Poll: Does the use of a sniper rifle excuse camping?

HE Starwind

New member
May 14, 2009
People only don't like camping because they end up dieing from someone camping. Everyone finds an excuse to the loss of a game.

Evil Tim

New member
Apr 18, 2009
Iron Mal said:
In my opinion a good sniper should be able to take a shot, move to another location, take another shot, move to another location and so on and so forth (you know, what actual real life snipers would do in a battle).
Well, that would depend. If he's got a supply of magical one-way portable walls [sometimes known as 'BF2 Claymores'] even a real sniper probably wouldn't bother moving. Plus it would depend on if he actually can relocate easily from his current position without exposing himself. He might also be banking on being able to shoot his enemies before they can shoot him / figure out where he is / report his position to a third party as opposed to mobility to keep him alive.

The bedded-down sniper in a prepared position he doesn't move from happens just as often as the mobile kind.

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
HE Starwind said:
People only don't like camping because they end up dieing from someone camping. Everyone finds an excuse to the loss of a game.
While it is true that people will often find an excuse for why it was someone else's fault I will draw the line for this at campers because, along with excessive use of sniper rifles, grenades and other unsporting 1-hit kills that most games will happily hand you, getting killed by them doesn't show a lack of skill on your part as much of a lack of luck and the absence of a sense of sportsmanship from the killer.

My usual rule for judging what I feel is fair in a game or not is as follows:

Imagine you are playing splitscreen (LAN for those of you on PC) with a friend or sibling, now imagine that your friend did something like camp for the entire game (you're just playing for fun yet he's still using a tactic that's often defended by people who claim 'it helps me win'), would you be slightly annoyed after enough repeated deaths in this way? Do you think it's fair? Would he think it would be fair if you did it to him?

If it would piss off someone you're playing with in person then why do you think that simply being in a different country will make them see things your way?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I like to do some sniper camping, but it's easy to forget your fighting against humans, and humans learn very quickly...for the most part.

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
Evil Tim said:
Iron Mal said:
In my opinion a good sniper should be able to take a shot, move to another location, take another shot, move to another location and so on and so forth (you know, what actual real life snipers would do in a battle).
Well, that would depend. If he's got a supply of magical one-way portable walls [sometimes known as 'BF2 Claymores'] even a real sniper probably wouldn't bother moving. Plus it would depend on if he actually can relocate easily from his current position without exposing himself. He might also be banking on being able to shoot his enemies before they can shoot him / figure out where he is / report his position to a third party as opposed to mobility to keep him alive.

The bedded-down sniper in a prepared position he doesn't move from happens just as often as the mobile kind.
I see the point you're making but I still have to disagree, if nothing else wasn't the gilly suit in CoD4 and MW2 supposed to enable snipers to subtlely move from position to another (if used effectively and if the person in question knows what they're doing)?

Evil Tim

New member
Apr 18, 2009
Iron Mal said:
I see the point you're making but I still have to disagree, if nothing else wasn't the gilly suit in CoD4 and MW2 supposed to enable snipers to subtlely move from position to another (if used effectively and if the person in question knows what they're doing)?
Yes, but you'll find plenty of historical accounts of snipers who counted on concealment to save them rather than moving; one such event is shown in the docu-drama Band of Brothers, for example. A sniper who's surrounded [as game snipers usually are] would be wary of relocating since he doesn't know the new location will be any safer, or that he won't be ambushed along the way. It's fine if he's somewhere like a series of interconnected rooftops with handy chimneys and collapsed sections that let him move around, less so if he's in, say, a tower with no surrounding cover.

There's also cases of snipers simply accepting their death as inevitable and trying to do as much damage with their rifle as they can before they're taken out [ie Japanese snipers in the Pacific, who hardly ever moved from their prepared positions]; given game snipers come back to life after dying, this is a fairly sound approach.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
My personal view on camping is as follows: if you are the sole surviving member of your team in the game yes its okay to hide and pray you don't become butchered. Snipers as mentioned above, I have it in my mind you should strike once or twice run get to a new position and rinse lather repeat until you are killed. I sort of look down on this strategy, yes I called it a strategy because it is a personal choice, I'm not trying to say your horrid for doing it I just personalty wouldn't

HE Starwind

New member
May 14, 2009
Iron Mal said:
HE Starwind said:
People only don't like camping because they end up dieing from someone camping. Everyone finds an excuse to the loss of a game.
While it is true that people will often find an excuse for why it was someone else's fault I will draw the line for this at campers because, along with excessive use of sniper rifles, grenades and other unsporting 1-hit kills that most games will happily hand you, getting killed by them doesn't show a lack of skill on your part as much of a lack of luck and the absence of a sense of sportsmanship from the killer.

My usual rule for judging what I feel is fair in a game or not is as follows:

Imagine you are playing splitscreen (LAN for those of you on PC) with a friend or sibling, now imagine that your friend did something like camp for the entire game (you're just playing for fun yet he's still using a tactic that's often defended by people who claim 'it helps me win'), would you be slightly annoyed after enough repeated deaths in this way? Do you think it's fair? Would he think it would be fair if you did it to him?

If it would piss off someone you're playing with in person then why do you think that simply being in a different country will make them see things your way?
I don't like it when people camp, but it is fair. The fact is if you know someone is camping, does it not help you to realise he could be around every corner? If people choose to camp they can.

Oh yeah just because I'm defending it, doesn't mean I am one of these retarded individuals :p


Queen of France
Mar 14, 2009
firedfns13 said:
FROGGEman2 said:
How else do you play with a sniper


Like, how?
M40 w/ Acog, Wetwork. Destroy.
You don't need to camp ever. Camping is just lazy and an excuse for no skill.
M40 =/= equal sniper.

Bolded for reference.


1000th POST!!!!!!



New member
Oct 3, 2009
Camping is legit with everything,its just the n00bs that spawn camp that get your tits in a twist


New member
Mar 9, 2009
In game, I think pistols and sniper rifles are the only ones that can call camping a legitimate strategy.

In real life however, fuck it, anything goes if you want to stay alive.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
It's a tactic - a fucking clever one too considering the amount of people that ***** and whine about it, because they've been killed by it so many times.

If people are always running down the same route, who wouldn't hide behind a corner and shoot them all in the back until they learn?

Spawn camping is a little different, but let's face it, you're pretty likely to be picked off quite soon.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Avykins said:
Fuck that. I do not care if people whine. Real battle I would hide behind some rocks and just pop off a shot every now and then. Besides finding the perfect spot takes a lot of work. Finding a good defensible position that also has a good vantage point is damn near a artform.
i would have taken your point seriously i you hadn't said 'defensible' at the end!


New member
Apr 8, 2009
Nothing wrong with laying an ambush with any weapon. Anyone who complains about it does so because they're not truly willing to do what it takes to win. Anything within the game is legitimate as far as tactics go.


New member
Jun 30, 2009

U cant call a sniper sitting in a tree a camper.
it´s how u should play the class. (And ofc u should change positions from time to time
to improve it even better)

A camper is someone sitting in a dark corner in some house with a big as machinegun having claymore´s in the only entrance and then sit there aiming at the one door.

But then as many have said, "camping" is a how i should do it irl. I would´t run around try to get kills for my score.

Flying-Emu said:
In my experience, a stationary sniper is a dead sniper.
Hahahah what? i would so smack ur bottom in a game without killcam.


New member
Apr 17, 2008
No difference between protecting a point or position and camping, except the name. Running around every corner you see isn't a good way to defend.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Any SAW is a base of fire weapon, designed to be fired from a position where it can support other troops, ie camping. Camping is the actual way of being a sniper, so I can't understand why some whine about it.

Spawn camping on the other hand, is cheap.