Poll: Disney? In my music? It's more likely than I think...

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
crivera37 post=18.74738.845212 said:
L1250 post=18.74738.845141 said:
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.845112 said:
Whoah. I just read that story there, and you damn well deserve to go eviscerating with us.
Thank you. I will cherish every moment.
room for 1 more? i have experience in all but not limited to: Extreme physical torture, creative ways to kill people, creative ways to humiliate and then kill people, a vast knowledge of the more .... entertaining methods of death used in history, the difference between actual music and the worst frickin tragedy to befall our great world, and high school level chemistry.
Yeah, hop on the bus.

Well, I feel that this thread has shown that the majority of Escapists hate Disney-backed music. The poll, right now, says that the amount of people that have any positive feelings for it are outnumbered 1.5 to 1 by those that don't give a monkey's uncle.
Feb 13, 2008
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.845235 said:
Well, I feel that this thread has shown that the majority of Escapists hate Disney-backed music. The poll, right now, says that the amount of people that have any positive feelings for it are outnumbered 1.5 to 1 by those that don't give a monkey's uncle.
I bet 80% know the words to "The Bear Necessities" though. :)

But, if we're going eviscerating, I have a bag of salt for those wounds.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Disney music is like Britney Spears and most generic pop.
You hate it, you flame for hours regarding it, you would even picket to have it banned.

You will still humm it if some bugger goes past with it playing on a hifi.

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil post=18.74738.845245 said:
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.845235 said:
Well, I feel that this thread has shown that the majority of Escapists hate Disney-backed music. The poll, right now, says that the amount of people that have any positive feelings for it are outnumbered 1.5 to 1 by those that don't give a monkey's uncle.
I bet 80% know the words to "The Bear Necessities" though. :)
The Jungle Book was from a better time. A time where Disney could do something truly brilliant, a job which has now been passed onto Pixar. As a result, I'm not ashamed to admit that I can sing the song, beginning to end, knowing almost all the words.

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
crivera37 post=18.74738.845212 said:
L1250 post=18.74738.845141 said:
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.845112 said:
Whoah. I just read that story there, and you damn well deserve to go eviscerating with us.
Thank you. I will cherish every moment.
room for 1 more? i have experience in all but not limited to: Extreme physical torture, creative ways to kill people, creative ways to humiliate and then kill people, a vast knowledge of the more .... entertaining methods of death used in history, the difference between actual music and the worst frickin tragedy to befall our great world, and high school level chemistry.
Of course you can join. Like I always say (okay I never say it, but it doesn't make it any less true): "You can never have enough people that hate Disney Channel". Your experience nets you bonus points. I suggest that we mass-produce copies of Nevan the guitar-sythe weapon from Devil May Cry 3 that creates lightning and bats to kill things when it's used to play real rock music and use them for our evisceration needs. It will be a painful death that is also quite ironic and sends a message to our soon-to-be-victims.
Feb 13, 2008
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.845254 said:
The_root_of_all_evil post=18.74738.845245 said:
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.845235 said:
Well, I feel that this thread has shown that the majority of Escapists hate Disney-backed music. The poll, right now, says that the amount of people that have any positive feelings for it are outnumbered 1.5 to 1 by those that don't give a monkey's uncle.
I bet 80% know the words to "The Bear Necessities" though. :)
The Jungle Book was from a better time. A time where Disney could do something truly brilliant, a job which has now been passed onto Pixar. As a result, I'm not ashamed to admit that I can sing the song, beginning to end, knowing almost all the words.
Ah, if we're talking old Disney vs. new Disney, then I agree completely.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
All mob mentality aside i simply can NOT comprehend what's so great about this stuff. not only that but it makes me mad. and to completely understand the severity of this post you must know this about me. i am just about the most passive guy within a 5 mile radius of anywhere. and im not very violent. in fact very few times have i ever even struck somebody. and if my sister said what L1250's said. i would have to give serious consideration to smacking somebody. A LOT. not my sister, i dont hit girls.


New member
Mar 29, 2008
Before continuing i have to, in the interest of full exclosure, mentioned that I was in the High School Musical stage show so i have somewhat a skewed veiw on the matter.

I have loved musicals from a young age and Disney is STILL a very good starting point as an introduction to anyone who's never seen any. It also fosters young talent (I like Zack Efron, he was brilliant in Firefly and Hairspray) and knows it's audience well enough to have worked out a formula that pleases them. it's worked for nearly as long as Disney has been around, and as the ol' saying goes, "If it ain't broke...."


New member
Aug 13, 2008
I don't dislike Disney's music; I dislike the masses that listen to it like it's become scripture to a new religion. Every SINGLE girl (with a lone exception) in my grade loves the Jonas Brothers, not for their music, but for their looks. That annoys me more than anything. The only hope that I can find from Disney's music is that the people listening to it will one day think, "Man, the Jonas Brothers are an awesome rock band! I wonder what other rock music there is," and hear better music, thus realizing that the most popular music just MAYBE isn't the best. Think of what the world would be like if more people had that philosophy.

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
crivera37 post=18.74738.845291 said:
and if my sister said what L1250's said. i would have to give serious consideration to smacking somebody. A LOT.
When it happened, I had to try so hard to resist the urge to, my eye started twitching uncontrollably.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
L1250 post=18.74738.845105 said:
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.844786 said:
conqueror Kenny post=18.74738.844771 said:
You know funny you should put the Jonas Brothers and Metallica, considering the Jonas bothers claimed to be better than Metallica ever was/is. Of course they didn't back it up, it's also now the hardest to find interview on the internet. But some know, and despise everything disney for reading that.
...they said that? Seriously?

Kenny, bring me my eviscerating knife. It's time to go eviscerating.
Sir, may I have the honor of eviscerating with you? I am filled with disgust for every single one of these god-awful excuses for "music" and the chance to eradicate them would bring great joy to me. If anyone does not believe that these... things are dumbing down the youth, please listen to this conversation I had with my younger sister who is clearly severely mentally ill when I played an AC/DC album:
Her: They're kind of like the Jonas Brothers.
Me: What?!
Her: Yeah, they sound a lot like the Jonas Brothers.
Me: WHAT?!
Her: Except the Jonas Brothers are way better.
Me: WHAT?!
It is truly sickening what the results of exposure to these abominations are.

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
ImmortalItalian post=18.74738.845462 said:
L1250 post=18.74738.845105 said:
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.844786 said:
conqueror Kenny post=18.74738.844771 said:
You know funny you should put the Jonas Brothers and Metallica, considering the Jonas bothers claimed to be better than Metallica ever was/is. Of course they didn't back it up, it's also now the hardest to find interview on the internet. But some know, and despise everything disney for reading that.
...they said that? Seriously?

Kenny, bring me my eviscerating knife. It's time to go eviscerating.
Sir, may I have the honor of eviscerating with you? I am filled with disgust for every single one of these god-awful excuses for "music" and the chance to eradicate them would bring great joy to me. If anyone does not believe that these... things are dumbing down the youth, please listen to this conversation I had with my younger sister who is clearly severely mentally ill when I played an AC/DC album:
Her: They're kind of like the Jonas Brothers.
Me: What?!
Her: Yeah, they sound a lot like the Jonas Brothers.
Me: WHAT?!
Her: Except the Jonas Brothers are way better.
Me: WHAT?!
It is truly sickening what the results of exposure to these abominations are.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
L1250 post=18.74738.845658 said:
ImmortalItalian post=18.74738.845462 said:
L1250 post=18.74738.845105 said:
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.844786 said:
conqueror Kenny post=18.74738.844771 said:
You know funny you should put the Jonas Brothers and Metallica, considering the Jonas bothers claimed to be better than Metallica ever was/is. Of course they didn't back it up, it's also now the hardest to find interview on the internet. But some know, and despise everything disney for reading that.
...they said that? Seriously?

Kenny, bring me my eviscerating knife. It's time to go eviscerating.
Sir, may I have the honor of eviscerating with you? I am filled with disgust for every single one of these god-awful excuses for "music" and the chance to eradicate them would bring great joy to me. If anyone does not believe that these... things are dumbing down the youth, please listen to this conversation I had with my younger sister who is clearly severely mentally ill when I played an AC/DC album:
Her: They're kind of like the Jonas Brothers.
Me: What?!
Her: Yeah, they sound a lot like the Jonas Brothers.
Me: WHAT?!
Her: Except the Jonas Brothers are way better.
Me: WHAT?!
It is truly sickening what the results of exposure to these abominations are.
Who can say a godly classic rock band...sucks to such a degree to be on the same level as the Fruitcake brothers.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
SargentToughie post=18.74738.845743 said:
*Pulls out vengence*

"We shall stop these bastards..."

"TO WAR!!!"
If only we could war such a massive....conglomerate... How about Gas all of Disney World first to show we don't want it around, then Disney Land, then massive buildings. Etc. Because if this continues a lot of those Disney Mutants are going to say they are better than Slash. -Gasp- I think my heart was screaming.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
You used an incredibly crap example. No matter what Disney has done, at least they didn't release Load, Reload, Garage INC, St Anger etc, and they didn't ruin the music industry through being utter prats like Lars 'Talentlessmidgetwhoridesonthesuccessofotherpeopleeventhoughhecantbebotheredtolearnthedrums' Ulrich.

Think of all the great Disney music like in Dumbo or Robin Hood...

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
AuntyEthel post=18.74738.845825 said:
Think of all the great Disney music like in Dumbo or Robin Hood...
Most people here have said that they liked the classic Disney movies and music. We're all filled with hate for the crap being made currently, not the old stuff.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Wow In another Thread someone has posted this... [http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v605/Alakxarann/?action=view&current=untitled-2.jpg]


New member
Oct 19, 2008
AuntyEthel post=18.74738.845825 said:
You used an incredibly crap example. No matter what Disney has done, at least they didn't release Load, Reload, Garage INC, St Anger etc, and they didn't ruin the music industry through being utter prats like Lars 'Talentlessmidgetwhoridesonthesuccessofotherpeopleeventhoughhecantbebotheredtolearnthedrums' Ulrich.

Think of all the great Disney music like in Dumbo or Robin Hood...
Shit Anger, -Grins-. Hey the Metallica thing is your opinion, and also we like the classic stuff, I mean they were very good, well put together, rather than this horrible crap...Jonas. -GAG-