Poll: First Kiss.


New member
May 16, 2009
sky14kemea said:
not had mine yet X3

"surely not!" i hear you all cry, but its true :p i havent even held hands with anyone yet

ah well, c'est la vie
Haven't had mine yet :b

I share this post with Sky14kemea

You can laugh all you want but I dont care. Plus I dont count little pecks from when I was 6 as a kiss.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
About two and a half months ago with my then-girlfriend. We were watching the first Fast and Furious (she did want to watch it), but I only realised after she had left that it is probably the least romantic film ever. Oh well, t'was good :)


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Don't really remember mine, the two that I'm trying to pinpoint sort of overlapped. And both are not very attractive now, so i'm sol either way.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
Agent Larkin said:
Haven't had one. Won't have one. Will die a miserable bastard at the age 46.
HA lolz, seems to me that most of my friends my friends had theirs at a relatively young age mine as i said before was at 16 but the friends were around the 12 age so i suppose the next question is what is the 'right' age to have your 'first kiss' and what constitutes as your 'first kiss'? I suppose what we should say is that our 'first kiss' is the first kiss we have with a person that we want an intimate relationship with BUT then we have to go back to the age thing when can you call them 'boyfriend and girlfriend'? there are lots of problems!! ^_^


New member
Jul 1, 2009
RyQ_TMC said:
Flying-Emu said:
My first kiss made a lass a lesbian. Same with the second. I've only had one relationship where it didn't end with the girl switching sexualities. Therefore, I've deduced that I'm either the unluckiest bastard around, or I'm very very bad at kissing or rather effeminate.
So, you're what we call a gaytalyst... Har har harrr... (Wednesday midnight humour)

Back to the topic, it's probably too late for an edit to my first post, so I'll say this: I also distinctly remember my other "first" kiss. It was a girl I'd had a crush on for six years. We were in the same class, but I never actually mustered up the courage to ask her out, and whenever I tried talking to her I couldn't get more than two sentences out before panicking and running away or someone more interesting chatting her up.
And then, one day, she had the cutest haircut, and looked so hot, so I decided to do it. I just walked up to her and kissed her. She kissed back and it was so passionate and romantic, all my fantasies come true!

And... uh... Then I woke up. My second best-remembered dream.
Wah Waahhhhhhhhh...

nothing here yet, not suprised. Most girls are scared of my height and theres the fact I can't speak around them, so YAY I'm GIRL-RETARDED ^_^


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Was very memorable...went like this: (I will describe first proper kiss (snog), not the peck you give ur mum in the morning =D)

Me and my new girilfriend Lauren had been together like 2 weeks. She had told me she loves me, which, well, stunned me to be honest. I was a bit like, nervous i guess 'cause you know, she likes me this much...but i wanted to hold on to the relationship. We went swimming one time soon after and i kissed her (ordinary kiss), then she did the classic movie thing of pulling me back to her and kissing me for longer. Better than the movies, my friends. Much better. LOL.

Will always remember it. We were sat under the Jacuzi at the time, with the water flowing like a waterfall to our left, lovely stone wall to our right. It was so romantic and...well...awesome. Also in a rather gratuitous way, our song (noah and the whale-5 years time) was playing over the intercom. It all just seemed to work towards that kiss.

=D damn, got all misty eyed there...


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Well, my first kiss was with my first girlfriend back when I was 12 or 13 (she was about the same age). It was in my room and it was a little awkward because I didn't know what standard procedure was; do I ask or do I take one? So I asked and she said yes and it was really cute (you know, in hindsight). But I screwed up that relationship pretty bad, and the worst thing was she was also my best friend before we started going out, and we've lost contact since. What is even more depressing is that she told me she liked me at the start of the previous year, and I told her I liked her almost a full year later during the holidays via email. Shows how brave and manly I am.

My first real kiss was with my close friend's thirteen year old sis(I was and am 17, by the way). I know, I know, let me finish, then judge me. We had sorta been going out for a little while, and my friend (her brother, who didn't know about us) invited me over for the night. She didn't know I was coming over and she had invited her friend over for the night too. We all ended up watching a movie in the lounge room. I sat next to her, but didn't do anything that might raise suspicion. About half way through the movie, she puts her head on my shoulder. My friend and her friend crack a couple jokes but she doesn't move. After the movie ends, my friend and her friend go off to bed, so the both of us are just sitting there in the dark with our arms around each other. Eventually she kisses me on the cheek, then I turn and kiss her on the lips, and then she kisses me again, and then we start......

She dumped me about a month later because she liked my best friend (who didn't know about us either and didn't care that she liked him). Part of me hates her, but part of me still likes her:). I'm stupid like that. lol


New member
May 23, 2009
'twas made of win.

Lol, I was like.. 8, and so was she. In fact I don't even remember who she was or what school I was at, go figure. I just remember enjoying it.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Can there be an option in the poll for "I can remember it like it was yesterday but I wish I couldn't"? XD


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Lopunny said:
Can there be an option in the poll for "I can remember it like it was yesterday but I wish I couldn't"? XD
Changing the poll now would be rather pointless :p


New member
Apr 30, 2009
Ultrajoe said:
Labyrinth said:
Ultrajoe said:
I thought we agreed that this would by a private love, my sweet.
Oh here we go. Now it'll be Putin versus Ultrajoe over Nuke. I'll get the camera.
My phallic symbol is greater. It's a chaingun chaingun. I win.

Also, my accent is the charmer.
You're australian, you're accent is like a cheese grater being used on the ears.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
My first peck was when i was 5 during a game of kiss chase (hindsight makes me laugh that I used to run away from the girls I fancied who wanted to kiss me.) My first real kiss was when I was 13 while playing a game of spin the bottle, she ended up being my first real girlfriend as well.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
I'm nearly 18 and I still havent had it, despite all the girlfriends that I've had in the past. -.-