Poll: Do you plan on buying a next gen console?


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Nope. Transitioned from Nintendo handhelds to Nintendo consoles to Microsoft consoles throughout my years of gaming. I've always had a PC with some games on it at all points, but now it seems like I'm going to actually make the dive and get a PC GAMING RIG this console generation. All my gaming friends have had xboxes in the past so I've been playing on one, even though I greatly prefer the playstation for plenty of different reasons. But now seeing as both of the consoles are going to be nothing more that expensive social media and television machines, I'm definitely going to be going full PC with some DS on the side.

Edit: Just remembered that Nintendo released a "console" this generation too. Nope, not getting a Wii U ever.


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
I'm on the fence.

Right now I've mostly converted to PC gaming, and the only console that really has my interest is the WiiU. The only problem with the WiiU is its lack of games, hence why I haven't gotten one.

The PS4, I'm not sue about. The PS4 reveal wasn't all that interesting, but historically Sony has good exclusives so we'll see. Lack of backwards compatibility hurts it for me though. I barely have enough room for consoles I already have, much less 3 different PlayStation generations.

The Xbox One I already made my mind up about a long time before it was even announced. I don't want Microsoft's next console. There really aren't any exclusives that interest me anymore(We'll see if they can manage to fix that at E3). Then there is the subscription fee for basic online features that are free on all other platforms, and I've had bad experiences with their customer service. Combine that with the other stuff they're doing with the Xbone and all I can say is "nope".

Microsoft is going to have to pull something amazing out of their ass at E3 for me to even glance at them.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
I've been a console gamer all my life. I've always been put off by the long installs, the lag, things crashing or being ridden with bugs with no solution, having to be online frequently for multiple reasons, and things of that nature.

This cycle, I'm finally taking my first step into the PC gaming world because consoles are incorporating more and more of those disadvantages while picking up new ones and eliminating many of the draws of a console.


New member
Jul 26, 2010
PC's don't have new generations. We simply upgrade.

You can't play your old games on it? How sad...I'm playing Mario 3 on an emulator. Motion controls? I've got my mouse for that! PC Master Race FTW!!

Ha, ha...please don't report me


New member
Aug 9, 2009
I've briefly contemplated the PS4 but I use my PS3 so little it's almost not worth having. I'll stick with the PC instead.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Going to be getting a Wii U when there's a slight price drop and maybe a ps4 down the road but I'm not really ecstatic of my recently built rig because I hate all the bugs and Driver issues but I'm more confident with Sony and Nintendo this time around compared to what Microsoft has shown thus far.


New member
May 13, 2010
No. If my current plans for employment go exceptionally well (which I doubt) I may buy one when I have a ridiculous amount of expendable income.

Otherwise I will just wait for the PS4 to go down in price years down the line and play MGS: Ground Zeroes. The only reason I bought my PS3 was for MGS4. It's been collecting dust for many years now and I bought it 3 years ago.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Yep. My flatmate has a Wii U, and that's pretty fun, although we're waiting on more games. Nothing bad has been said about the PS4 yet, so no reason to not get that, and eventually, I'll have to get the XBone if I want to play Halo 5. Depending on how the console works years down the track, I might just end up hiring one out if it's possible.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
I am so game rich from all the steam sales! I literally have (the bare minimum of 2 to have an s at the end) hundreds of games I have yet to play. A hand full of the ones I play are the ones that last crazy long: Garry's mod, Counter-Strike, TF2, Binding of Isaac, WoW, GTA4 not to mention all the PC free to plays (woops TF2) Black Light Retribution, SMITE, LoL.

In short no, because my PC is bursting at the seams from all the long lasting, &/or dirt cheap games.
I may reconsider once the next-next gen comes out & the games for next gen are dirt cheap & have had shown their true colors. Like the way Modern Warfare 2 got a 10/10 & we all know how shitty that game truly turned out to be.


New member
Sep 30, 2011
I certainly will, but I don't know which yet. Need to do more research, and I'm not liking what I'm hearing about the Xbox.

If the Kinect is indeed mandatory, and not something I can unplug and chuck back in the box, then I will likely skip the Xbox entirely.

I haven't read enough on the PS4 to know what the PS Eye's (or whatever it's called) role is, but again, if it's mandatory, then it's possible I'm skipping the next gen entirely.

Will have to look into becoming a PC gamer.

Zen Bard

Eats, Shoots and Leaves
Sep 16, 2012
Probably not.

At this point, there are no new titles that are piquing my interest. And certainly none for Next Gen.

So, I'll probably just hang on to my 360 and buy some "older" games when the prices come down.

Or, maybe I'll buy them used...just to piss off Microsoft.

And I'll probably go back and build a PC for gaming. That seems like the more innovative environment these days...


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2012
As it currently stands, they don't interest me. But thats because right now, they are splurging on details about their social features, "Integration", and then the internet is filling the gaps with fear and Code Red empties. Once E3 comes around and all these developers can unveil their titles, my decision just may be decided on whether the titles that catch my eyes, are available on either the current generation machines, or my awesome PC rig (Come on Destiny, you WANT the PC market! XD)

As far as which machine? Well I've always liked the feel of the Xbox controller, but I'd probably just buy the system that fits my needs better.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
At this moment in time, I would have to say no. Nothing about the specs has really caught my eye and there hasn't been much mention of games. That could change when E3 rolls around.(My thoughts on buying a next gen console)
Apr 24, 2008
Yuuki said:
The "lack of interest" is about as widespread as these forums.

You'll be surprised how many console buyers barely even surf the internet outside Facebook, there are untold millions of people who will buy next-gen consoles purely due to the fact they are next-gen.
I could completely believe this was true.

I don't tend to plan purchases six-months in advance and based on little-to-no information. To be real though, I'll likely pick one up("one" being PS4 not "xbox one") because time marches on, and the current gen is getting tired.


New member
Jan 25, 2012
If anything I'm thinking about getting a PS3 and play some of the games I've missed over the years. None of the new consoles interest me enough to think about buying but I'll wait and see what games they have at release before I plan anything.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
Good poll, for some reason I thought less people were keen on buying a next gen console.

Me? I'll just stick to pc gaming as I always have, but if the PS4 turns out nicely I might get one down the road. XBone and Wii U def. not though.


New member
Oct 13, 2011
*largely redundant response from a member of the PC Gaming Master Race*

I've never actually bought a console, and I haven't had one in the house since the PS1 I shared with my siblings in high school.

More to the point though, I haven't seen anything about this latest generation that's likely to make me want to change my mind. It's possible I might get on board with the following generation when my (now nine-month-old) son is old enough to show an interest I guess but for the moment I don't see the point in switching.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Yes I already have a wiiU. I might get a PS4 after a while... that's up in the air. I honestly can't see any reason to get one now. Maybe if they bring back Crash Bandicoot or some other games I want to play. Maybe if some cool indie games come out on it, or maybe if they make a more expensive BC model to encourage people to upgrade.

There isn't a single reason to buy an Xbone One.. Not One, and that's coming from someone who primarily used a 360 this last gen. Having decent games on it won't make up for the required-abuse you must take just to use this system.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
I'm sure I'll buy an Xbox eventually, to play Destiny, future Halo games, possibly future Mass Effect games, definitively whatever Irrational makes next and hopefully some cool new IPs.

I don't care about backwards compatibility, refusal of used games is pretty fair imo (even though it's nice, for me, to be able to borrow games from friends) so the always on thing is pretty much my biggest gripe, and that doesn't seem close to settled yet. We'll see.