Poll: Disney? In my music? It's more likely than I think...

The Sorrow

New member
Jan 27, 2008
Man the harpoons. The Jonas Brothers covered Take On Me.
*Loads Fat Boy*
In the name of a-ha, we must stop them! NOW!


New member
Oct 22, 2008
There is nothing really wrong with Disney music, everyone here is just trying to hold it to a standard that dosn't fit with Disney's target audience. For the average 10-15 year old, Disney is considered good music. For parents, Disney is considered a safer choice of music than slayer or metallica.

I will agree though that their music has changed from what it once was: friend like me, wish upon a star, the bear nessesities, these are great classic Disney songs. Now Disney is branching out into a more mainstream musical scene dominated for years by drug afflicted screaming people who swear every other word.

When you look at Disney's earlier attempts to push into mainstream music, ie The Cheetah Girls, you have to say they are improving as they go along. After the Cheetah Girls came Miley Cyrus, a test to see how much talent was actually needed to create one of their teen icons. Now the Jonas Brothers have come, bringing more talent (they can play instruments AND sing!), and I am sure that in a year or two the Jonas Brothers will be phased out for another teen musical experiment.
Feb 13, 2008
Bye goes my credibility...

I quite like Disney.

Yeah, you heard right. Some of their stuff is really great, and I'm old enough to remember T.R.O.N and Escape from Witch Mountain.

And even worse, I've heard Miley Cyrus cover a reasonable song. Despite being a corporate pawn, she's actually got an impressive vocal range, and if left to decent songs, could actually be a good singer.

As for most of the Disney rumours, SNOPES can put you right. No Alice-fixations, frozen heads or anti-semitics.

And to all the Disney haters, just remember that without Disney, we wouldn't have had Pixar in the position they are now.

However, High School Musical deserves to be burnt with fire.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
The Sorrow post=18.74738.844951 said:
Man the harpoons. The Jonas Brothers covered Take On Me.
*Loads Fat Boy*
In the name of a-ha, we must stop them! NOW!


New member
Mar 7, 2008
White_Knight post=18.74738.844973 said:
There is nothing really wrong with Disney music, everyone here is just trying to hold it to a standard that dosn't fit with Disney's target audience. For the average 10-15 year old, Disney is considered good music. For parents, Disney is considered a safer choice of music than slayer or metallica.

I will agree though that their music has changed from what it once was: friend like me, wish upon a star, the bear nessesities, these are great classic Disney songs. Now Disney is branching out into a more mainstream musical scene dominated for years by drug afflicted screaming people who swear every other word.

When you look at Disney's earlier attempts to push into mainstream music, ie The Cheetah Girls, you have to say they are improving as they go along. After the Cheetah Girls came Miley Cyrus, a test to see how much talent was actually needed to create one of their teen icons. Now the Jonas Brothers have come, bringing more talent (they can play instruments AND sing!), and I am sure that in a year or two the Jonas Brothers will be phased out for another teen musical experiment.
...a valid argument. My rebuttle...

BURN IT WITH FIRE! NOW! ([/bad humor])

It's hard for me to conciously make an argument here, mostly because everything I have to say would be based on hersay; I don't watch a lot of TV, and even less of Disney if I can help it.

I will admit, I am fond of some of their films; I enjoyed Toy Story as much as the next guy (can you honestly say you didn't?). I thought Tarzan was pretty cool. I thought The Emperor's New Groove was pretty funny.

I can't say a lot, besides I don't know a lot about it. I'm sure I could look something up, but I've no desire to. It's not something that interests me.

Oh, and Root_Of_All...Tron was fucking awesome. You lose no points by me for enjoying it.

Also, I think a central problem is that the majority of us don't listen to the kind of music Disney produces; we're talking about Metallica and Elvis, where The Jonas Brothers and Miley Cirus don't fit into that category (that category being pop, belive it or not). Let me explain this another way; Who here likes Aqua? They play that on my local pop station from time to time.

My final point is it is our right not to like something; when Disney starts hooking our minds up to brain-wiping machines, that's when I'll get out the M-16 and napalm.

Apologies Abound


New member
Mar 3, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil post=18.74738.844987 said:
Bye goes my credibility...

I quite like Disney.

Yeah, you heard right. Some of their stuff is really great, and I'm old enough to remember T.R.O.N and Escape from Witch Mountain.

And even worse, I've heard Miley Cyrus cover a reasonable song. Despite being a corporate pawn, she's actually got an impressive vocal range, and if left to decent songs, could actually be a good singer.

As for most of the Disney rumours, SNOPES can put you right. No Alice-fixations, frozen heads or anti-semitics.

And to all the Disney haters, just remember that without Disney, we wouldn't have had Pixar in the position they are now.

However, High School Musical deserves to be burnt with fire.
You shall be spared for making some good points, but if you EVER say Miley has talent, well, you better have some clever/badass last words like: "Hey, fellas! How about this for a headline in tomorrow's paper? 'French Fries'" (as said by James French on the electric chair) or "Now, now, my good man, this is no time for making enemies." (as said by Voltaire when a priest by his deathbed told him to renounce Satan)

P.S. Yes, I just wanted an excuse to use those quotes.
Feb 13, 2008
The_Logician19 post=18.74738.845046 said:
Oh, and Root_Of_All...Tron was fucking awesome. You lose no points by me for enjoying it.
And the strange thing is...It's STILL awesome, despite all the massive jumps of technology since.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
The whole "manufactured" pop process needs to die in a pit, but it's not disney's fault that it's an easy way to make money.

In fact... It's not Disney's fault that kids and preteens have such shit taste in music. Don't argue, it's goddamn well true. I liked complete shit from the ages 8-13, for fucks sake I liked SAVAGE GODDAMN GARDEN! I'm not proud of it, but I did, I was a kid, my taste in music was terrible.

Unfortunately Popular Music Taste is fickle and will always have its crap along with its gems, for every Beatles there is a Backstreet Boys, for every Feist there is a Miley Cyrus, for every Van Halen there is a Jonas Brothers etc.

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.844786 said:
conqueror Kenny post=18.74738.844771 said:
You know funny you should put the Jonas Brothers and Metallica, considering the Jonas bothers claimed to be better than Metallica ever was/is. Of course they didn't back it up, it's also now the hardest to find interview on the internet. But some know, and despise everything disney for reading that.
...they said that? Seriously?

Kenny, bring me my eviscerating knife. It's time to go eviscerating.
Sir, may I have the honor of eviscerating with you? I am filled with disgust for every single one of these god-awful excuses for "music" and the chance to eradicate them would bring great joy to me. If anyone does not believe that these... things are dumbing down the youth, please listen to this conversation I had with my younger sister who is clearly severely mentally ill when I played an AC/DC album:
Her: They're kind of like the Jonas Brothers.
Me: What?!
Her: Yeah, they sound a lot like the Jonas Brothers.
Me: WHAT?!
Her: Except the Jonas Brothers are way better.
Me: WHAT?!
It is truly sickening what the results of exposure to these abominations are.

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil post=18.74738.845062 said:
The_Logician19 post=18.74738.845046 said:
Oh, and Root_Of_All...Tron was fucking awesome. You lose no points by me for enjoying it.
And the strange thing is...It's STILL awesome, despite all the massive jumps of technology since.
I don't think anyone here is debating that.
PedroSteckecilo post=18.74738.845073 said:
The whole "manufactured" pop process needs to die in a pit, but it's not disney's fault that it's an easy way to make money.
As much as I hate to admit it, it isn't their fault.

L1250 post=18.74738.845105 said:
Sir, may I have the honor of eviscerating with you?
Whoah. I just read that story there, and you damn well deserve to go eviscerating with us.


New member
May 28, 2008
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.844786 said:
conqueror Kenny post=18.74738.844771 said:
You know funny you should put the Jonas Brothers and Metallica, considering the Jonas bothers claimed to be better than Metallica ever was/is. Of course they didn't back it up, it's also now the hardest to find interview on the internet. But some know, and despise everything disney for reading that.
...they said that? Seriously?

Kenny, bring me my eviscerating knife. It's time to go eviscerating.
Oh I'm coming with you. A knife isn't enough though. I was thinking red hot poker and a variety of acids. Those dumb shits need to get a grip on life...through pain. A considerable amount of pain.
Feb 13, 2008
The thing is...look at what happened to Disney girl Britney Spears...

And I'd rather have a hundred Miley Cyrus's than one Lily Allen.

Oh, and which one of you still has a well-hidden record of Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, Sandie Shaw, The Monkees etc., huh?

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.845112 said:
Whoah. I just read that story there, and you damn well deserve to go eviscerating with us.
Thank you. I will cherish every moment.

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil post=18.74738.845132 said:
Oh, and which one of you still has a well-hidden record of Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, Sandie Shaw, The Monkees etc., huh?
...I'm sorry, I think that's just you.
Feb 13, 2008
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.845145 said:
The_root_of_all_evil post=18.74738.845132 said:
Oh, and which one of you still has a well-hidden record of Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, Sandie Shaw, The Monkees etc., huh?
...I'm sorry, I think that's just you.
Go on, ask your mum which record you were dancing to at age 9 or so, I dare you. :)

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil post=18.74738.845165 said:
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.845145 said:
The_root_of_all_evil post=18.74738.845132 said:
Oh, and which one of you still has a well-hidden record of Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, Sandie Shaw, The Monkees etc., huh?
...I'm sorry, I think that's just you.
Go on, ask your mum which record you were dancing to at age 9 or so, I dare you. :)
I think I shall stand down on that count, good sir.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
L1250 post=18.74738.845141 said:
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.845112 said:
Whoah. I just read that story there, and you damn well deserve to go eviscerating with us.
Thank you. I will cherish every moment.
room for 1 more? i have experience in all but not limited to: Extreme physical torture, creative ways to kill people, creative ways to humiliate and then kill people, a vast knowledge of the more .... entertaining methods of death used in history, the difference between actual music and the worst frickin tragedy to befall our great world, and high school level chemistry.
Feb 13, 2008
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.845177 said:
I think I shall stand down on that count, good sir.
Heh, that's the thing, we all have really naff stuff in our past, but we've grown into proper music lovers. I'm not afraid of HSM as it's just FAME, the rebirth.

NM, it'll soon be gone.