Poll: Can you outgrow videogames?


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Yes. Double yes.

I'm already starting to play games less. As you start getting a career or a full-time, high pressure job, your desire to play games goes down. You also have less time to play games. I don't think I'll ever stop playing games entirely. But there's no doubt that I play them far far far less than I used to.

And if I ever get a family (urgh), then that will mean absolutely no time to play games. Brilliant. One more reason to never ever have kids.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Can you: Yes
Is it normal to: May be, depending on your circumstances.
Should you feel obligated to, or immature if you don't: No

Games we're once the domain of the young and we're toys to be outgrown like Pokemon or Transformers before them, but that is becoming less and less true over time and is already in the realm of ancient history.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
It might be possible to outgrow video games as a whole, but it's more likely to outgrow certain games, or genres of games, rather than all of them, as interests drift with age.


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
Eh, it's like any hobby, I suppose you can get tired of it but saying, "outgrow", to me, implies something else, that gaming is an activity for children. I don't feel that's true. It's just another form of entertainment, nothing more, nothing less.

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
i think that it would be difficult to say, because the first generation to really grow up with gaming becoming present thoughout society is still getting to the point where they can grow out of gaming, in my opinion, only time will really tell


New member
Aug 24, 2010
My 40 year old dad has played TTRPG and Video Games since he was young... so no. He now has 4 80s on WoW 2 geared for Endgame and 1 that is close. He's better than me at most games...


New member
Aug 24, 2010
D Bones said:
My girlfriend judged me for buying an xbox 360 with my first paycheck from my first real job out of college.She told me that they were for "16 year olds".

So I dumped her ***** ass.
I don't have a whimsical picture so I'm just going to say this.



New member
Oct 6, 2010
Really? Almost 50% of voters think it is absolutely impossible to outgrow video games? I mean, I know I will not, but I understand that there are people that will lose their interest in video games as they grow older. That's not a bad thing, and it's not a bad thing if you don't lose interest. Everyone's tastes change as they grow older.

Edit: A better way to pose the question would be "Will YOU outgrow videogames?"
I believe I have already stated my answer.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
You don't really outgrow them so much as move beyond them. Perhaps you just grow bored with them or they no longer hold your interest like they use too, but you didn't outgrow them. You just lost interest in them, two different things.

People don't outgrow books or movies do they? Hell they don't even outgrow sports like football (take your pick as to what type that is), baseball, hockey, cricket, whatever. So why should they outgrow video games?

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
It's possible. You just may not have time, or you have to appear mature to a possible girl/boy friend, or you will have to appear mature to a boss (say he comes over (just a hypothetical.)) I see video games as something someone might get rid of to try to grow up quicker. It's like drinking underage or having sex as early as you can. It's a right of passage into adulthood.

I personally don't see it that way, but I guess some people would.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
No, we just don't have the time anymore.

Sure, I can load up Dragon age after I get home from work, but dinner needs to be cooked, and the dishes need to be done, and the wife wants me to take the dog out, and there's that reading I have to do for my online class. Not to mention, I'm tired. Also, I don't really feel like spending an hour trying to get into Dragon Age again when I don't know when I'll get the chance to again.

So, no I haven't outgrown them, but I have started to see why most (responsible) adults don't play them much.

I do still enjoy them greatly when I can play them though. And I still follow the industry as much as I can.


New member
Feb 7, 2010
They may get boring for a few months, just like you can be on a movie or tv kick. There are even book kicks, but then every time I start kicking books people give me funny looks.

Video Games are a form of literature, it's media and as such your interest in it will vary on a day to day basis. It's not something you can outgrow.

If you think about it, it's the same way that most people "grow out of cartoons." They love them as kids, then they claim they don't like them anymore; Then next thing you know you catch them watching Futurama, South Park, or Ugly Americans. You can't grow out of a medium, just the content of that medium.

If someone ever finds themselves "growing out" of games, it's more likely that they're growing out of the type of game they're playing. Perhaps a change of genre or story would be a welcome change to the individual rather then dismissing games all together.


One day, we'll wake the zombies
Mar 29, 2010
The amount of time I commit to playing video games may shrink over the decades, but I think I'll always enjoy a good gaming session. As for the interest in industry news and on-goings, I think that'll grow over time.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
I outgrew anime and toys and also generally most cartoons. I can say this though, if video games didn't evolve from what they were 15 years ago I probably would've outgrown them by now. From Super Mario we now have Mass Effect. So if gaming continuously grows and matures then I'll never get tired of video games.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Well I've been playing them since the age of three, my father's been making them for almost as long as he's been in the programming business, the majority of my uncles and cousins play WoW an enormous amount and my uh, grandfather used to play chess on the commodore 64?

So I'd say no, it's like saying you can outgrow books or film.
Apr 29, 2010
The way I see it is like this. Some might outgrow them, some might not. I believe that the ones who do not outgrow video games as they get older just find themselves changing priorities to things that really matter in their life.


New member
Aug 10, 2008
I am turning 40 this month, I play Starcraft II gold league on both Europe and US. I have a level 80 rogue but Wow isn't really my thing. I love Zero Punctuation. Sometimes I fire up mame and play my old arcade classics. I have a blast playing GTA IV LOTD and TBOGT. I play Fifa and I do not suck at it. Not even when I get drunk. So no, I sure as hell won't outgrow gaming. The only thing I'm afraid of though, is that my dexterity will go to shit in about 10 years. But by then we should have mind controlled controllers so that's all good.