Poll: Are you finished with Bioware now?


New member
Nov 15, 2011
Dragon Age 2 was a mess and the ending of Mass Effect 3 made the entire series lose it's replay value. I'm done with Bioware.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Murmillos said:
In short; just say that you are trying invalidate his opinion by your own better-then-thou opinion.

Every game has its own set of issues, but BioWare games used to be better over-all. (again - just an opinion shared by many-many others).
Nope not at all.

I was merely pointing out the supposed level of quality Bioware head has been and always will be a opinion, and like all other opinions they are not fact.

A game company can never get better or worse, they can always just be.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
SajuukKhar said:
romxxii said:
See, before all this happened, the name Bioware carried something along with it. They weren't just any other game company; they were one of the few that were known for stellar writing.

While Mass Effect 3 still great, the endings have shown me personally that the hype of the Bioware ultimate storytelling experience is far from infallible.

Long story short, honeymoon's over.
No.. it really didn't.

Bioware's name never carried anything beyond the nostalgia love that the fans had for their past games.

Bioware really hasn't changed, nor has their writing gotten worse.

The only thing that has changed are the people playing their games in that they have been allowed to stew in their nostalgia for longer and longer and thus with each progressive game they appear to get worse only because people nostalgia love for their past games grows more and more.
I'm amazed you can hold on to that belief considering (a) a lot of their original writing staff have left or moved on to other projects; and (b) aside from the gay terrorist magician plot twist of DA2, Bioware have never made a plot point so bad that it provoked a tremendous Internet backlash.

Now, you may argue the artistic merit of Bioware's current crop of crap, but the sad fact is, the ending fails not just on artistic, but on technical grounds. We've got plot holes, inconsistencies with lore and the previously established narrative ? within the same game of all things ? and characters acting contrary to their established personas and archetypes. Hell, BioWare has already admitted they pulled the ending out of Mac Walters' ass at the last minute. If anybody has a link to that, I'd appreciate a repost.

Also, I call BS on your nostalgia argument. It's not like the Mass Effect series has had ridiculously long development cycles. Three games in seven years? That's an average of 2.333 years per game; shorter than the industry standard of 3 years.

Murmillos said:
SajuukKhar said:
In short; just say that you are trying invalidate his opinion by your own better-then-thou opinion.

Every game has its own set of issues, but BioWare games used to be better over-all. (again - just an opinion shared by many-many others).


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Kahunaburger said:
Alternately, you have a definition of "RPG" that only you use. Most people use the term to refer to games with a set of mechanics that originally came from P&P RPGs.
Funny because most people I know would only refer to late 80's-late 90's RPGs as that.


New member
Dec 7, 2007
Yes. Because everything leading up to the ending of Mass Effect 3 was a work of brilliance beyond almost any other piece of entertainment I've ever experienced, that alone proves Bioware can still make great games.

Plus, it's not over yet. The possibility of a new ending is still present, so I'm not giving up until they either say they're not doing a thing about it, or somehow write an ending worse than the first one.


New member
May 6, 2011
SajuukKhar said:
Kahunaburger said:
Alternately, you have a definition of "RPG" that only you use. Most people use the term to refer to games with a set of mechanics that originally came from P&P RPGs.
Funny because most people I know would only refer to late 80's-late 90's RPGs as that.
Yes, and we use the term "RPG" to describe modern RPGs because they have design elements derived from P&P RPGs by way of old-school RPGs. Hence the lack of a concise/consistent list of criteria a game has to have in order to qualify as an RPG.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
I never really liked BioWare games to begin with. So boring! DA:O was alright but the combat sucked (PS3 version). DA2 was a little better in the combat area, but it just was so stale - I want to explore! ME 1 I got bored of in about 10 hours. ME 2 seems alright but I just don't really care enough to play it (got it free from buying DA2). I think I played 3 hrs of ME 2.

I'll certainly keep BioWare on my radar, but I never "planned" to play one of their games to begin with.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
It's the Escapist forums,do you expect this place to be done with BioWare? Never!

I may play their next game if I can run it and hear good things about it.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
RJ 17 said:
*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* I really hate to say it...but I can't say I'm done with Bioware. Not until Dragon Age 3. I know, it's like begging to be kicked in the balls for a 2nd time by a steel-toed boot...but like with Mass Effect: I've just gotta see how that story frickin' ends.
Fine. Here's what'll happen in Dragon Age 3

The world will be in upheaval after the templars and the mages revolted, maybe three or four years after the ending of DA2. The game will of course not care about your decision from DA2, putting both sides at roughly equal footing. You play as a Grey Warden again, a different character from the Warden and Hawke, who are off on their own separate adventures getting stuff done.

Most of the beginning of the game deals with dealing with darkspawn stragglers, meeting up with a few rag-tag teammates with their own quirks and alignment bars ala DA2, and you fight to keep the peace in your small corner of the world.

The main plot revolves around Morrigan's daughter, who is inheriting the power of a true god. You find this out from Leliana, as the Seekers are trying to find her and for some reason a Grey Warden as well. Ultimately, the villain is revealed to be Flemith, who is trying to possess the young girl because of her immense untapped power. In the end she gains the power, only for you and your group to kill Flemith.

As a Grey Warden, you absorb the power of the god in the same way the child did in Dragon Age Origins, and gain unlimited power. At this point, naturally you are given three choices: kill all the mages, kill all the templars, or make everyone in the world a mage, able to tap into the Fade. Killing the mages or templars results in an off-screen recounting of how you eventually went power-mad and killed millions. Making everyone a Mage requires cleansing the Fade of the Taint, which means you personally absorb it and die, but the powers of the god also die, stopping it from becoming another Archdemon. All three end ambiguously, and in the end your choices up to that point don't contribute to the final ending in the slightest.

There. That's years of waiting and 60$ saved.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
One bad apple and you throw the entire basket down a well and poison it.

They'll continue making games. Most likely in the next 5 they do make you'll wind of getting one cause it's so awesome. Than you'll be a hypocrite and deny that you ever despised Bioware in the first place. And it just goes on from there in a never ending internet cycle of hatred and denial.

Sangreal Gothcraft

New member
Feb 28, 2011
Last game i bought from them was Dragon Age 2..after that they died. But atleast i got NWN and nostalgia to keep me from putting a gun between their heads..

Sangreal Gothcraft

New member
Feb 28, 2011
Chronologist said:
RJ 17 said:
*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* I really hate to say it...but I can't say I'm done with Bioware. Not until Dragon Age 3. I know, it's like begging to be kicked in the balls for a 2nd time by a steel-toed boot...but like with Mass Effect: I've just gotta see how that story frickin' ends.
Fine. Here's what'll happen in Dragon Age 3

The world will be in upheaval after the templars and the mages revolted, maybe three or four years after the ending of DA2. The game will of course not care about your decision from DA2, putting both sides at roughly equal footing. You play as a Grey Warden again, a different character from the Warden and Hawke, who are off on their own separate adventures getting stuff done.

Most of the beginning of the game deals with dealing with darkspawn stragglers, meeting up with a few rag-tag teammates with their own quirks and alignment bars ala DA2, and you fight to keep the peace in your small corner of the world.

The main plot revolves around Morrigan's daughter, who is inheriting the power of a true god. You find this out from Leliana, as the Seekers are trying to find her and for some reason a Grey Warden as well. Ultimately, the villain is revealed to be Flemith, who is trying to possess the young girl because of her immense untapped power. In the end she gains the power, only for you and your group to kill Flemith.

As a Grey Warden, you absorb the power of the god in the same way the child did in Dragon Age Origins, and gain unlimited power. At this point, naturally you are given three choices: kill all the mages, kill all the templars, or make everyone in the world a mage, able to tap into the Fade. Killing the mages or templars results in an off-screen recounting of how you eventually went power-mad and killed millions. Making everyone a Mage requires cleansing the Fade of the Taint, which means you personally absorb it and die, but the powers of the god also die, stopping it from becoming another Archdemon. All three end ambiguously, and in the end your choices up to that point don't contribute to the final ending in the slightest.

There. That's years of waiting and 60$ saved.
I bet money that this will be the plot, and wasn't a son..?


New member
Aug 7, 2009
I haven't played ME3 BUT, the same shenanigans were going on with DA2 and I liked DA2. Now I wasn't exited about ME2 so I am waiting a couple of months for it to dip in price.


New member
Dec 3, 2011
Dragon Age 2 already made me stop buying biowaregames altogether. EA's origin nonsense made sure I'd never even intend to install one of them.

Look, fanboys, deal with it:
Customers have a choice. If they like service they get, they will keep buying. They don't like the service for WHATEVER REASON, they will not keep buying. This is reasonable. As is asking other customers to do the same.

You're trying to pretend it isn't so, which is ridiculous. You are not a slave of a company, and you are not obligated to buy ANYTHING. Nor will you. Most gamers never bought a bioware game. It's a fact. Most gamers never bought (insert any company) game. Fact.

And yes, an "ending" can completely ruin the game. Imagine you have a holiday in a nice hotel. Except at the very last day, while leaving, the floor suddenly breaks, stranding you into a massive hive of cockroaches that swarm over you. At which point you figure out that the food you ate the entire time was cockroach-based. Those crunchy bits in your bread you thought were intentional? Cockroach legs.

Pretty sure you'd not say "oh, my holiday was great until the last 5 minutes, therefore I'd totally go to the hotel again".
No. You'd avoid the hotel forever, sick the authorities on them for gross hygiene violations, and warn everyone you knew. Why? Cause you're a customer, and not a braindead zombie.

Videogamers seem to have this bizarre notion that a)everyone buys every game ever, b)you may never stop buying games from a company that you bought one game from, and c)have no right to complain when a company screws up.
I really don't get where these ideas even come from. They make no sense.

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
Personally I liked Mass Effect 3. Actually, loved it. No problem with what is essentially THEIR fucking story.

Dragon age 2 was complete ass, I've steered clear from that, but apart from that. Yeah, I will buy newer bioware titles.


New member
Feb 29, 2012
Pumpkin_Eater said:
Your thread title and poll question are mismatched. I misvoted after reading the thread title.

Mass Effect 3 was unforgivable. Bioware is like the zombie of a loved one, it's for the best if it gets put down.
Agreed. Right now, Bioware is dead to me. Right now, gaming to me seems like it's flirting with a crash similar to the one that occurred in the early 80s with all of this maximum monetization of EVERY aspect of a gamer's experience. With Bioware seeming like they might put out an alternative(fixed) ending as DLC, likely paid DLC, I'm getting fed up with all of this nonsense.

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Depends on where Bioware takes the Mass Effect series in DLC. If they don't quote "fix" the ending, then I'm done with them. If they do "fix" the ending with paid DLC (and it's anything less than the love child of Jesus, Ghandi, and the best 5 writers in the history of ever), I'm done with them.

But if they "fix" it fairly well with free DLC, I'm done with everything new. Old stuff I'll still play, but no more. I'll even link my Xbox profile to this account to prove it once EA has decided whether it wants to keep my business.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
I tend to do this thing where I don't look at the developers/publishers logo on the box. It's not on purpose. It's because the the listed features and screenshots are much more important than who made it. The game is what I care about. Not the company that made it.

People also forget that the creative choices behind one title are the choices of that team. The same developer can create another title with a completely different team, and produce a completely different title.

Also, people are taking this ME3 ending shit too far. Don't you have more important things to worry about? Don't you have someone to kill? A Mr.Edgar Friendly?