Poll: Are motion controls killing gaming?


New member
Apr 14, 2009
if you develop it enough it could work,custom executions on games would be fun, snapping an enemys neck 100 different times would be fun.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Of course not. People who complain about motion control are killing games. If you don't like it, don't use it, it's as simple as that. I have to say that I personally like the idea of motion control, and especially the possibilities presented by Project Natal. Provided of course that said motion control is done right, for example, in conjunction perhaps with standard controllers. Of course, we aren't exactly getting it right at the moment, but we're getting closer, and the demo trailer of Natal showed this. We can definitely make it work. I think that motion control is the future of gaming, even if we do need to work on it a bit. After all, how many rubbish designs and implementations, how many failures, must Alan Turing have gone through before he invented the home computer?

Darth Pope

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
I find this offensive. So, because the Wii has motion-control, it's somehow not fun and only for retarded apes?

Frankly, I see some major holes in your argument. Games are not for you alone. Wherever the money is, the industry will go. And that's GOOD.

I'd argue more, but I'm sick of typing the same shit. So I'll TL;DR

No. Motion-Control is not the death of gaming, and anyone who thinks so needs to get off their "Imz t3h HARDC0R3 GAM3R LAWLZ" platform.
In order to effectivley go where the money is a game developer must cater to the wants and needs of it's dominant demographic. Casual gamers like half assed games where every thing is easy and without depth so they don't have to try and wrap there heads around it. Therefore this will become what we see the most of on store shelves.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Well, we'll see what happens with Natal. Until then, I will assume that it will be terrible. I voted no because even though there will be games like the ones on Wii, there will always be developers like Bethesda and Valve.

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
I'd like to think not. Part of me is saying that this is just gaming's next logical step. We have the technology for decent motion controls, there's really no reason not to be using it. Remember what everyone was saying back when the Wii was new? All that potential for great gaming experiences? That potential is still there. That 1:1 lightsaber combat game we all want is still out there. All we have to do is reach out and take it.

On the other hand, I'm really worried that this is going to turn out exactly like all the detractors are predicting and all three major consoles will become dumping grounds for shovelware titles filled to the brim with waggle.
If that were the case, I honestly think we'd see another industry crash like the one we suffered in the 80's. The general public's fascination with gimmicky gaming won't last, and once it's gone, developers might not have a "hardcore" gaming audience left to fall back on.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Darth Pope said:
Flying-Emu said:
I find this offensive. So, because the Wii has motion-control, it's somehow not fun and only for retarded apes?

Frankly, I see some major holes in your argument. Games are not for you alone. Wherever the money is, the industry will go. And that's GOOD.

I'd argue more, but I'm sick of typing the same shit. So I'll TL;DR

No. Motion-Control is not the death of gaming, and anyone who thinks so needs to get off their "Imz t3h HARDC0R3 GAM3R LAWLZ" platform.
In order to effectivley go where the money is a game developer must cater to the wants and needs of it's dominant demographic. Casual gamers like half assed games where every thing is easy and without depth so they don't have to try and wrap there heads around it. Therefore this will become what we see the most of on store shelves.
Third party devs are pumping out bullshit 'casual' (and I use the term lightly) titles, not Nintendo. Most Nintendo games that are branded as 'casual' (once again, lightly) have some glimmer of merit to them. Therefore, it's not motion controls OR Nintendo that's 'killing' gaming, as everyone seems to believe. It's the lazy, half-assing developers.

Casual gamers do NOT like half-assed games. If they did, then Super Carnival Fun-Time GO!! would be selling. They like games that have two major traits.

A) Accessibility. The game cannot be so inextricably complex that one has to do more than glance at a tutorial or game manual, otherwise they're uninterested.

B) A specific difficulty. The game must have a very specific difficulty curve. It has to be easy enough to jump in and enjoy, but not so easy as to lose the aspect of challenge.

The first trait is easy to obtain. The second is more often ignored in favor of quantity, at least by third parties. Third party developers put third or fourth string teams on their so-called 'casual' games, whereas Nintendo had one of its major teams working on Wii Sports; a game universally recognized as being FUN. This is where Nintendo strays from its third-party, in that it sees 'casual' gaming as more than a fad, or gimmick. They see it as a legitimate business opportunity, and take advantage of it as such.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
/handshake Flying-Emu

To reiterate:
- "hardcore" games will not have motion controller input, because "hardcore" gamers don't want them
- "casual" games will have it, and may or may not suck independently from them

The problem with 3rd party Wii games is that they forcibly introduce motion sensor input in them even when it's not convenient, and don't even do it well.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
I'm fully convinced "hardcore" gamers don't actualy want anything at all. They just want everything to fail. Things like "casual game" marketing and motion controls just make bigger targets these days since they have caught on.
I'm fully convinced "casual" gamers like playing games that entertain them. Not sure what's up with them and that. Does matter if it's Halo or Wii Sports Resort with them, for some reason they just enjoy what they enjoy.
Then there are people who are just gamers and enjoy "hardcore", "casual", and whatever else we're making up terms for. Not minding simple pick and play games sometimes, but enjoying full fledge games that have more depth to them a wee bit or far more.

What I want is simple. Good controls. I don't care if it's good motion controls, good button controls, or good mouse controls. I just want to play a game and have good controls.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
I thought that the concept of gaming is to relax... how are you able to do that if you have a motion control?


New member
Mar 31, 2009
asinann said:
That, and he said it makes people LOOK like retarded monkeys. And it really does make you look stupid to be swinging at nothing acting like you're playing baseball or boxing when for the amount of effort you just put into that game you could be out playing baseball or boxing.
Try applying that logic to guitar hero. Most people look like idiots when they are standing in front of the screen focusing on pulling off a 5 star run. Does it stop it being fun or popular? Does it mean they should just go and play a real guitar?
Motion sensors are the same thing.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
slipknot4 said:
I thought that the concept of gaming is to relax... how are you able to do that if you have a motion control?
Simple, you play a game that doesn't require very extensive or strong motion control. Boom Box is a great game for that.

Or be one of those people that can relax without being a vegetable with little motion. Some play real sports after all to relax, they don't seem to mind activity.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
McAster said:
I'm fully convinced "hardcore" gamers don't actualy want anything at all. They just want everything to fail. Things like "casual game" marketing and motion controls just make bigger targets these days since they have caught on.
I'm fully convinced "casual" gamers like playing games that entertain them. Not sure what's up with them and that. Does matter if it's Halo or Wii Sports Resort with them, for some reason they just enjoy what they enjoy.
Then there are people who are just gamers and enjoy "hardcore", "casual", and whatever else we're making up terms for. Not minding simple pick and play games sometimes, but enjoying full fledge games that have more depth to them a wee bit or far more.

What I want is simple. Good controls. I don't care if it's good motion controls, good button controls, or good mouse controls. I just want to play a game and have good controls.
This, except I believe that true hardcore gamers will enjoy any game because it's something they can play, and morons are the ones that don't want anything at all.

I just want more choice for what games I play, is that really so bad for people that don't (and therefore don't have to buy it?)

The Ambrosian

May 9, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
I find this offensive. So, because the Wii has motion-control, it's somehow not fun and only for retarded apes?

Frankly, I see some major holes in your argument. Games are not for you alone. Wherever the money is, the industry will go. And that's GOOD.

I'd argue more, but I'm sick of typing the same shit. So I'll TL;DR

No. Motion-Control is not the death of gaming, and anyone who thinks so needs to get off their "Imz t3h HARDC0R3 GAM3R LAWLZ" platform.
You say his argument has holes?

I Think motion control is good, if it is used well.
But i think what Sony and Microsoft have done is just try and best the Wii, so i would say Yes, motion controls are starting to kill gaming.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
DannyG259 said:
You say his argument has holes?

I Think motion control is good, if it is used well.
But i think what Sony and Microsoft have done is just try and best the Wii, so i would say Yes, motion controls are starting to kill gaming.
Sony and microsoft are making a different type of motion sensor. It's not a point and click one, it's one that detects body movement like the PS2's eyetoy.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
bouncymike999 said:
Personally i think they are killing gaming, every major company has motion controllers now and they are going to pay much less attention to thier main audience, you know the ones who don't like flailing their arms around in front of thier TV like retarded apes and play games to have fun.
No, rumblepacks are killing gaming. You have a stupidly heavy RSI-inducing controller that vibrates during the game whenever you're under pressure, what a FANTASTIC idea that is!