Huh? The show never changed, Lauren created it for everyone right from the start. The team even said that they would never change what made it popular in the first place.Orks da best said:Edit: also the show has changed since it learn it had a more older fanbase, though it was likely aimed for little girls at the start, nowadays I think its more for everyone.
Hey, you don't happen to be the creator of the Friendly Twilight tumblr, or do you just happen to like that image?Coldster said:My Little Pony? What kind of person would ever watch a show with that kind of concept? >_>
let me fix that for youleet_x1337 said:I'd watch more but I can't find any Season 2 episodes (past the ones with Discord), and I've already finished Season 1...
I just happen to know the person. =)The Rookie Gamer said:I quite enjoy the show, and the fanfiction, and the fan music...
Yeah, I might be a bit of a fanboy.
But seriously, the Tumblr accounts they have are awesome.
Hey, you don't happen to be the creator of the Friendly Twilight tumblr, or do you just happen to like that image?Coldster said:My Little Pony? What kind of person would ever watch a show with that kind of concept? >_>
Thanks! Will get right on that!Amphoteric said:let me fix that for youleet_x1337 said:I'd watch more but I can't find any Season 2 episodes (past the ones with Discord), and I've already finished Season 1...
Here you go:leet_x1337 said:I'd watch more but I can't find any Season 2 episodes (past the ones with Discord), and I've already finished Season 1...
Don Savik said:Stop with these pony threads. Pretty sure some already exist. Kthxbai
so ... you 2 just reacted to 'pony'? didn't stop to consider it was made by a pony hater to troll with?Togs said:Please not another goddamn pony thread, next time use the search function for the countless horde of previous topics.
If you want somewhere to gush and squee about a kids tv show the escapist has its own forum group, which again the use of the search function could find.
Thanks to you too.Bubble Berry said:Here you go:leet_x1337 said:I'd watch more but I can't find any Season 2 episodes (past the ones with Discord), and I've already finished Season 1...
Doesn't matter the intent, the same thing happens to all pony threads. There's some that already exist if you NEED to talk about MLP. Fact is they need to stop.Kitsuna10060 said:Don Savik said:Stop with these pony threads. Pretty sure some already exist. Kthxbaiso ... you 2 just reacted to 'pony'? didn't stop to consider it was made by a pony hater to troll with?Togs said:Please not another goddamn pony thread, next time use the search function for the countless horde of previous topics.
If you want somewhere to gush and squee about a kids tv show the escapist has its own forum group, which again the use of the search function could find.
pro tip: it very much likely is, good job falling for it -.-
How could you miss us?Private Custard said:I'm just gonna come right out and say it.
Male. No. Bronies..........What. The. Fuck. ??