Poll: Do you watch My Little Pony:FIM?


New member
Oct 20, 2009
I gave it a shot and actually liked it. I'll admit I watched the entire first season on YouTube. I personally liked it enough to get the season 2 pass on iTunes.

EDIT: Male, btw


New member
Oct 25, 2009
No. Saw a few episodes, doesn't live up to the hype for me.

I'd much rather watch Adventure Time


New member
Sep 29, 2011
GundamSentinel said:
A bit biased poll option. I don't watch the show, but I don't hate it either. To each his own.
Yes, correct! I don't watch the show and I don't hate it either, I just hate the proselytizing mass of disgusting fan boys.
As comparisson: I'm not hating Fox News, rather the stupid ones who watch and believe them.
Sep 14, 2009
Warlord Timmy said:
I do not like MLP. I summon forth mighty elephants to derail this thread.

sorry was just too tempting ;]

but no..

i watch some weird stuff, but MLP? fuck no.

the most annoying/boring thing i have ever watched, i seriously don't get how people can give JRPG voices shit when they absolutely love MLP...

but whatever floats your boat i guess.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
Bubble Berry said:
Matthew94 said:

You all know what's coming...

I don't watch it and don't intend to, the fad seems to be dying off. Well it's not as noticible anymore.
Dying off? We're bigger than ever, everyone has just gone to their respective sites!

OT: Look at my avatar.
Yeah, aside from the (largely) occasional avatar, it's just that they're more sticking the dedicated brony sites/forums instead of crapping out MLP pics on every single thread on a website, like some did (Note that I said SOME, and by that I mean a small minority of bronies, have nothing against those who didn't/don't).

OT: Nope.avi. It's just not a show that I'd really be into. As long as the board doesn't get flooded with pictures of it, I'm fine with references or jokes made about it though.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
Pony threads do nothing but give us bad publicity. Just thought I'd say that before I bail out.


Constant Contrarian
Nov 20, 2009
As i never use to say "Only the insane can be strong. Only the strong can truly judge what is sane."

All hail Princess Luna of the Night!
For the Brotherhood of the Moon!


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Matthew94 said:
You all know what's coming...

I don't watch it and don't intend to, the fad seems to be dying off. Well it's not as noticible anymore.
Flame wars are a'brewing. Also, not a fad, I had to state this about 90 times now just so others won't say it again and again. MANY of the people who watch the show and enjoy, over 90% DO enjoy it for what it is, but I can almost guarantee 90 times out of 10, people just hate on the show with little to no good reason, or decent reason, but that's not my point, no, not a fad if the people who like the show geniuenly LIKE the show.

Barley Seed said:
No, I don't watch it because I'm not an absolute pansy.
Since your new, I'll just give you a warning, mate. Insulting is generally against the rules, so I would advice not doing it.

Whenever I have a down day, I'll watch 5 minutes of it to make myself happy again, so no, I really don't watch it often, BUT I DO watch it occasionally.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
Togs said:
Please not another goddamn pony thread, next time use the search function for the countless horde of previous topics.
If you want somewhere to gush and squee about a kids tv show the escapist has its own forum group, which again the use of the search function could find.
Soooooo...I'm guessing you.....don't like the show?


Constant Contrarian
Nov 20, 2009
Vangaurd227 said:
Yes and i'm a guy.
Pony's have to be the single greatest thing in the history of the universe.
Yeah and what he said.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
I don't mind pony threads (of course) - but they need a little more discussion than a poll as simple (And clearly skewed, I reckon people who watch the show are more likely to enter to see the results than those with no interest) as this.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
Master_of_Oldskool said:
No, and I'm frankly disgusted by it. Any show where a pack of quirky, bubbly extroverts finds a quiet, introverted person and tries to "bring her out of her shell" as though enjoying one's solitude is some sort of horrible crime against nature gives me the desire to punch things.
Honestly, I had this worry when I first started to watch the show. I'm fairly introverted, and the idea that it's a very good thing to make as many friends as possible drives me nuts. I was pleasantly surprised, the point of show is less "introversion is bad" and more "Being completely removed from all social interactions is unhealthy", which I agree with.

OT: I really like the show, I was actually just watching part of an episode in the background when I saw this thread, and I'm male. But despite this, I think the threads on the escapist should stop. If there were still people who hadn't heard about the show, that'd be one thing, but practically everyone on this site either likes it or hates it. There's not really any middle ground, and these threads almost always degenerate into a flame war between the two sides.


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2010
Two weeks ago, I would've labeled the show as a cancer to the internet and the equivalent to a rainbow-splashed Mongol Horde conquering the online realm with aggressive love and tolerance. I distanced myself from the show mainly because I thought the majority of its fans were furries, and because the show was aimed primarily for young girls.
But then for the craziest of reasons, last week I decided to watch the first two episodes.

I currently have watched every single episode of the show, and I livestreamed the most recent episode online. My computer currently has two tabs open to Equestria Daily and one tab to a piece of MLP fanfiction.

What can I say? It's really that awesome.