Poll: First Kiss.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
I think its funny how i can get my friends to get naked for me (nothing else to it)
and ive never had my first kiss


New member
Jul 3, 2009
I'm 16 and no kiss yet

I have my first date next week though, but I don't expect a kiss out of it, She's cute so I hope I don't screw up.

It has also given me a weird feeling of excitedness and nervousness at the same time which makes my stomach churn.


New member
May 24, 2009
Grayl said:
I kissed loads of girls when I was 4 to about 7, but I don't count them. My first kiss was with my current girlfriend. We were sat on her bed just talking... and I leaned in to kiss her. Was nice.

I actually think kissing is overrated. It's nice, and I think I'll remember it forever, but still...

I'm in love with her, I take her for granted and only when I'm away from her to I realise that I miss her so much. But I actually think love is a little overrated too... and sex... and women... and games... and TV... and... the Earth... and everything... everything ever...

Nah, just joking. But you get over your first kiss pretty soon, the same as losing your virginity. I did, at least. I was alone for AGES and thought that getting a girlfriend would change EVERYTHING, but it doesn't. Well, not your personality, anyway. It did change my life though.

I have no idea where I'm going with this. I think my point is that simple things like holding hands and kissing is, unfortunately, something you get over and take for granted pretty easily. Only when you lose those things do you realise how good they are.

So, I guess what I'm saying is... try not to take them for granted. Being in love is one of the best experiences of your life, and I think it can beat anything out there, even a truly awesome game!

I feel special to have shared my first kiss with my current girlfriend that I love more than anything in the world.
man idk what you're talking about

lol, i was 14 and we had been dating for 3 days.

we we're at an elementary school, and all my friends were there, and they
decided to cheer me on to kiss her.

I was really nervous too..

but it turned out to be amazing. Sparks flew, and all that good shit.

well i guess the first kiss is supposed to be a peck or something simple.. but we
went out into a full out make out. right there in front of all my friendss. I felt so cool ahaha

we then dated for 3 months.. i was in love with that girl. every kiss and every moment with her was amazing.

than she dumped me.

over all it was great.. took me a while to get over her though..


New member
Oct 8, 2007
My first kiss, I was around 7 and was dating the boy down the street lol We where under his picnic table and had dragged one of those little kiddy swimming pools under to lay in. We kissed and I made the mistake of telling my parents. lol I got the whole was it open mouth, on the lips or on the cheek oral. lol thats also around when I stopped telling my parents things. I still remember his name as well. Good times.



New member
Jun 19, 2009
i was 8-9 and i went to my grandparents cabin in the county. We went to the river one day and there was this 11 year old named rachel. i seduced her with my lady killer perk and she kissed me. she wasnt that attractive though...


New member
Jun 26, 2009
The first one for me, I was 14 I believe. We were at Pizza Hut with her family and she got the keys so she could warm up the car, I went with her and while waiting.... yeah.

Honestly, not that great and she dumped me a week later.


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
Baby Tea said:
First kisses are so over rated. Certain kisses rock your world, but so rarely are they your first, from stories I've heard.
It's true enough.


New member
May 21, 2009
Mine was when I was 14 (DON'T JUDGE ME!) I was in a movie theater with a couple of friends, and my one friend had just broken up with her boy friend. We had been talking through the whole movie. Halfway through she kind of jumps at a scary part in the movie and we just kissed.


Elite Member
Oct 30, 2008
Major_Sam said:
piers789 said:
It was with a girl that I'd liked for a long time so I'm gonna remember it for a while. It was in my garden at about 2am in the aftermath of a really good party. We were sat on the grass, the music was low, most people had passed out and we sat talking for a while and then we just sort of leaned towards one another and...
*sigh* So cute...*fuzzy feeling*

I hated mine so much that it doesn't count. It was about 3am after a party and we started to snuggle and such but he hadn't made a move yet. I was getting a little impatient (we had been going out for months) so I said to him, "Kiss me" and you know what he said? "No"...My heart snapped in two. "Why not?" I ask. "I dunno" he replies. Then he gives me a quick peck on the lips and he went to sleep. I can't stand him anymore.

So that doesn't count and I can't wait for a proper one so I can forget about that one.
That is really bad. Though if you were going out for months then how had you not have kissed up to that point?

"I dunno" is not a valid excuse, especially given the circumstances. If I were you I wouldn't count that at all.


New member
May 6, 2009
Remember it well and always will.

Not because it was magical, but because it was positively weird.

I just remember a mash of lips and tongue and thinking "This is supposed to be fun?!"

Granted, I learned to like it ;)


New member
Jul 15, 2008
My first was in the train heading home after school with my first GF.
(at age 18, I know, I suck)

Anyway the reason escapes me at present, but she leaned over and kissed me.
I think my heart and mind literally stopped for that single moment in time, burning it into my mind, and I remember feeling giddy as a schoolgirl walking the last stretch home from the trainstation. (she needed to travel a few stops further than me)

Quite a magical moment in my memory and a most wonderful feeling, and one I'll treasure, probably forever.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
Heh, I remember my first kiss very well. I was four or five and in preschool, and the teacher left the room. Suddenly, one of the boys stood up, grabbed me by my shirt, hauled me to my feet, announced, "You're my girlfriend!" and kissed me in front of everyone.

He let me go and I dropped down to my seat in angry shock just as the teacher walked in, and I glared and him and fumed through the entire class.

When class was over, it was playtime outside, and that idiot boy knew enough to run. I chased him all over the playground, and it ended when he went one way around the slide and instead of following I went the other way around, and she he ended up running, no kidding, right into the fist I had readied to punch him in the stomach. Down he went gasping for air and curled up in a fetal position, and I put my hands on my hips and yelled loud enough for everyone to hear, "I AM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" (complete with angry head wave) and stomped off angrily, my revenge fully taken and good name repaired.

So there you are. My first kiss and how one little boy learned never, ever kiss a girl without asking her first. XD


New member
Aug 27, 2008
piers789 said:
Major_Sam said:
piers789 said:
It was with a girl that I'd liked for a long time so I'm gonna remember it for a while. It was in my garden at about 2am in the aftermath of a really good party. We were sat on the grass, the music was low, most people had passed out and we sat talking for a while and then we just sort of leaned towards one another and...
*sigh* So cute...*fuzzy feeling*

I hated mine so much that it doesn't count. It was about 3am after a party and we started to snuggle and such but he hadn't made a move yet. I was getting a little impatient (we had been going out for months) so I said to him, "Kiss me" and you know what he said? "No"...My heart snapped in two. "Why not?" I ask. "I dunno" he replies. Then he gives me a quick peck on the lips and he went to sleep. I can't stand him anymore.

So that doesn't count and I can't wait for a proper one so I can forget about that one.
That is really bad. Though if you were going out for months then how had you not have kissed up to that point?

"I dunno" is not a valid excuse, especially given the circumstances. If I were you I wouldn't count that at all.
It was horrible huh? It really hurt me. Why we hadn't done it after months of dating? I don't know, you'll have to ask him. We both hadn't really gone out with anyone before each other so we weren't so great at the whole dating thing.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
In the Pony Club grounds on one of the walks I'd go for with this friend of mine who lived around the corner. We'd just chill and shoot the shit while holding hands and whatnot, then one night she kissed me.


Resident Mario sprite
Jun 18, 2008
Spin the bottle at the age of.. Uhm.. 7 or 8, I think.

Not that very special, but sure, I remember it.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
My first kiss was when I was 15, it was with my first proper girlfriend. I will remember it due to it being in the woods, bathed with warm summer rays.

Good times.
