Poll: Disney? In my music? It's more likely than I think...


New member
Apr 3, 2008
High School Musical is an affront to actual musicals. But maybe they'll start on lloyd webber musics after disney, and then on from that to real musics, and maybe, just maybe, get to opera (hold my comma button away from me!). But yeah, high school musical:

- Very Predicable
- Musically terrible
- Very condescending (but they're only kids)
- Far too popular

And seriously, how many high school musicals can they make? I swear this is the third one this year. They have to run out of... oh wait. It's Disney.

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
rottenbutter post=18.74738.844628 said:
OK, humanity has gone too far this time.
Ah. There's your mistake. Disney aren't humans - no human would willingly unleash those monsters upon the world.


New member
May 28, 2008
That "Camp Rock" is very aptly named as it looks about the most girly, pathetic affront to rock since St.Anger. I think it's stupid how people automatically assume that just because the people playing the instruments get recognition, something is automatically rock. No, having the musical talent to compose and play something decent instrumentally and make it at least vaguely reminiscent of other bands or styles in the genre of rock does.

If I believed in God I would thank him I've never heard any song by Miley Cyrus or watched any of the High School Musicals. Probably best seen as how I don't really have any compulsion to be aurally castrated by manufactured teenagers singing about total crap that nobody cares about one iota.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.844638 said:
rottenbutter post=18.74738.844628 said:
OK, humanity has gone too far this time.
Ah. There's your mistake. Disney aren't humans - no human would willingly unleash those monsters upon the world.
Fair to believe that they are quasi-dimensional creatures from "Hell"?


New member
Aug 9, 2008
I believe that the people running disney should be drawn and quartered, and the pieces of their body thrown into a cesspit for making these. Miley Cyrus? She can't sing, she's a materialistic slutty *****, how is she famous? (Oh, yes, I forgot, her dad is famous) How did High School Musical work?
They're deforming the current generation horribly, teaching them to have aspirations to be movie stars, singers and total f***ing pricks. Disney obviously realises that the children they're making stars out of were incredibly well-off when they were born, and when they grow up they'll still be famous, but instead for snorting coke and getting divorced several times.

Well, that's just my opinion.

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
Delta4845 post=18.74738.844652 said:
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.844638 said:
rottenbutter post=18.74738.844628 said:
OK, humanity has gone too far this time.
Ah. There's your mistake. Disney aren't humans - no human would willingly unleash those monsters upon the world.
Fair to believe that they are quasi-dimensional creatures from "Hell"?
I'd say that's in the general vicinity of "fair".


New member
Aug 5, 2008
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.844638 said:
rottenbutter post=18.74738.844628 said:
OK, humanity has gone too far this time.
Ah. There's your mistake. Disney aren't humans - no human would willingly unleash those monsters upon the world.
Ah, but isn't it humanity's fault for so many people actually "enjoying" it, and letting it continue?


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Disney really needs to Jump In The Fire. Someone tell them Disney to stay the HELL away from rock. Their diluting the quality of it like emo rock does.

Don't even get me started on high school musical. There is only ONE reason why a straight man should search anything related to it.


New member
Jan 1, 2008
ultra920 post=18.74738.844673 said:
Disney really needs to Jump In The Fire. Someone tell them Disney to stay the HELL away from rock. Their diluting the quality of it like emo rock does.

Don't even get me started on high school musical. There is only ONE reason why a straight man should search anything related to it.
So I'm not the only one who saw these leaked pictures a Vanessa?


New member
Jul 16, 2008
Supernovajake post=18.74738.844542 said:
Ya call that music. THIS is music! (Plays absolutely anything but Disney music)
Kill it with fire, kill it with water, kill it with a spatula if you must, just get it away from me.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
The thing i hate the most about all these musicals is how they portray life i mean come on where did they base these fucking cheery cheese fests, rainbow sunshine high?
Now i know that turning these films into angnst filled, drug tripping, grope fests, filled with sexual jokes and humor that my school was writhing with, hell maybe even throw in a teenage pregnancy or two, may turn the intended audience into gibbering crybabys too frightened to leave there house on that first day of secondary school.

Now i know it's supposed to be a musical so it's got to be up your fucking ass with
uppity-ness but having some sad songs where the whole school doesn' band toghether and has a party(seriously where the fuck will that ever happen)like instead of "soaring, flying there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach!" have "Trippin',Crying, trying to touch my girlfreinds teet!"

Maybe even have the films directed by Guy Ritchie now that would be a firestorm of a musical.

EDIT:the only thing that the disney actresses are good for is being the butt of every rape joke or *ahem beating meat


New member
Jul 9, 2008
Disney needs to die. Disney and everything related to it. I swear to god I would rather watch horrible anime shows than Disney stuff. And I won't last long with the anime before I spoon my eyes out and chop my ears off (and then stuff the ear holes with the actual ear). Seriously. It's horrible.

Note: I was going to mention something about Walt Disney being anti-semitic, but thought I'd check and see what Wikipedia had to say about that before posting, so I didn't start a flame war or something. Interestingly, nothing even similar to Walt Disney's anti-semitism, affiliation with such or related groups, or really any faults of his at all showed up in the page. Pretty sure that what I heard was more than a stupid rumor, I looked it up on google. Sure enough, there were atleast valid rumors concerning Disney's anti-semitism. And there were a lot more facts that should have atleast made his Wikipedia page. I can only assume that someone purposely left them out or deleted them. Suspicious much? Yes, very much.

I still don't want to cause a flame war but if anyone wants to fill me in on this Walt Disney/anti-semitism thing I would appreciate it.

But even besides that, Disney must die.

Conqueror Kenny

New member
Jan 14, 2008
You know funny you should put the Jonas Brothers and Metallica, considering the Jonas bothers claimed to be better than Metallica ever was/is. Of course they didn't back it up, it's also now the hardest to find interview on the internet. But some know, and despise everything disney for reading that.

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
conqueror Kenny post=18.74738.844771 said:
You know funny you should put the Jonas Brothers and Metallica, considering the Jonas bothers claimed to be better than Metallica ever was/is. Of course they didn't back it up, it's also now the hardest to find interview on the internet. But some know, and despise everything disney for reading that.
...they said that? Seriously?

Kenny, bring me my eviscerating knife. It's time to go eviscerating.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
conqueror Kenny post=18.74738.844771 said:
You know funny you should put the Jonas Brothers and Metallica, considering the Jonas bothers claimed to be better than Metallica ever was/is. Of course they didn't back it up, it's also now the hardest to find interview on the internet. But some know, and despise everything disney for reading that.
Claimed to be better.... (I think I just had a stroke)

GLaDOS V 2.1

New member
Sep 22, 2008
For me, music is 99.9% of my life. Disney should be ashamed of what they have done to music. Disney keep realeasing high school musical sequels becuase people can't get enough of them. put any number in front of it, it will still be the same bloke who everyone loves, singing a song about how he wants to find a love finds one and then sings again. YAY! more movie genius.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I can't stand all this Jonas Brothers and High School Musical crap. My sister is completely into all this nonsense. I've had to stand hearing her blast the movies and music from her room on a daily basis. It's enough to make me want to pull a van Gogh. There's nothing special about the music and, for the life of me, I can't see why these kids and some adults are eating up. I've attempted to introduce her to real music, but apparently, Disney's hold on her mind runs deep. Damn you Disney. Damn you.