
Notice how none of those games used motion control as anything other than "randomly swing", or in Punchouts case, "Don't use me or you'll lose".
In my case Punchout was "use me and you will strain your shoulders," but I see what you are saying.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
No. Motion-Control is not the death of gaming, and anyone who thinks so needs to get off their "Imz t3h HARDC0R3 GAM3R LAWLZ" platform.
This. Just because the controls are different don't mean they're any worse.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
I find this offensive. So, because the Wii has motion-control, it's somehow not fun and only for retarded apes?

Frankly, I see some major holes in your argument. Games are not for you alone. Wherever the money is, the industry will go. And that's GOOD.

I'd argue more, but I'm sick of typing the same shit. So I'll TL;DR

No. Motion-Control is not the death of gaming, and anyone who thinks so needs to get off their "Imz t3h HARDC0R3 GAM3R LAWLZ" platform.
Pretty much what's said by Flying-Emu in the quote above.

Motion controls aren't killing gaming.

Lack of quality control for games released for consoles or games getting overly rushed to meet deadlines...
This is harming the appeal of gaming for newer and older gamers alike.

Edit: I recommend looking at post 75 above, Flying-Emu makes some other good points there.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
No, it's actually a fantastic oppertunity. Problem is, a lot of developers don't use it properly. It's getting better though. Take The Conduit, a Wii exclusive FPS. It's been hailed for it's amazing use of the Wiimote, especially the fact that you can customise your controls a LOT. I wonder why it took so long for something that simple (making your own control scheme) to sink through, but better late then never.


New member
Apr 4, 2008
boholikeu said:
Motion controls are not killing gaming. There will always be controller-based games for those close-minded, hardcore elitists that think every motioned controlled game is casual and that every casual game is bad.

Hazmatdeath said:
Casual gaming is the cancer of gaming, nuff said, i don't like where this is heading...
^like this guy =)

Actually, I didn't really mean that, was half kidding. While it is true that most gamers are too narrow minded to accept the fact that casual gaming is such a big share of the market, it is for a reason. Accessibility in games hadn't been a problem for early games, anyone can play tetris or Mario, as games became more complex,they lost some of the casual crowd. Look at the development cycles for most games today, it's quality over quantity for them most part. Games over-saturated with meaningless gimmicks that are always one-upping each other. Motion controllers have made gaming accessible to the "casual" crowd again, and gamers often forget that the video game industry is first and foremost that, an industry, a business, money isn't the sole driving force, but it's the one that matters, and motion controllers sell, big time, look at wii sales. While i am a true hardcore gamer to the core, I will not go into denial that the industry is changing, we can either adapt to this new era of interactive entertainment or ***** about it from now onwards, take your pick.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Oh my God. Another one of these damn threads.

No. It is not killing gaming, if anything it is saving it, for reasons that have been discussed in detail on one of the 8 billion other threads just like this one.