Poll: Do you like germany?


New member
Dec 10, 2009
The place of my birth.

Fantastic beer. Fantastic food. Fantastically made cars.

heheheh....captcha = windows anime

DVS Storm

New member
Jul 13, 2009
Rammstein. That band alone makes me love Germany. I also want to visit there at some point and learn the language a bit.


New member
Nov 8, 2009
FuktLogik said:
There's plenty to love about Germany, and plenty to hate.
this'll probably just be /thread.

I AM german, so i love the country, hate the history, but i love the food/beer/women.
and the fact that you wake up middle of summer, its 70 degrees outside, no humidity. I don't like living in Georgia...


New member
Sep 22, 2009
The only gripe is a lack of queues/lines. Apparently (according to Germans I know and people who've visited) there's no such thing. It's more like a bar, where you all just stand as close to the serving area as possible and it's a sort of charisma check as to who get's served first.

Otherwise, you're pretty much awesome, your cars are brilliant, you're bloody efficient, and not nearly as rude as people say you are. (In fact working in hospitality, the Germans were nicer than the Brits, who're supposed to be polite. It's probably because they thought I was a convict.)


New member
Jun 20, 2009
I am German, so...eh, I guess it's okay. We seriously need to do something about our censorship laws, however. And your education system. And about left-wing extremist groups.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
I don't know much about Germany except for the usual (Frankfurter, leiderhosen, Rammstein, Nazis, etc, etc)


New member
Aug 9, 2009
neonsword13-ops said:
I am part german soo.... nien?

They're people that speak another language and make some pretty cool cars. They are like every one else.
Nein*. You sure you're part German? xD

OT: Why wouldn't I?


New member
Jul 26, 2008
I lived in Bavaria for 5 years. Wonderful food. Wonderful countryside. Wonderful people. Wonderful Health Care System. I'd still be living there if there university system were more like the US system and if Augsburg had decent Mexican food. :)


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Rainforce said:
BloodRed Pixel said:
That´s violent EXTREME RIGHT groups!

the difference:
left wing violence is beating up Neo Nazies and demonstrating against the nuclear power plant mafia and other goverment activities that cater to the lobbyists and not to the people.

right wing violence is burning down immmigration asylums and their inhabitants beating up homeless people and smearing Hakenkreuz-Symbols on jewish graveyards is their least crime.

Being a FASCHIST is not an attitude - it´s a crime.
wow, you're full of propaganda.
in the end, it doesn't matter, as both groups burn houses, cars, and everything else down that comes into their path.

on topic: being from germany myself, I think it's ok, politicians are weird but generally better than in the US. Although football is faaar to popular and sexist.
I´m a german myself and while I consider myself politically in the left spectrum I hate extremism in general. It´s not okay to say the left wing is as bad as the right wing, though. They often attract some wrong people, but they don´t preach hatred like neonazis do. The funny thing is that them nazis always disqualify themself when they win an election. They are just too stupid to reign anything. =)

On topic: I find Germany okay. I love the old cities, the food, the girls and the philosophical and literarily background (Goethe, Schiller, Nietzsche, Kant) as well as the arts (Bauhaus, Dadaism). I also have a big weakspot for goths. Germany is still very big when it comes to gothic and metal.

What I don´t like is the lack of irony (Sometimes humor in general, especially by the older people. But then again if I had survived the Third Reich...), the actual government, the stupid, stupid, stupid tv (Didn´t watch for quite some time. I was very surprised about the quality of american tv shows when I later started watching again, though. Heard Italy is the bottom line when it comes to stupid television.), and the overall Zeitgeist.

But then again: I shouldn´t complain. I´m agreeably surprised that so many people seem to like our small country anyway! =)

Sn1P3r M98

New member
May 30, 2010
Never been there, but all the awesome music, food, and guns that come from Germany make it seem like a cool place.
Sep 14, 2009
what's not to like?

I've learned more than enough german to get around if needed be, and we have had tons of german foreign exchange students come from germany, in which they were all awesome, so i'm sure someday soon i will visit and greatly enjoy it there.


New member
May 23, 2010
Perhaps add some middle ground between "no" and "Hell yeah"?

I'm sort of annoyed with Germany because of their censorship, but other than that, I don't mind.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
Zeitgeist1983 said:
I´m a german myself and while I consider myself politically in the left spectrum I hate extremism in general. It´s not okay to say the left wing is as bad as the right wing, though. They often attract some wrong people, but they don´t preach hatred like neonazis do. The funny thing is that them nazis always disqualify themself when they win an election. They are just too stupid to reign anything. =)
Left extremists don't propagate hatred unlike neo-nazis?
Excuse me, but they propagate hatred against right extremists (why should that be an exception?), the government, the police, the "social elite", the "imperialists", the "capitalists" and many more; just because they don't preach against a certain race doesn't make them any better.

The far left definitely has to be compared to the far right, in fact, it's arguably even worse because the far left has more members.
The moderate left might be okay, but so is the moderate right. Comparing the moderate left to right-extremists, however, doesn't make a lot of sense.