Poll: Does the use of a sniper rifle excuse camping?


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Camping is a strategy, just like running in guns blazing is a strategy. Each one has their own benefits and downsides, and should both be looked at as viable options, depending on the situation.

Sniper rifles are, let's face it, camping weapons. They're powerful, but you have to line up a headshot, and that isn't easy to do while moving. Even in Halo, a standing sniper is probably more accurate than a running one, so there is no point in whining about it. The same applies to many other weapons.

The key is knowing when to use each strategy. If you stand over in a corner the whole game, then everyone is going to know where you are, and you'll have to deal with bullets and grenades flying your way after a short while. Similarly, if you charge straight into battle the whole game, you're going to start eating bullets like there is no tomorrow. Sometimes, you just have to hold back and wait for them to come to you, and sometimes you have to go to them. That's just the way it works.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
I'm afraid I can't vote on your poll-thingy. Not because I have anything against it, but you forgot to include grenades.

Here's what I think about any sort of multi-player wargame FPS (of even TPS) and the camping issue. Yes, you can probably go wild with their spawny-points, but the point is to have fun. Racking up kills just for numbers is more like work. 'Sides, people don't just suddenly flit in out of nowhere in real war. Killing 'em on the spot is better left in the happened-to-come-upon-them-coincidentally train of thought.

But I accept sniper rifles and grenades for that sport without question. Why? Skills and luck. It's no REAL fun to just stand there and mow down anyone stepping off the spawn-point. This is war! Show me some tactics! A sniper rifle or indeed grenades is fair in the fact that you could miss almost as often as you hit. Throws a degree of chaos in there.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Normally, I don't mind camping. Makes it easier for me to rack up some kills. I play Combat Arms, and almost every map has a decent snipe point that each team can use effectively. Spawn camping is simply griefing in another form, as you're not even giving the other team a chance to fight back. Only time I get pissed off about it is when people are using 1-hit guns.

Definition for those that don't play Combat Arms:
1-hit gun: A weapon that can kill in 1 hit, no matter what the location on the body or the relative damage it should actually do. This means that getting shot in the toe will do the same amount of damage as getting shot in the head.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
MetallicaRulez0 said:
If we're talking about MW2, camping is never acceptable unless you are literally the last person alive on your team in SnD. I don't care if you're sniping or not, quick scopes are too easy for camping to be necessary.
Ok next time I use a sniper rifle in S and D ill be sure to charge straight at you with it >_>


New member
Nov 27, 2009
I hate when I just randomly get shot by a sniper that I had no chance of defending myself against because the guy plays the game more than me and found a place to hide and camp where I would never ever see them. But thats probably my fault for sucking at fps's


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Snipers aren't that great unless the enemy doesn't know you're there. Camping with a sniper allows cover and a way to surprise enemies. Although after you kill several people from the same spot, you won't have the element of surprise.

Also I answered sub-machine guns because then you're acting more like a stationary turret which can be a good strategy for defending a base.


New member
Jun 14, 2009
I don't necessarily hate camping. It's a strategy. And a legitimate one.

If you can't beat them, then camp.


New member
Mar 22, 2009
A real sniper in any FPS would kill a target then move from his AO. This prevents him from being zeroed-in on and keeps the enemy wondering where the next shot will come from.

However, since this doesn't happen, feel free to snipefag. I'll find you.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Hate games where camper has the advantage.
Well imagine this, You are your enemy can see each other, but your 20 feet apart and to get a kill you need to maneuver closer together, and it is either the enemy or you move. You wait a minute and no one moves, and you hate idea of playing like this, sacrificing fun for a cheap tactic, so you move in... and sadly get killed... Why I hate camping... So very much...

Edit: I should of replaced you with "I" probably. I also don't blame the player for taking the advantage as much as I blame the creators for not preventing this.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
MetallicaRulez0 said:
If we're talking about MW2, camping is never acceptable unless you are literally the last person alive on your team in SnD. I don't care if you're sniping or not, quick scopes are too easy for camping to be necessary.
If the game has any semblance of balance then it shouldn't be anything less than acceptable. In previous call of duty games camping was a great way to get shot (especially in SD).

Basicially, it's unfair to spawn camp in maps with static respawns. Other than that, if camping gives a significant strategy over playing sensibly (picking a good spot, picking off a few people and moving on before they have time to retaliate and/or working within a team) then the game has serious balance issues. What weapon your using is irrelivant.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
FROGGEman2 said:
How else do you play with a sniper?

Like, how?
M40 w/ Acog, Wetwork. Destroy.
You don't need to camp ever. Camping is just lazy and an excuse for no skill.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
tellmeimaninja said:
Camping is perfectly acceptable in all games. Seriously, it seems that I'm the only one who understands why they give you grenades...
I agree with you, but what about realistic games where your effective range isn't far enough and you don't have cover. (Let's assume there are no smokes.)


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Donnyp said:
grimsprice said:

If you don't like it. Stop playing.

What would you do in a real battle?
Real Battle is different. Camping isn't a Legitimate Strategy.

I'm gonna aim at one spot and wait till a target moves into it....Yeah. Good Strategy.

Camping is Camping. If i ever (god forbid) make a video game and you take the sniper rifle and don't move your reticle or move in general for more then 2 seconds a big smoke signal comes off you and your stuck in a small Florescent tent. Only thing worse then camping is people who whine when someone uses the shotgun. I don't but it pisses me off when they say it takes no skill. If they camp then no skill and if they don't they gotta get pretty close up to shoot you effectively.
Thats actually a difference in definition. To me, camping is staying somewhere you can cover a large courtyard or gully, hiding in a bush or between some boxes. IN OTHER WORDS, what snipers in real life do.

Yes, people who doorway or corner camp are as bad as spawn campers.


Hail, Ilpalazzo!
Jan 26, 2009
I agree that it is a legitimate strategy. It is also an easy strategy to defeat, just work out where they are camping and it is an easy kill.