Poll: Does the use of a sniper rifle excuse camping?


New member
Sep 27, 2009
In general, if you can't get around a camper, or take that person out, then you probably shouldn't be playing seriously enough to really whine about any kind of camping.

Earthbound Engineer

New member
Jun 9, 2008
While sniping, it is not a question of if you're camping, but to what degree. The sniper rifle was designed to be used at great distance, while hidden, at a stationary position. However that doesn't mean that you should camp in that position for the entire length of the game, you should always move with your team.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
tellmeimaninja said:
feather240 said:
tellmeimaninja said:
Camping is perfectly acceptable in all games. Seriously, it seems that I'm the only one who understands why they give you grenades...
I agree with you, but what about realistic games where your effective range isn't far enough and you don't have cover. (Let's assume there are no smokes.)
Well, there are many other ways. Camping requires them to stay in one spot. Either flank them, or if you lack the resources, avoid them. If neither of those work, your lack of skill is for more to blame than their camping.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Trivun said:
I think people who spawn camp are as bad as cheaters. Campers who use aimbots are cheaters simply because of the bot. But otherwise? If you mean finding a good position (such as somewhere with a clear view of the one place everyone has to go past to play the map, such as in CTF) and camping there, then it's a legitimate strategy and you can and should use any weapon. I do that myself sometimes. Cmping is perfectly fine, and anyone who complains should consider what would they do if they were in the actual military? Because if you try to run'n'gun against the IRA or the Taliban, you'll die. Quickly. And painfully.

On a side note - I recently played the original Halo, custom edition version, online on PC. I was on a classic map, Ice Fields, and was being driven in a Warthog as the gunner. The vehicle in question had a rocket turret that I was using. I killed someone on the opposing team, he instantly called me a noob and said that rockets don't take any skill to use. Bearing in mind I was being driven around erratically, I use a laptop without an actual mouse (I have a touchpad) so aiming is very iffy, and I was trying to shoot at a moving target, meaning that a degree of skill was involved in killing the guy. I killed him more with other weapons in the game and he got annoyed. My question to you people is, was he right? I get the feeling he was a whiny 14 year old who couldn't play Custom Edition on XBL so he decided to troll a few PC servers, and got pissed off because he was crap. Who agrees with me, or with him?
i agree with you.
although how is sniping with a barrett .50 cal considered a noob?


New member
Jul 2, 2009
You can't really stop it, but I think it shows a lack of creativity and skill outside of sniping, or they're just being lazy. However, a good sniper will be roaming, whether that's the traditional, get a few kills, relocate, repeat, or just walking around with a sniper rifle.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
DtDust said:
sasquatch99 said:
And how does using the Barrett mean you suck at sniping, period?
With the major one shot kill sniper rifles, you should only need one shot
That doesn't make sense...why exactly is it that using the Barrett makes you a bad sniper? Because that just seems to be wild opinion to me.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Unless this is Counter Strike or a COD SD match where you have but one life the person "camping" should be on the move well after firing.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I think camping is boring. Sitting in one spot waiting for someone to come by is stupid. Screw K/D I rather be running around looking for people. I hate non-sniper campers. The ones that pick weird spots then sit there the whole game. If I figure out where they are first thing I do is kill em. Then Ill check back every so often and make sure they didn't go back.

ThisTypeofThinking said:
You can't really stop it, but I think it shows a lack of creativity and skill outside of sniping, or they're just being lazy. However, a good sniper will be roaming, whether that's the traditional, get a few kills, relocate, repeat, or just walking around with a sniper rifle.
IMO its being lazy or bad. I have no respect for the people who pick the odd spots and just sit there with something stupid like a machine pistol or a smg and pick off people to far away. I think the best snipers are the ones who never take more then a few shots a spot. They have 4-5 spots over the whole map they run to making it hard to find them.


Sep 5, 2009
Bato said:
As long as you don't spawn camp, I'm cool with it.
Same here.

Camping can be necessary at points - I recall winning rounds in CS:S where I was the last man vs up to 5 T's because I camped, moved, camped, moved, etc until the whole lot of them were dead. What else can you do? Go Leroy Jenkins status and get slaughtered?


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
As long as the game doesn't have a predetermined spawning area camping (like armored front in FEAR 2)is a fine strategy with any weapon. I don't have the patience for it but if you do go nuts.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Flying-Emu said:
In my experience, a stationary sniper is a dead sniper.
This, just... This.

Especially in some of the faster FPSs, like Unreal Tournament.

Evil Tim

New member
Apr 18, 2009
Chester41585 said:
A real sniper in any FPS would kill a target then move from his AO.
No, he'll move from his hide. To leave his AO would require the player fire once and then disconnect from the server.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
as i learned early on in Call of Duty, camping is only good if your a ninja. and from my experience, i have yet to see a ninja in a fps.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
There are two kinds of tactics: Those that make me win and those that make me lose.

If you're winning because of various camping tactics, cool. No adjustment necessary.

If camping is making you lose, then adjust your tactics.

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
Now call me out of touch if you must but I don't think that 'sniper-like behavior' could be described as finding one good spot and staying rooted there for the entire game (that is camping whether you want to admit it or not).

In my opinion a good sniper should be able to take a shot, move to another location, take another shot, move to another location and so on and so forth (you know, what actual real life snipers would do in a battle).

Of course, engaging in real sniper-like behavior rather than the pussy approach that is just labeled 'sniper-like behavior' would be difficult and require the use of more skills than simply hitting a moving target (that is probably not shooting back at you anyway).


New member
Sep 12, 2008
As you said, the OP, Halo 3 is different with a sniper. Personally i think that if a person is having great success in a camping situation then let them. It just makes me more keen to murder them. Hell if i picked up a shotgun inside a small area then i would definitely use it to my advantage.

At the end of it if someone has the area and the patience then let them.