Poll: Do you believe in ghosts?


New member
May 12, 2011
xshadowscreamx said:
i want to believe, i dont want nothingness in death..its unfair and cruel
Reality is Unfair and cruel To me death is like a long sleep that you will never awakan from


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Sure, why not. I don't believe in Heaven, so unless we do just fade out of existence after death, I find the thought of ghosthood slightly...relaxing. Better than some place where everything is supposed to be good and happy. That would get boring real quick-like.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
I hope they're real and they populate taco bells to literally scare the shit out of people

Captcha: lumpy gravy


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
I am on the fence about ghosts but there was something that happened between my brother and I that is rather creepy. Me and my brother went to bed after sneaking around the local graveyard after hours and then the weirdness ensued. I woke up to find an almost spectral like figure hovering over my brother, a white cloaked grim reaper if you will. Given my affinity to such oddities, even at eight I was not in the least afraid. Moments later I woke up with my brother sreaming his lungs out. After my grandparents calmed him down he vividly described the exact same figure hovering over top of him in his own dream.

So what was it? Muttering in our sleep subconsciously acknowledged, a coincidence, some sort of electromagnetic transfer between our two brains, a real ghost. ;-) Hell if I know but it is not something I lose sleep over nor consider evidence of anything remarkable. Just a childhood oddity.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
DoPo said:
Hazy992 said:
No. There's no real evidence to suggest they exist and unless the day comes where there is evidence, I won't believe in them.
But think about it - there is nothing to disprove ghosts. What if hallucinations are actually caused by ghosts and all that?
There's nothing that can disprove god. What if hallucinations are actually caused by god and all that?

^Note the similarity.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I'm not sure, the logical part of my brain tells me that I shouldn't, but part of me thinks it is possible. I mean there are a couple of things that make me want to believe.

I have mentioned before that I work as an undertaker and often I have to go out at night to collect someone who has died in a nursing home or their own home. This involves me going to to where I work to collect the car that we use to transport the deceased. I'm not saying it happens every time, but every now and then I get the overwhelming feeling that I am being watched by something and often that it doesn't want me there.

Now this could be my mind reacting to the where I am at a late hour, but whatever it is, needless to say, I don't hang around for too long.

Another time, about 10 years ago I was working in a bar, it had got to that point on a Sunday where everyone had gone home and I had cleaned up and was waiting for the arsehole that was my manager to turn up and lock the place up. So I'm just kinda chilling out on the sofas, but I can't see the door and all of a sudden I hear someone walking across the wooden floor towards the bar, I get up to see if its a customer or at least my manager turned up early for once. There is no one there, I look around the place check the toilets if someone has gone in there. No one. That was a fun wait for the dickhead manager.


New member
Jul 10, 2011
I want to believe in ghosts, sure. The thought of some supernatural presence excites me to be honest, it's something out of the ordinary and something that you just wouldn't expect to happen.

But yes, I do believe in them. Not the Scooby Doo style ghosts, but something that could communicate after death. Not sure what though.

Also; this might get mixed results but, are Ouiji boards serious or what?


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I guess it's possible seeing as there are other dimensions, so I wouldn't rule it out. But it does seem very unlikely so I'll just stick to show me proof.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Their's no point in assuming they exist unless you can prove them. Otherwise you would have to spend time avoiding all kinds of un-disprovable incorporeal beings as well.

Considering our entire bank of memory and personality exist only as a function of our brain, what exactly would these ghosts have? And why would they act like us, or even look like us?

The fact the we cannot disprove ghosts pales compared to all the other logical problems with their existence.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Why is it that only people wearing Victorian clothing come back as ghosts?

There was an estimate made in 1995 that there have been 106 billion humans since our evolution, where the hell are all the ghosts hiding, the world should be packed with ghosts, and that's only humans, where are all the cows, birds and dinosaur ghosts?

There are simply too many questions surrounding the subject and zero evidence.

Whilst I'm here let's also state a fact about Ouija boards (or the more popular spelling WeeGee boards). The most basic fact to know is that they are owned by Hasbro Inc. the same people that make My Little Pony and Monopoly amongst others. Ouija boards are a game meant for kids, with no way of being able to contact the dead.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
No. This is one of those things I won't believe until I experience it.

My landlady and ex-girlfriend both believe in ghosts from personal experiences.
I have no reason to believe they're lying, but I'm not convinced either.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Bang Kaboom Ferrell said:
xshadowscreamx said:
i want to believe, i dont want nothingness in death..its unfair and cruel
Reality is Unfair and cruel To me death is like a long sleep that you will never awakan from
Hell if you are super luck you may get a dream that, to you will span thousands upon thousands of years but was just a minute.


I don't want death to be forever slumber, but I would be lying to say that ghosts are real.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I'm not really sure. I do believe that there are plenty of phenomena that we have no way of explaining though.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
Depends in what you mean by ghosts. If you mean phenomena for which there isn't a scientific explanation yet, then yes, why not. There's a lot of things in the world we just don't know everything about yet. If you mean creepy dead people coming to haunt us. No.


New member
Jul 19, 2008
MaxiP62 said:
I want to believe in ghosts, sure. The thought of some supernatural presence excites me to be honest, it's something out of the ordinary and something that you just wouldn't expect to happen.

But yes, I do believe in them. Not the Scooby Doo style ghosts, but something that could communicate after death. Not sure what though.

Also; this might get mixed results but, are Ouiji boards serious or what?
Apparently. My secondary school had a policy against 'black magic'.

I shit you not.

But no, no I don't. I've always lived in old houses, I once sat on a highwayman's unmarked grave and nothing supernatural has ever happened to me. Combined with the scientific explanations for most of the things that are apparently ghosts, I'm more sceptical of it than I am of religion or deities.


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
Hahaha. Hell fucking no. Even contemplating on the matter is ridiculous.
That is my stance.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
Yep. But then... I believe in a lot of things that people delight in telling me don't exist. It doesn't bother me that people don't believe what I do, in fact, I couldn't care less, it just bothers me when people say I can't believe in these things or try and shoot them down with the 'because they just can't exist' argument. No backup. No nothing.

For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure I've seen one, but as much as that would have been pretty awesome, it could have been any number of things at the time.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Hazy992 said:
DoPo said:
Just pointing stuff out. The ghosts exist in an indeterminate state - nothing really points toward their existence or non-existence. I think we can draw a conclusion from that, though - Schrodinger is not having a really fun time after his death.
Now you're getting into 'you can't prove a negative' territory. The logical stance is to not assume existence until there's evidence otherwise.
Hazy, your skills with the keyboard are only matched by your logical mind (and saiyan powers)