Poll: Do you smoke?

Grabbin Keelz

New member
Jun 3, 2009
I never want to get into smoking at all, but a lot of my friends smoke and I don't get on their ass about it.

Why is it that everyone I know who smokes pot is cool, not peer pressure cool but like actually cool? It's hard to say smoking joints is bad when everyone that does it is so damn awesome.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
None, but my friend and boss does. It helps him destress and honestly, working IT with him, I can understand why he needs it.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
I am alergic to Cigarettes
I have a family history of schizophrenia
I don't want to risk a skizophrenic break
I don't like my sinuses burning
No, I don't smoke


Kid makes a post...
Jun 1, 2009
I do when I've had a lot to drink. I just enjoy it, but don't want to make a habit of it.

But I don't drink anymore, so that would be a negative.

But I'm fine with cigars.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
I've started freebasing heroine and crystal meth. Sometimes both at the same time. It's a lot better than I expected.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
I smoke cigarettes extremely rarely. Mostly, it's a nervous thing to do with hands in some social situations, with the added bonus that you can use it to stall when you can't think of a response in a conversation. I'm pretty comfortable in most social situations, but I feel the need to do something with my hands most of the time. That's true of non-social situations too though I suppose.

Smoking pot is more just relaxation, the same way some people have a couple glasses of wine after finishing with work and responsibilities for the day.

It's worth mentioning that while SMOKING pot is clearly bad for you, at least in the short and medium term (as is inhaling essentially anything that was on fire), vaporizing or baking it into food has truly no established negative effects. There are short term effects of course, but even the decreased lung capacity from smoking (and potentially from vaporizing) goes away eventually. Add to that the fact that there's no evidence of carcinogens in the smoke (though I'm extremely sceptical of the "curing some forms of cancer" nonsense some have bought into), and you've got a pretty harmless substance. Certainly safer than alcohol or tobacco. Hell, though it's become a trite comparison, from what we know both medically and statistically, it's indisputably a safer drug than coffee.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
I smoke English Ovals, which are an absolute ***** to find and expensive as hell, which probably explains why I only smoke a couple of times a year.


I Love You.
Apr 16, 2010
Grabbin Keelz said:
Why is it that everyone I know who smokes pot is cool, not peer pressure cool but like actually cool? It's hard to say smoking joints is bad when everyone that does it is so damn awesome.
I would shy away from saying "everyone", but you know some cool people I guess :D. Everyone I know that smokes marijuana because they like it* is the same way. Just some of the nicest, most amicable people that I've ever met. I know that I personally go out of my way more to be kind to people when I'm high, and usually people are kinder to me in turn. So it sorta works out, I guess haha.

*I've learned that its always the people who smoke out of peer pressure who aren't very fun to be around.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
ClassicJokester said:
Grabbin Keelz said:
Why is it that everyone I know who smokes pot is cool, not peer pressure cool but like actually cool? It's hard to say smoking joints is bad when everyone that does it is so damn awesome.
I would shy away from saying "everyone", but you know some cool people I guess :D. Everyone I know that smokes marijuana because they like it* is the same way. Just some of the nicest, most amicable people that I've ever met. I know that I personally go out of my way more to be kind to people when I'm high, and usually people are kinder to me in turn. So it sorta works out, I guess haha.

*I've learned that its always the people who smoke out of peer pressure who aren't very fun to be around.
I dont get why you would smoke out of peer pressure. Almost everyone I know does it because you know its fun?


New member
Oct 8, 2007
smoking is a horrible habbit I never have and never will and I cant stand second hand smoke either eurghh.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
Well I smoke the excellent cigar now and then...with the cigarette on social occasion, but considering most of my friends have buggered off lately, it's an essential 'quit'.