Poll: Do you think it's rude to text in movie theaters?


New member
Mar 23, 2011
Too many variables. If you are at the back of the movies with no sound then you really cant be bothering anyone so I dont care.

If the sound is on and stuff, then it is rude.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Arluza said:
Yes. the light from the screen bothers me when I'm in a movie. If I know I might get an important call or text during a show, I will sit near the back row to not bother people.

Basically, my rule for everything in life is "Don't be THAT guy."
However ...

I grew up in an age where important phonecalls and letters were the only thing you might have to wait for, and you certainly couldn't get them in a cinema or sit around waiting for them. Just disconnect. If someone has structured their life in such a way that a text to ANYBODY can't be set aside for 2 hours. That's really sad.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Inkidu said:
shewolf51 said:
I would definitely consider it rude. If there was a system to keep track of which phone belonged to which person and there was something to prevent theft, I certainly wouldn't be against cell phones being taken away at the entrance of the screen room.
You know what makes that infinitely sadder? He paid money to sit in a dark room and tap on a phone while annoying other people.
That is sad. If the prices elsewhere are anything similar to my local cinema then that is just a waste of $10. Unless it's a chick flick, then the money was wasted the moment the ticket was paid for.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
If you somehow made it through the (usually hilarious) messages that explicitly tell you to put your damn phone away, and you still have your damn phone out, then you're a douche bag.

Do not text, call, or otherwise fiddle with your bloody phone in the middle of a film.

If it's important, you can damn well get up and leave the theater; if it isn't important, then you have no excuse in the first place - you are bothering other people and ignoring the rules of common courtesy you self-entitled jackass. Put your phone away and watch the bloody movie - it's why you're in the bloody theater in the first place.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
shewolf51 said:
Inkidu said:
shewolf51 said:
I would definitely consider it rude. If there was a system to keep track of which phone belonged to which person and there was something to prevent theft, I certainly wouldn't be against cell phones being taken away at the entrance of the screen room.
You know what makes that infinitely sadder? He paid money to sit in a dark room and tap on a phone while annoying other people.
That is sad. If the prices elsewhere are anything similar to my local cinema then that is just a waste of $10. Unless it's a chick flick, then the money was wasted the moment the ticket was paid for.
Eh.. I don't know about that. If he paid ten dollars in the hopes of tapping some his significant other's backside, well that is money well spent, even on the off chance.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Inkidu said:
shewolf51 said:
Inkidu said:
shewolf51 said:
I would definitely consider it rude. If there was a system to keep track of which phone belonged to which person and there was something to prevent theft, I certainly wouldn't be against cell phones being taken away at the entrance of the screen room.
You know what makes that infinitely sadder? He paid money to sit in a dark room and tap on a phone while annoying other people.
That is sad. If the prices elsewhere are anything similar to my local cinema then that is just a waste of $10. Unless it's a chick flick, then the money was wasted the moment the ticket was paid for.
Eh.. I don't know about that. If he paid ten dollars in the hopes of tapping some his significant other's backside, well that is money well spent, even on the off chance.
Eh true. I had meant in general, but if that person is going with a significant other then that can be seen as a worthy cause.

It also makes me feel extremely fortunate to be a tomboy, that way I'll (hopefully) never have to lay eyes on a chick flick...except for that one time my friend dragged me along with her to see Twilight.


New member
May 10, 2011
Yeah, but there are worse things. Like talking throughout the movie or eating loudly.

People where I live always talk during films. I don't understand why, it is pretty expensive for the ticket alone and the food is perhaps the most over priced in the city. Why would you spend all that money just to sit down, talk to your friends and make fun of the film the whole time?


New member
Mar 14, 2011
It is a little inconsiderate even without sound. It's not nearly as bad as having a conversation on the phone, but it can be distracting to those sitting behind them. Of course, if the movie is really that good, I don't see how they would become so distracted by a mere cell phone screen two rows ahead.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
As long as there's no sound and you're not letting the light shine in other people's faces or laughing at the texts you're reading, knock yourself out.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
I guess it all depends. If I don't notice it, I won't care, but I've been in a movie where the guy had the brightness all the way up on his phone and it was pretty damn distracting.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
They tell you to turn off your phones for a reason. It's rude and distracting to other audience members.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Yes and cheeseburger. I don't like going in the theatre were a little light goes off every five seconds!


New member
Feb 18, 2011
As long as you're not next to me or directly in front of me, then no.
Phone screens can be really bright though. Much more than I imagined.
IronicBeet said:
As long as there's no sound and you're not letting the light shine in other people's faces or laughing at the texts you're reading, knock yourself out.
Basically all this and a bag of burgers.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
yes. It's rude to text, the screen's light is distracting, and I'm paying money to for the movie theater experience, not just the movie. Watching a movie in a movie theater with people in it automatically makes it to some degree a social situation.

Turn off your damn phones.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Someone participating in an SMS "conversation" while watching a movie in a cinema between alerts has more money than sense really.
Even if that person has their phone to silent, the constant clicking and poking of keys (touch screen or physical) is going to be a nuisance to people surrounding them, me included.

So yeah it is generally rude and discourteous. It's not far sin-wise from whispering constantly or just constant chatter really. Some people can't see the wood from the trees and sadly don't understand how they're disrupting other folk's enjoyment of the film


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
People pay their hard earned cash to sit through some form of entertainment. They are wasting this money by not paying attention.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
If you're in the back row and relatively alone, go nuts. Otherwise, it's generally too bright, sadly.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Yes. There once was a girl sitting next to me, texting. I nearly grabbed her phone and threw it across the room. But I'm not rude...I hope. I just growled at her, quietly, and she got the hint.