But that means you are assuming that Yahtzee fans and MLP fans together make up 193.6% of the Escapist userbase according to your logic! What about people who dislike both? Why is it above 100%! I'm so confused!Redingold said:I don't have to. Overlap doesn't affect the maths here. If 70.3% of people = 1147 people, then 2013 people = 123.3%, regardless of overlap. Even if all 1147 bronies are in the Yahtzee club, the total number of Yahtzee fans is still 123.3% of people, apparently.TimeLord said:That's not how logic works! You're not accounting for Yathzee/MLP overlap like myself.Redingold said:Wow, those poll results can't be accurate. If 70.3% of people watch the show, and there are 1147 bronies (at least) on the Escapist, then Yahtzee, who has 2013 people in his fanclub, is watched by 123.3% of people.
Anyway, I do watch the show, read the fanfics, browse the artwork, et cetera, et hoc genus omne.
For that matter, why not compare MLP and LRR fans? I'm confused as to why you picked ZP fans other than them being the only other group with more fans.