Poll: Are motion controls killing gaming?


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Indigo_Dingo said:
lostclause said:
DannyG259 said:
You say his argument has holes?

I Think motion control is good, if it is used well.
But i think what Sony and Microsoft have done is just try and best the Wii, so i would say Yes, motion controls are starting to kill gaming.
Sony and microsoft are making a different type of motion sensor. It's not a point and click one, it's one that detects body movement like the PS2's eyetoy.
Both are actually based on that technology
Yes but they deploy it in two very different ways. Wii only senses remote and nunchuck, natal will sense the movement of anything from you to your cat. Oddly enough the eyetoy was aimed at more casual gaming and is now being used by what are traditionally known as the hardcore consoles.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
Sometimes, motion controls can be FUN. That's what games should be, fun. Not "realistic", action-heavy noir. FUN. So what if it introduces "casual" folks, it means more money for the industry, so companies can afford more creative titles, so everybody's happy. Worst case scenario, "hardcore" (I hate that word) games will become more of a niche.

Don't cry that most motion games are gimmicky bollocks, which they are, but the few games that nail motion controls can be fun (Mario Galaxy) or immersive (Metroid Prime 3). Just give the developers a chance.


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Dec 3, 2007
Thunderhorse31 said:
What games (besides possibly sports games) are made better by incorporating motion controls? Most of the best games on the Wii (SMG, TP, MP3, etc.) use motion control seldomly (usually wiggling your wrist every now and again), but aside from that, I can't think of any games that are genuinely better for requiring motion controls.
First-Person Shooters. Pointing rather than nudging an analog stick to aim a gun is so much more precise, it's like mouse control on my tv.

On topic, motion controls aren't killing gaming anymore than the NES killed gaming when it disrupted the gaming PCs of its day. Gaming is simply changing, and the people who complain because games are more inclusive rather than exclusive will become the niche market just like before.

Big Bad Jon

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May 21, 2009
From my own personal point of view, i have some damage to my nervous system, meaning that most of the time, and especially times of stress, my hands shake.

Holding a controller, thumb controls, no problem.
Typing. no problem.
Vibration, i can deal with cos most of the time i can turn it off.

But motion controls can be like playing a game with physical tourettes.

Imagine PoP or Tomb Raider or whatever demanding you cross a beam.
Twitching the thumbstick, no problem.
Using motion controls is like inviting a death sentence. I might as well ask my father to play it for me.

People like motion control games. Fine, good luck to you.
Stop making them mandatory, especially in good games.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Motion controls are all fine and dandy if developers use them well, instead of using them as gimmicks for games (PS3), or making the controls so unresponsive that it would much easier to use a controller (Wii).


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May 24, 2008
You could always, you know, not buy a game you don't want to play because it requires spastic flailing of a motion sensor. As I'm mainly in the PC gaming crowd, I don't really care about motion sensor controllers, but they have potential. Frankly, I don't see how it could hurt gaming; the control scheme can make or break a game, I admit, but there will be enough games out there that use the controls well to balance out the shitty ones.


v11.1 beta2
Apr 10, 2009
The only games where motion sensors work in my opinion, are racing games. MarioKar Wii springs to mind. I mean, how fun was steering by leaning the controller? It was brilliant!


New member
Feb 19, 2009
McAster said:
slipknot4 said:
I thought that the concept of gaming is to relax... how are you able to do that if you have a motion control?
Simple, you play a game that doesn't require very extensive or strong motion control. Boom Box is a great game for that.

Or be one of those people that can relax without being a vegetable with little motion. Some play real sports after all to relax, they don't seem to mind activity.
I don't play casual shit. (no offence to whoever likes casual gaming)
All i am saying is that fps and tps games are worthless with motion controls...


New member
Feb 4, 2009
They arent KILLING.
It just sucks and it will keep sucking until they use it right(which,maybe is all ready the case but as far as I have heard/seen from the day I posted this,it has yet to be not crap)

Ace of Spades

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Jul 12, 2008
I don't really like motion controls when they're the main system, but controlling my uber lightning storm in inFamous with the sixaxis was fun.


New member
May 12, 2009
bouncymike999 said:
Personally i think they are killing gaming, every major company has motion controllers now and they are going to pay much less attention to thier main audience, you know the ones who don't like flailing their arms around in front of thier TV like retarded apes and play games to have fun.
to true but i think the whole WII thing is going a bit thin i mean more so then ever, i cant really stand the whole wII fit thingy i mean if i want to egt fit i would do excercise its turning a once loved past time in to a nightmare!


New member
May 25, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
I find this offensive. So, because the Wii has motion-control, it's somehow not fun and only for retarded apes?

Frankly, I see some major holes in your argument. Games are not for you alone. Wherever the money is, the industry will go. And that's GOOD.

I'd argue more, but I'm sick of typing the same shit. So I'll TL;DR

No. Motion-Control is not the death of gaming, and anyone who thinks so needs to get off their "Imz t3h HARDC0R3 GAM3R LAWLZ" platform.
The thing is, as the OP said, less atention will be put to their main fanbase who acually like good games. The Wii has no good games to speach of and yes, it's just flailing your arms like a retard and saying your good. What I can't stand is the motion controlls are unresponsive and seem to atleast hate me with a passion.games where made to calm down and relax, not to go flailing your arms, it's made to be lazy, not random arm wagling. Too much attention is being paid to the casual croud, and if you haven't noticed, since casual gaming became a big thing, less and less good games are coming out.


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Apr 15, 2009
Chiddy said:
yes they are, such a stupid way to game, yes one or two are good, but the amount they are bringing out now is just annoying
What people need to remember is that games aren't made for just THEM. Motion sensors are making games different and innovative. While the Wii is receiving stick for casual gaming titles every other week, you can't condemn motion controls for the way Nintendo have failed to capitalise on them.

Look at the new MotionSensor Plus for example. That's going to support titles such as Red Steel 2. Now I'm not sure about anyone else but that games looks like it's going to be fantastic, why? Because they're finally getting motion sensors right!

I play on PC, Xbox 360 and Wii, and I can honestly say that I think they're all great gaming platforms (I would have the PS3 if I could afford it too). Motion sensors are Nintendo's way of differentiating themselves from the rest of the 'mainstream' games that are released, all Nintendo need to do now is get into gear and release some more 'proper' games into the market, such as Zelda, Metroid, Mario and some NEW characters.

Motion controls are not killing gaming, they're revolutionising it, and the people who see it to be killing gaming just need to be more open minded to the fact that things move on and change, especially in technology.

Player 2

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Feb 20, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
I find this offensive. So, because the Wii has motion-control, it's somehow not fun and only for retarded apes?

I'd argue more, but I'm sick of typing the same shit. So I'll TL;DR
Does TL;DR have another meaning than "too long; didn't read"? I don't really understand the last sentence.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
This is a stupid thread.

1. Games feed on popularity, thus it's not killing gaming.
2. Some gamers appreciate motion control.
3. Some gamers appreciate other forms of control.
4. There's no factions in this.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
DannyG259 said:
You say his argument has holes?
Yes, I do, because it's the same argument everyone uses, and I've shot it down enough. If you actually care enough to see my opinion, take the time to dig out the 3+ pages I've written on this idiotic subject. If you're going to have snark, at least have the courtesy to read what I've already said on the topic.

jedstopher said:
Does TL;DR have another meaning than "too long; didn't read"? I don't really understand the last sentence.
I was using it in the sense that I won't make you all read through that BS again.

Ginnipe said:
The thing is, as the OP said, less atention will be put to their main fanbase who acually like good games. The Wii has no good games to speach of and yes, it's just flailing your arms like a retard and saying your good. What I can't stand is the motion controlls are unresponsive and seem to atleast hate me with a passion.games where made to calm down and relax, not to go flailing your arms, it's made to be lazy, not random arm wagling. Too much attention is being paid to the casual croud, and if you haven't noticed, since casual gaming became a big thing, less and less good games are coming out.
You see, but there's a flaw with your argument. Nintendo is putting out the same number of good games; I.E. Your Metroid, your Mario, your Zelda. They've released the first Zelda game on the Wii, they're working on a second Mario and Metroid for it; what more do you want?

This idea that Nintendo has 'abandoned' their fanbase is unfounded. Nintendo is putting out the same quality, same quantity of titles. The third party developers, on the other hand, are the ones pushing out "Believe: Baby Star!" bullshit like it's a gold mine. NINTENDO has not abandoned their fanbase; in fact, they've been servicing us quite well. Super Mario Galaxies was one of the best games I've played in a long while, and Twilight Princess and MP3:C wasn't bad either.

It's just that they get swamped underneath a waterfall of shitty half-assed minigame collections. I refuse to call them 'casual' games, because as gamers, we need to stand as one. I know that this is OT and cheesy, but it's true. Infighting won't solve any of our problems.

Back on topic, it's not that 'less and less good games are coming out', as you put it. It's that more and more bad games are coming out, and that skews the ratio, and therefore your perception, of the good/bad game ratio.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
Darkrai said:
Most developers can't get it right.
This. It would be more accurate to say that poorly-done controls are killing games. Done properly, motion controlled games could silence threads like this for years to come.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
It's not killing it, but mabey hindering it.Motion controls are fine as long as they are made into a core part of gaming and is practical, not some random gimmick in a game thrown in every now and again like random quick time events and isn't difficult to pull off because the controller doesn't like the way you play with it.

Darth Pope

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
Darth Pope said:
Flying-Emu said:
I find this offensive. So, because the Wii has motion-control, it's somehow not fun and only for retarded apes?

Frankly, I see some major holes in your argument. Games are not for you alone. Wherever the money is, the industry will go. And that's GOOD.

I'd argue more, but I'm sick of typing the same shit. So I'll TL;DR

No. Motion-Control is not the death of gaming, and anyone who thinks so needs to get off their "Imz t3h HARDC0R3 GAM3R LAWLZ" platform.
In order to effectivley go where the money is a game developer must cater to the wants and needs of it's dominant demographic. Casual gamers like half assed games where every thing is easy and without depth so they don't have to try and wrap there heads around it. Therefore this will become what we see the most of on store shelves.
Third party devs are pumping out bullshit 'casual' (and I use the term lightly) titles, not Nintendo. Most Nintendo games that are branded as 'casual' (once again, lightly) have some glimmer of merit to them. Therefore, it's not motion controls OR Nintendo that's 'killing' gaming, as everyone seems to believe. It's the lazy, half-assing developers.

Casual gamers do NOT like half-assed games. If they did, then Super Carnival Fun-Time GO!! would be selling. They like games that have two major traits.

A) Accessibility. The game cannot be so inextricably complex that one has to do more than glance at a tutorial or game manual, otherwise they're uninterested.

B) A specific difficulty. The game must have a very specific difficulty curve. It has to be easy enough to jump in and enjoy, but not so easy as to lose the aspect of challenge.

The first trait is easy to obtain. The second is more often ignored in favor of quantity, at least by third parties. Third party developers put third or fourth string teams on their so-called 'casual' games, whereas Nintendo had one of its major teams working on Wii Sports; a game universally recognized as being FUN. This is where Nintendo strays from its third-party, in that it sees 'casual' gaming as more than a fad, or gimmick. They see it as a legitimate business opportunity, and take advantage of it as such.
Touche my friend...